Posts Tagged ‘new thinking’

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

The benefits are extremely difficult to put on paper because it is so extensive it permeates my very existence. I have hope I have never felt before. I have never been in favor of our government because it does not represent the beliefs of our forefathers of our country. The whole reason they came to “the new land” was in hope flee from taxation without representation. The only hope I ever had was the Libertarian party but my vote never counted when I voted that way. This new party gives more than hope. I know there are bound to be obstacles to the progress of this political party. Just look at all the conspiracy theories of our government. I am not even very politically inclined but with all that I have been learning it is a very important step to our true freedom to address the government. I do not wish to lose my new found hope. I do not wish to lose the chance to excel in every area of my life. Our world needs new thinking and new concepts that validate “WE THE PEOPLE”. For how can we actually develop schools of geniuses??? How do our children survive when we ourselves are struggling with the current set-up.
For the first time in my life I can say that there is a true way to develop a life worth living. Why is it that most heart attacks ending in death occur on Monday morning?? Why does our life create such intense reaction to the point of death??? That is just wrong to leave people with such stress and over anxiety that life is cut short because of our current societies set up!!! So many things are wrong. Like the study of many illnesses and diseases that have no cure yet because the treatment of them makes more money than the cure. Why is it that the development of medical progress is dependent on financial gain verses true cures. So many questions unanswered. Why are we living in such stress that many lives are unnecessarily cut short?
In the short time I have spent with neothinkers all my hopes are addressed. I am more than welcomed. I am a valued member. I have met some of the most dynamic individuals through the society that have added extreme value to my life. I feel a very intense connection that creates value and insight into my own live. I never felt so much value in my life before. The things I have been learning go beyond the law of attraction. Rather than manifesting good. With neothink I am manifesting not just a tidal wave but a tsunami of totally awesome and rewarding benefits!!
I plan to continue learning and expanding my mind with the hope that Neothink will win. Neothink has to win for all of us. If we are trampled by our government then the United States government can only be compared to the actions taken at Tienanmen Square in Communist China- against their own youth (neothinkers) . This is so shameful because the Neothinkers were trampled over by tanks and murdered by their Country because of their protest. Let us protest and the wrath of the United States government will trample beyond imagined torture. We fund Trillions of dollars to the government and to think that the government will not retaliate is delusional. Mark Hamilton will provide wisdom and strategies to expose the United States government for what it is. Not only he will require protection but protection will come. Unknown how this will come about but it will. It will be manifested as strong as a tsunami since we will need to blast through in similar fashion. Who will be prepared for what will hit them??? The power of it is beyond imagination. In order to win we cannot be quiet little lambs led to be slaughtered. We will have to roar like the lion.
And remember the great words of Thomas Jefferson when he said “WE THE PEOPLE”. We the neothinkers are “THE PEOPLE”.
Angie R

I am an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…

My name is Dan C. I am the CEO of Cates Sheet Metal Industries in Kansas City. I am an apprentice of Mark Hamilton and I have read thousands of pages of text, sometimes over and over, but I am now assured that the Twelve Vision Party is the only way that America can survive. I was reading a document and I was hit extremely hard by some of the questions that were asked. The question that hit me the hardest was that we are in a “war of two worlds” and did I think that the Muslims had already won the war after 9/11? The explanation that was presented was that one and one half billion Muslims think that they won. After reading this I did other research and to my dismay I found that in Europe 90% of all the immigration is Muslim. By 2025, one out of every five people will be Muslim. In less than 39 years France will be a Muslim Country with nuclear power; Germany will be Muslim by 2050. Currently, one out of every five people in Russia is a Muslim and 40% of the Russian Army is Muslim. By 2025, one out of every three children born in Europe will be Muslim. Today there are 52,000,000 Muslims in Europe and that will double in less than ten years. In the USA, there were 900,000 Muslims in 1970 and today there are 9,000,000 and growing. The really scary situation is that our President is probably still a Muslim at heart, and has shown huge tendencies towards Socialism and Fascism. It is clear to me that Liberalism/Conservatism is a culture of the past and cannot deal with the changing world. The only way out of our near future problem (destruction) is the Twelve Vision Party, Mark Hamilton and Neo-think. The platform of the Twelve Vision Party cannot be argued with and even the Muslims cannot deal with “new thinking”. It is not left wing or right wing; it’s direction is totally for the people (rich and poor), not the government. The twelve vision party is the only answer to the destructive forces that want larger government, more taxation, and total control of our lives and our children’s lives in the future.
Sincerely – Dan C

Thank You Mark!

