Posts Tagged ‘new mentality’

I beg to take a moment of your time to …

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned, Mr. Mark Hamilton and Neothink, how powerful and amazing make change in my life.

I have an extensive experience and education in the restoration of antiques as well as the finishing and refinishing of fine furniture, cabinetry and architectural woodworks. The very scope and diverse nature of the restoration work calls not only for expertise in a number of fields, but also for flexibility and the ability to adapt and apply existing methods to unique and ever-changing situations. Also, I been working in paint-art since 1974, with works in museums and private collections all around the world.

Throughout two years in Neothink with an excellent mentoring of Mark Hamilton, I learn more than I ever did in my life.

Some people ignore that only NT (New-mentality without the creation of problems where none exist) have a solid structure to grow up and the enlightenment its magnificent power.

The Neothink Society will be to cure aging and death. Furthermore knows how much is necessary to move beyond the primitive idea of GODS begin to take responsibility for our actions, for who we really are in essence, to grow up. On the other hand, the stimulation of

Neothink Literature

Here is what I can write about the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton.
I love all the literature from the Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton is a genius! I studied very hard with the multigenerational book and I love it in a big way. It’s so amazing and why not be a member and enjoy life to the fullest by discovering your child of the past. Take it from me as I am a proud member of the Neothink Society! The TVP is the best part! How about getting rich without lifting a finger! Even better yet discover your child of the past who is waiting to be ressurected deep inside your soul. What a beautiful feeling! The wonders never seize in the Neothink Society. You have nothing to loose but a lot to gain. Take it from me I experience the great joy and exileration of discovering the child of the past. Go for it my friends and you will be glad you did. Make the leap into a new mentality called Neothink! Have fun out there my dear friends. The love in the Civilization of the Universe is outstanding,indeed!

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Hi Mark,
I am so excited to be part of the team. I’ve waited a long time to join the neothink society of ultra rich. This was my dream all along and hoping for it to come true very soon through your twelve visions party. I am pleased to finally be able to contact you to tell you how much it means to be to be part of this unique group.
I am a level one member and I learned so much from your books. It opened up my eyes to a new world. The world of true happiness, wealth and health. I want to be out of the anti-civilization and enter a place of pure honesty and love and happiness; to finally be my own person to create values for the society without too much government control, laws and regulations.
Neothink is changing my life. I have a new mentality, new view about life which is filled with so much love and appreciation of human life, free of burdens and stagnation. I can hardly wait for this dream to come true… Thank you Mark Hamilton for working so hard to make this happen for all of us. You are a true GOD-Man.
Lucine K

Today, I am daring to be more than I have always been


Two years ago my life was not fulfilled. I was missing the very best things in life, starting with complete and total happiness. But good people from this world noticed that lack of many things in me, and decided to send to me their very best knowledge. This people called their way of thinking “Neothink”, and invited me to join their Neothink Society. Two years after that, I am here living very different than two years ago prior of being reached by these very powerful people.

Today, I am daring to be more than I have always been. I am more goal-oriented, I am practicing the language of doing things, not just dreaming of doing them, and I am more determined to do whatever I am daring to ask life to give me. Today I am definitely more passionate and happy, and I am working towards ending all the mysticisms that had darkened my life.  One of that mysticism was following a religion that stagnated me spiritually and tried to ruin my life in all senses. I do not have hard feeling toward those people. I only think every person receives back the good or the bad that he or she has done in his or her past life in any exact moment of their lives.  Another mysticism that I am working on to eradicate from my life is solving all my fears regarding some kind of “special” women. Fear paralyses and stops a person from becoming the individual he or she was meant to be. And Neothink opened my mind to this reality of me.

Without the Neothink mentality and information, I would have never stood up from those personal paralysis. Definitely, I feel myself as a much better person since being introduced to this new mentality.

The human race cannot afford to dissolve this mentality and this Twelve Visions Party movement. We and I mean all the human beings alive and to be born ever, would lose a lot if the Neothink mentality, the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party are collapsed and destroyed by the forces of evil, mysticism and irrationality. Those entities of Neothink have the will power and the good will to end death and cure aging. I lost my father just one year ago. I would tell anyone that I would do anything legally and morally possible to have avoided my father from dying. My lost is very, very big. And worst for me, BECAUSE MY FATHER DID NOT WANTED TO DIE. The Neothink Society is the only group that can guarantee and achieve curing death and dying. Our families will have a lot to lose if the Twelve Visions Party is stopped from reaching the polls.

