Posts Tagged ‘new paradigm’

From Old Thinking to New Thinking…

Is now the evolutionary journey for the human-race.
Consciousness evolving to a higher level; a new paradigm of a different sort.
One based on reality and objectivism…and away from mysticism of those ignorant in the truer scope of things!
An example of Old Thinking is relying on external authority to tell you what to do or not to do! Example of New Thinking is relying on internal authority…telling you what to addressed or not!
It is all brought in the attitude and understanding brought by Mark Hamilton in his visionary assembles in Neothink!
In Mark Hamilton’s mythology and guidance, you finally become the person you were meant to be…following your bliss of higher purpose; and more profound value sharing!
We exist, again for a reason…in how we incorporate our ideals and dreams into reality… for all to benefit from and prosper!
Away from external forces of society, such as government, religion, familiar groups…as examples of Old Thinking.
To that of going back to the individual core of self for guidance in a mature adult meshing of karma and total honesty!
Happy Sojourning fellow seekers!


The New Paradigm
There is a vortex that would draw us into a downward, unending spiral of death and extinction. It is the world we live in today. But take heart, for the vanguard of truth and honesty is marching forward to bring about the end of these destructive influences once and for all!
We will not be divided and consumed by our petty differences any longer. We will unite, as one, in the common cause of freedom and survival and we will do it as one race; the Human Race. The heart of mankind beats as one.
Mark Hamilton has helped many to become more and more aware of this by the precious information contained in his written work. Without this new knowledge and awareness I would still be lost in the mists of a bicameral mindset, living a short, unfulfilling life, only to die, never knowing why I am or why I was.
Tolerance, compassion, understanding and love has joined together within us now and become an integral part of us. They are our watchwords that we all live by and always hold sacred in our hearts. They are the standards that we march under and always forward, together, in the battle for survival, freedom, growth, and advancement into the better world of our own making.
Come. Now take my hand, and let us journey together into the Twelve Visions World.
The Neothink Society
The Twelve Visions Party

March 2025