Just a few short years ago I was one of those who had no idea where to go, where to turn, what to do!
I had retired from the Navy and reverted to a civilian life – what a social change that was! I had gone through a divorce, losing contact with the children I loved. I had lost my job, lost my friends, felt there was no reason or purpose left in life.
Then, along came Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! I was skeptical at first, but on reading the literature I began to see hope! I learned and grew, applying the new thinking (neothinking) to m life, and began to see hope and love again!
I was one who woke up each day with the first thoughts of “damn — another one”; and now I wake up each day excited and anxious to make further progress, learn more, do more … and create value for myself and those around me.
What a wonderful change from the greatest mentor I have ever known! Mark has become more than just a “teacher”, he has become my “brother”, and my greatest respect goes out to this wonderful individual and the Neothink Society, as well as the Twelve Visions Political party he has envisioned and created!
Mark … I love you, and look forward to the day we can meet face to face, and hug each other like the brothers we are!

From Old Thinking to New Thinking…

Is now the evolutionary journey for the human-race.
Consciousness evolving to a higher level; a new paradigm of a different sort.
One based on reality and objectivism…and away from mysticism of those ignorant in the truer scope of things!
An example of Old Thinking is relying on external authority to tell you what to do or not to do! Example of New Thinking is relying on internal authority…telling you what to addressed or not!
It is all brought in the attitude and understanding brought by Mark Hamilton in his visionary assembles in Neothink!
In Mark Hamilton’s mythology and guidance, you finally become the person you were meant to be…following your bliss of higher purpose; and more profound value sharing!
We exist, again for a reason…in how we incorporate our ideals and dreams into reality… for all to benefit from and prosper!
Away from external forces of society, such as government, religion, familiar groups…as examples of Old Thinking.
To that of going back to the individual core of self for guidance in a mature adult meshing of karma and total honesty!
Happy Sojourning fellow seekers!

Thank You Mark!

Just a few short years ago I was one of those who had no idea where to go, where to turn, what to do!
I had retired from the Navy and reverted to a civilian life – what a social change that was! I had gone through a divorce, losing contact with the children I loved. I had lost my job, lost my friends, felt there was no reason or purpose left in life.
Then, along came Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! I was skeptical at first, but on reading the literature I began to see hope! I learned and grew, applying the new thinking (neothinking) to m life, and began to see hope and love again!
I was one who woke up each day with the first thoughts of “damn — another one”; and now I wake up each day excited and anxious to make further progress, learn more, do more … and create value for myself and those around me.
What a wonderful change from the greatest mentor I have ever known! Mark has become more than just a “teacher”, he has become my “brother”, and my greatest respect goes out to this wonderful individual and the Neothink Society, as well as the Twelve Visions Political party he has envisioned and created!
Mark … I love you, and look forward to the day we can meet face to face, and hug each other like the brothers we are!

Thank You Mark


Just a few short years ago I was one of those who had no idea where to go, where to turn, what to do!

I had retired from the Navy and reverted to a civilian life – what a social change that was! I had gone through a divorce, losing contact with the children I loved. I had lost my job, lost my friends, felt there was no reason or purpose left in life.

Then, along came Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! I was skeptical at first, but on reading the literature I began to see hope! I learned and grew, applying the new thinking (neothinking) to m life, and began to see hope and love again!

I was one who woke up each day with the first thoughts of “damn — another one”; and now I wake up each day excited and anxious to make further progress, learn more, do more … and create value for myself and those around me.

What a wonderful change from the greatest mentor I have ever known! Mark has become more than just a “teacher”, he has become my “brother”, and my greatest respect goes out to this wonderful individual and the Neothink Society, as well as the Twelve Visions Political party he has envisioned and created!

Mark … I love you, and look forward to the day we can meet face to face, and hug each other like the brothers we are!

Thank you for this opportunity…


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for this opportunity, Thank you for your courage; And to whom this may concern, I Theodore Long have formed a relationship with Mark Hamilton my mentor and the “Neothink Society” This is a open honest relationship that to my experience have held true to the directions, principles and integrity promised, to deliver positive growth in Business, Society and Health.
The honesty is accessible to all that are willing to use the Twelve Visions World. The new thinking is bringing order into the lives of many people blessed with the vision of TVP. As The Twelve Vision Party dispel the laws of unhappy gravity, by employing the laws of  liberating, civilizing lift. Here is the New World Now!