Although we are human, and with that I am trying to say that we have many flaws, weaknesses, and make a lot of mistakes willingly and unwillingly, I do know we must let the Twelve Visions Party do its job of filling the human race with happiness and creating new conditions for the human being to live with, specially eliminating all diseases.




Two years ago my life was not fulfiiled. I was missing the very best things in life, starting with complete and total hapinness. But good people from this world noticed that lack of many things in me, and decided to send to me their very best knowledge. This people called their way of thinking “Neothink”, and invited me to join their Neothink Society. Two years after that, I am here living very different than two years ago prior of being reached by these very powerful and good people.

Today, I am daring to be more than I have always been. I am more goal oriented, I smile more, I am practicing the language of doing things, not just dreaming of doing them, I am more determined to do whatever I am daring to ask life to give me. Today I am definitely more passionate and happy, and I am working towards ending all the mysticisms that had darkened and stagnated my entire life. One of those mysticism was following a religion that stagnated me spiritually and tried to ruin my life in all senses. I do not have hard feeling toward those people. I only think every person receives back the good or the bad that he or she has done in his or her past life in any exact moment of their lifes. Antother mysticim that I am working on to erradicate from my life is solving all my fears. Fear paralyses and stops a person from becoming the individual he or she was meant to be. And Neothink opened my mind to this reality of me and set me free completely.

Without the Neothink mentality and information, I would have never stood up from those personal paralysis. Definitely, I feel myself as a much better person since being introduced to this new mentality.

The human race cannot afford to disolve this mentality and this Twelve Vissions Party movement. We, and I mean all the human beings alive and to be born ever, would loose a lot if the Neothink mentality, the Neothink Society, the Twelve Vissions Party are collapsed and destroyed by the dark forces of evil, mysticism and irrationality. Those entities of Neothink have the will power and the good will to end death and cure aging. I lost my father just one year ago (October 21st, 2008). I would tell anyone that I would do anything legally and morally possible to had avoided my father from dying. My lost is very, very big. And worst for me, BECAUSE MY FATHER DID NOT WANTED TO DIE. The Neothink Society is the only group that can guarantee and achieve curing death and dying. Our families will have a lot to loose if the Twelve Vissions Party is stoped from reaching the polls.

Although we are human, and with that I am trying to say that we have many flaws, weaknesess, and make a lot of mistakes willingly and unwillingly, I do know we must let the Twelve Vissions Party do its job of filling the human race with happiness and creating new conditions for the human being to live with, specially eliminating all diseases. Definitely, the Prime Law (The Fundamental of Protection) is the very first huge step towards that aim.

I am not an American Citizen. But I do respect a lot the United States of America and ALL of their people. These same people, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, should be allowed the opportunity to have the choice to elect or to reject Mark Hamilton and its Twelve Vissions Party, along with its Neothink mentality and its Neothink Society. Whatever happens in the United States of America affects the rest of the world, especially the economic and financial issues. But as a citizen of Mexico, that meaning, as a Mexican National, whatever happens in the U.S.A. affects more powerfully my country and my people that many other countries. That´s why I am most concerned of what happens within our neighbor of the north.

The Neothink movement, Neothink and its Twelve Vissions Party do offer what no one has offered to the American People before: biological immortality, ending a political system that has stopped many scientifical breaktroughts that had cost thousands if not millions of lives, not only within the U.S.A., but in the whole planet. And that is not a mistake as someone told me once: THAT´S A CRIME!!! AND THAT CRIME HAS A TERRIBLE NAME: GENOCIDE!!!

I do not mean talking American politics because I do not feel, neither I do have, the right to do so, because I am not an American Citizen. But I am a Citizen of the World and thus I am very concerned about American politics because it affects the rest of the planet.

These people, the Neothink Society, Neothink, and the Twelve Vissions Party, care for the individual and therefore put the individual before any other entity. If a government ignores the individual it may fall into a tyrany even though a democracy may have choosen someone or some Congressmen/Congresswomen, Governors, Majors, etc. through the polls.

