Posts Tagged ‘new president’


Hello my name is Evelyn M M, I a writing to let the whole world know that I have found something that we all should be involved in.
Its called Neo-think. I have learned so much about all that is going on around me. Mark Hamilton is a man I respect and that voted for president. Yes
I had to write him in, but as you can see as time has gone by with our new president, I am convinced Mr. Hamilton would have been a better choice. He has such a love for the people and really does care about you and me. I have found in reading his material that without Neothink and Jesus, we will always live the way we are now and
the government will rule you. You don’t anyone to rule you. I am grateful that I have read and know the truth. I searched for the truth for such along time and was
about to believe that all was for nothing. Until I read neo-think and learned from Mark Hamilton, I now know that this is not what life is suppose to be. We made
perfectly and were never suppose to live the way people have for centuries. All mankind were made to be treated with love and compassion. Do you see this in the world we
live in. Well I don’t and haven’t ever. I hope you will read with compassion and listen so we can have the lives we were suppose to live. Thank you Evelyn M

My Story about Neothink Society

It has been a year now that I was hand picked to join the Secret Society, the Neothink Society.

I have not put Mark Hamilton’s 12 Visions to a test as yet. I am still thinking about what I want to do with the rest of my life.

I have enjoyed reading all of the Neothink Manuscripts.

The 12 Visions taught me to think for myself instead of letting others think for me. People have the right to think for themselves.

If the Government has it’s way they would regulate every thing we do. I thought this was a free Country, but it seems the new President thinks he should think for us and tell us what to do.

This Health Care Reform Bill is a very bad idea. First of all if we let the Government regulate our Health CAre then what else are they going to try to regulate. Who we can and can not Marry. How many Children we can have and what sex the child should be.
What kind of job we should have.

This type of thinking has to stop and the Neothink Society is just the Society that will pervail.

March 2025