In the bond, Theodore L

Thank You mark


Just a few short years ago I was one of those who had no idea where to go, where to turn, what to do!

I had retired from the Navy and reverted to a civilian life – what a social change that was! I had gone through a divorce, losing contact with the children I loved. I had lost my job, lost my friends, felt there was no reason or purpose left in life.

Then, along came Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! I was skeptical at first, but on reading the literature I began to see hope! I learned and grew, applying the new thinking (neothinking) to m life, and began to see hope and love again!

I was one who woke up each day with the first thoughts of “damn — another one”; and now I wake up each day excited and anxious to make further progress, learn more, do more … and create value for myself and those around me.

What a wonderful change from the greatest mentor I have ever known! Mark has become more than just a “teacher”, he has become my “brother”, and my greatest respect goes out to this wonderful individual and the Neothink Society, as well as the Twelve Visions Political party he has envisioned and created!

Mark … I love you, and look forward to the day we can meet face to face, and hug each other like the brothers we are!

This is what I have learned from Mark Hamilton


Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton,

Countless lives have been dramatically changed by the effect of your life’s work. I know because I am one of them. In the beginning, I just knew without question that this was what I had been missing. Mark, I know that you fully understand what I have gone through, but for anyone else whom may happen across this, please open your mind past the 9 to 5, LEFT vs RIGHT world you are ’conditioned’ to and keep reading for just another few minutes: I can remember getting goose bumps and feeling my blood move through my veins in such a way that all I wanted to do was continue reading the 5 or 10 page pamphlet that led me to the first Mark Hamilton literature. I was so excited and pumped up that my only mission was to order this book, and that is just what I did. It was certainly the biggest book I had ever set my mind on reading! The thing is, it was the easiest reading book I had ever read. It sucked me in like the best movie you’ve ever seen. This was in 1998. Since then I have purchased 10 more Mark Hamilton masterpieces.  Each one just as satisfying, reliable, factual, innovative, and FULL of ‘new thinking techniques’- or better known now as Neothink. Something that is as natural as apple pie!!! People do not recieve lessons in Bethinking from the standard education process. Make no mistake, this is no accident! You see, EVERY individual person living in this world today, and all that have EVER lived, at some point or another each realize that what they really crave and desire for themselves and especially their children is really very simple, Perfectly free FREEDOM! This is the essential purpose of consciousness for it leads to everything that matters. For, if I am not FREE then I am not ME!!!!!!!!! This is what I have learned from  Mark Hamilton. And there is so much more to learn and discover, wouldn’t you like to be one of the few to see this? Of course you would. It is only natural. And this is THE point. Mark Hamilton has not ‘invented’ this way of thinking, but he has mastered it. And all he wants is to pass this knowledge down the line “knowing” that as it grows, so will individual FREEDOM!!! THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT COULD EVER WANT TO STOP THIS TRAIN’S MOMENTUM ARE THE SAME PEOPLE THAT HAVE “KNOWINGLY” ELIMINATED THE BRAINS NATURAL NEOTHINKING

CAPABILITY FROM YOUR EDUCATION!!!!!!! So please look at little bit closer at anything calling itself the Neothink Society for it can surely bring a positive influence to you and your children’s existence. And for Earth’s sake, you must inquire about any political movement describing Twelve Visions as a base for the next Party, and do your own research and make your own decisions. If only 60 million Americans would do this, our grandchildren would look at our current “way of things” the same as we view the “dark ages”. Think about it. Research it. Learn it. Because you already know it…

Underdog Chris

My New Thinking


I will provide my testimonial in these short words.

1) Mark Hamilton has mentored me to help me discover who I am with Neothink Essence.
2) Mark Hamilton has shown me how to gain iron grip control of my life through Neothink Discovery.
3) Mark Hamilton has given me insight into the ills that plague our country and humanity through the multi generational manuscripts.
4) Mark Hamilton has given us the Twelve Visions Party that returns our government to protection ONLY!
5) Mark Hamilton is a loving and savvy businessman who knows what we need to do.
6) I only know of one man who has devoted his entire life to understanding and delivering to others the answers we all seek. His name is Mark.

All we have to do is stand behind this great man and usher in the new era of happiness, prosperity and peace.

My Request: Won’t you open your hearts and minds to new thinking that is Neothink? Won’t you do something to make our homes safer for your children and grandchildren? Won’t you join us in this creation of freedom?

March 2025