The U.S.A. is facing probably the most difficult and hard times since its creation in the 18th Century. Worst times may be on their way for the American People and for the rest of the world. As an Economist I consider a horrible Economic/Politica/Social/ Storm is on its way very soon in the United States of America. Only a person who has experience, wisdom, will power, vision, real and true knowlegde, as Mark Hamilton does have, can be the best option to order things in our northern neighbor. As a Mexican National, and being witness of many, many Mexicans who struggle and suffer in that country I DO CARE, and I do have the right to say what I think. I do not have the option to vote to elect the next President of the United States of America, but if I did have it, I would definitely and without any hesitations CHOOSE AND VOTE FOR MARK HAMILTON TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I have never met him personally, but I have read a lot of what he has written. I wish I could write as well as he does. And although English is NOT my first language, I do consider what he writes as master pieces of thinking. Therefore, I can say that Mark Hamilton is a great vissionary, probably the great leader that the U.S.A. had always needed as its President and Comander in Chief, but had never have, saying that with all due respect to ALL previous American Presidents, starting with President Washington.I do know people for what they write and by how they write. Writing is not an easy matter for a lot of us. And in this area, Mark Hamilton rules above all of us. He has a lot of good to do for the people, because he is a compasionate person that really cares for the people. Isn´t that what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote in the USA Declaration of Independence “a government for the people, by the people…?

I do not know how the politicians in Washington allowed other things to come before the real needs of the American individuals. It´s time for a real change, and I not meaning what President Obama “wanted” as “THE CHANGE WE NEED”, because to this day that change IS NOT A GOOD CHANGE, BUT A BAD ONE. Just ask a lot of unemployed Americans what do they think now of “THE CHANGE WE NEED” slogan, and if Obama has succesfuly fulfilled his Campaign promises. I don´t think he has. The future of the American Economy is as darker as my hair: black.

My grandparents here in Mexico suffered a lot after our Revolution that started in 1910 and that lasted more than a decade. Times were very hard, and earning a living was extremely difficult for them. The same happened for the American people who lived just after the Great Depression of 1929. Why falling again in a new economic depression of such magnitude? Mark Hamilton has the right plan in this extremely troubled times to solve the great economic problems menacing his country and the world. He is young and he knows how tho flourish under hard times. That´s why I think he is the only best person to drive his country into a new and prosperous future. And now, the dark forces of his country want to suppress him and knock him down because they see in him a powerful menace to their interests and to the status quo. Those forces are the ones that initiate force against innocents to keep their illegal power. And that is not taking care of the real needs of the American People, least of each and every American Individual.

Here in Mexico, I have suffered and still I am suffering the attempts of evil people to stop me anyway, anyhow. I do now what it feels being attacked. I do remember once being told by a Mexican waiter, who told me these words when I tried to study a MBA in the U.S.A. a lot of years ago: “WHEN THEY SEE SOMEONE LIKE YOU, THEY WANT TO DESTROY AND TO RUIN YOU”. The same is happening wiht Mark Hamilton and I do regret that sincerely.

The evil forces trying to stop Mark Hamilton and his movement should let him, and his Twelve Vissions Party along with its Neothink be let openly to be elected or rejected in the ballot boxes by the American People. Otherwise those forces will only proof their true nature: criminal minds traped in their own matrixes of dishonesties, crimes, and falsehoods. Those minds, if succesful in destroying Mark Hamilton will only proof their tyranical and despotic natures. Not respecting Mark Hamiton´s right to be voted for or against by his own people, would be the worst crime these evil people would have committed ever.

I remember a great philosopher having written something like this: “When they tried to silence someone, they are recognizing his superiority.”

I want my father alive. I don´t want my mother to die. To the contrary, I want her to live more and younger. But the mysticism trying to destroy all of what Mark Hamilton means just only thinks they will loose all of their unearned power if Mark Hamilton and his movement gets elected. They are uncapable of thinking that they will benefit too as I, my brother, and any citizen of these entire nation of nations called Planet Earth, will.

Saint Paul wrote in the Christian Bible that “religion is the best business ever possible around”. Two thousand years after having written that, each and every word has been proved certain and correct, unfortunately.

