Posts Tagged ‘new visions’

Peace to all, since I have been introduced to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his Neothink literature…

Peace to all, since I have been introduced to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his Neothink literature it brought new visions to my life things that involve us all as a people it taught me to dig deeper into the mind from which all things came so shall it return studying Mr. Hamilton’s literature brings one out of that triple stage of darkness which is dishonesty, illusions, and mysticisms.

The new Twelve Visions Party will let the people decide

The new Twelve Visions Party will let the people decide how to live and survive. They will have the tools to work for themselves or it they choose someone else. Freedom without the numerous restrictions will mean more happiness for all.
This movement is what the world needs to stop the career politicians who do nothing but collect unearned paychecks. This party will put people in Washington who do not need bribes to live on. These newly elected will have the people at heart not just their own pockets.

New Visions!


As each idea came into my mind, I could see the picture being put together, piece by piece. And THEN IT HAPPENED! There it was in a flash, RECOGNITION and UNDERSTANDING, I KNEW the other pieces that must also fall into place! I could SEE THE FUTURE, because once you see the shape and the picture, you just know what else is coming… WHAT an AMAZINGLY Beautiful Future you will discover in Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature! Thank you! I’m Breathless!

Thank you Mark Hamilton from New Jersey

On January 23,2010, I went to the New Jersey Super Club meeting. There were two parts. The first part was the regular meeting – always very interesting and informative. I always learn something new to enhance my life. The second part was the celebration of the New Jersey Twelve Visions Party being the first State to be completely set up to place candidates on the ballot at election time in New Jersey. All the State requirements have been meet. Mark Hamilton made a telephone call thanking each member for the contribution to this great achievement. Mark Hamilton was the inspiration for this great accomplishment. The members of the New Jersey Club are all self-leaders I look up to and feel inspired to emulate. Thank you Mark Hamilton and thank you members of New Jersey’s Twelve Visions Party.

New York City

The new Twelve Visions Party® will be a welcome contrast to the current “Collection Government

Because of Mark Hamilton and his fantastic literature I am now a self leader:

I want “a Protection only Government “verses “a Collection only Government:”

I am a 90 % disabled “warrior Mormon Monk” because of the “Collection only Government” we are under now and the Zion Occupational Government:

The new Twelve Visions Party® will be a welcome contrast to the current “Collection Government.”

I now know how to legally replace and/or shutdown the I.R.S. and its divisions:

I am the Founder of “The Secret Snake Style:”

The new “Military School of Genius’s” will outperform the current military.

I want to personally thank my mentor Mark Hamilton for that entire work he has done for me and is still doing and is creating for me.

Mark Hamilton is my true friend.

I consider all who go against my friend as an enemy:

I believe in “Best Friends, Worst Enemies.”

If anyone wishes to attack Mark Hamilton, Please consider attacking me first:


Ralph Merritt:

March 2025