That´s why all these people want to destroy Mark Hamilton: because of fear and envy. And that´s the worst thing that can ever happen to any single person, and to the great and brave American people who have fought a lot of wars defending the essence of freedom and liberty: THE INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. My respect for all those silent American heroes. Be the true and objetive recognition of my single words addressed to them for their bravery and support for freedom.

I invite all of those who read my words to follow the example of those great Amercian heroes. Fight for Mark Hamilton, his Neothink, his Neothink Society and his Twelve Vissions Party. HE IS THE MAN!!! And most of you do know what I mean.

Be my best wishes with you, Mark Hamilton. As a true leader you won´t be pulled apart. You will prevail. That´s why I wrote this, to encourage all the fighters of freedom to address their fighting efforts towards you.

We are warriors. Well, I consider myself as one of those. In closing this essay I want to repeat what I once learned was the motto of the Ancient Greek Guard: “Men do have fears, but the really brave ones rule over them and conquer them and go strait ahead, sometimes to dead, but always, always to VICTORY!!!!”


Arturo Moreno Samaniego


forward movement


I am a Neothink man creating value by being a member of the twelve party.a new mentality is on the rise in america, wealth,health and peace is our mission. as we look watch the destruction of american society at all level start to crumble. people are loosing their homes and income is slowly fading into nonexistence. I thank Mark Hamilton for providing the tools threw the SELF LEADER SYSTEM. one can start immediately pull themselves out of the rut and following mode of waiting for some external force to save us.we in the society are building a alternative to corrupt parasites that live off the energy of hard working americans. knowledge from prime literature will help every individual to live a exciting life filled with all the possibilities one can dream of. get involved break throught the stagnation trap and fly among the eagles. you can do it i know you can do it. what do you have to loose, maybe give up a social activity where you worship someone else sucess. start investing in yourself and save yourself. learn the prime law which up hold the individual as primary in society, and believe me brothers and sister once you put yourself first and start worshiping and thinking about your own success, magical things will start to happen in your life. I suggest you try it out and see how it feels. take the time and invest in one self and the universe will provide you with a amazing life.


In the Society today, the freedom is less, because of more regulations and laws. Put the Society to advance less in technology, medicine, education. And the government have more control to the people. The people need a new change of government, and a new mentality, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party. of Mark Hamilton. To live the life we always dream. and have back our full freedom

Thanks To Mark Hamilton!

Thanks To Mark Hamilton!

The Neothink Society

For your contribution to the world. with you literature my life in general, has been lifted in a big way my business has improve 1000 fold. Neo Think work. the new mentality for every one who want to change their life forever, is available now. 

Thank I am so grateful I find Neothink


Neothink is changing my life.

Hi Mark,

I am so excited to be part of the team. I’ve waited a long time to join the neothink society of ultra rich. This was my dream all along and hoping for it to  come true very soon through your twelve visions party. I am pleased to finally be able to contact you to tell you how much it means to be to be part of this unique group.

I am a level one member and I learned so much from your books. It opened up my eyes to a new world. The world of true happiness, wealth and health. I want to be out of the anti-civilization and enter a place of pure honesty and love and happiness; to finally be my own person to create values for the society without too much government control, laws and regulations.

Neothink is changing my life. I have a new mentality, new view about life which is filled with so much love and appreciation of human life, free of burdens and stagnation. I can hardly wait for this dream to come true… Thank you Mark Hamilton for working so hard to make this happen for all of us. You are a true GOD-Man.


Lucine Kenderjian

P.S. Mr. Hamilton, I am pleased to know that you are my mentor. I have some questions and I like to disscuss  with you. Is there an email address I can send my questions to you? How can I keep in contact with you?  I know you are a very busy person but I would be honered  if you can contact me when you get a chance. My email address is Thanks.

Thanks to Neothink

My name is Mike Covarrubias, and my testimonial is or goes to Mr. Mark Hamilton who was the one to opened my eyes. His love his KINDNESS for the humans goes beyond I love Mark with all my heart although my background was RELIGIOUS I gained a lot of knowledge his prime literature that I absorbed for me it goes beyond the monetary value NEOTHINK my new mentality is helping  me to see he things what it is I creating my new world I am my own master piece…. Thanks to Neothink

March 2025