Posts Tagged ‘new journey’

I want to thank Mark Hamilton for all the Neothink information.

I want to thank Mark Hamilton for all the Neothink information. It has been an enlightening experience for me on my new journey and has doubled and at times tripled my

Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions


As I begin offering my insights into the Neothink Society, I am listening to music in the background and it so happens to be one of my favorite Christmas Hymns; Hark The Harold Angels Sing- announcing the birth of Jesus Christ. I am also sitting in my recliner, where I spent a good portion of my time, these past size years with excruciating back pain due to a work related injury. Needless to say, I went through many degrees of depression, with very little to look forward too!! Back in May, 2009, I received in the mail a 56 page booklet. The booklet was an opportunity for me to make a decision; do I want to continue on the same path I had been on all those years or step out of my stagnation? I chose to begin an exhilarating new journey and never intentionally looking back on the past. I read through the 56 page booklet, at least 4 times, before a very bright light came on; even in a room already full of bright sunlight. The journey continues to this day while moving forward and the happiness I feel is incredible; never ending. Another Gentleman that I have had the privilege of listening too, since my new travels, was speaking about Dreams. I believe he stated that the most important Dream or Goal in life; would be awakening every morning, feeling GREAT!! WOW would that be a fantastic HAPPENING!!
After receiving the first manuscript; an amazing thing happened, my back pain ceased and for the first time in all those years, I was able to crawl back into our waterbed. It was the first time in those six, plus years I was able to lay beside my lovely and beautiful Bride, of now 41 years; that was exhilarating.  I wanted to share a very personal part of my life, because I think it is important for those who read this to understand what the Neothink Society means to me. I am now able, being very careful, to get around without my Cane and Walker.
The freedom has enabled me to become part of a Club House and have the privilege of meeting some very special folks, who have made me feel warmth that usually occurs in our biological families. I have attended three gatherings and each time; the relationships continue to grow. When I went to my first gathering, it was somewhat embarrassing. We had purchased a Garmin, not to long ago and Carol programmed it with the address I thought was the right one and it so happened, it wasn’t and I arrived late. It was a great way to make an entrance; Tom the Mentor of the Club House was very gracious and each member to welcomed me. I was introduce to all of them and a gentleman at the end of the table was the same one I had heard about, at one of the tele-seminars, his name is Wil S and he happens to be a World War II Veteran. We hit it off from the very beginning and have since become brothers. We have met for lunch on one occasion and have spoken on the phone with him quite a few times. I meet with him close to his home and we travel to the Club House meetings together. The amazing thing that has happened in a relativity short time, are many interests, we have in common. I look forward to our relationship continually to grow and to be in his mist often; it has been a great Honor and always will be.
Many of you who are reading this in some cases, may not remember; perhaps one of the best times of your lives; the Joy that came when you were children. When I was growing up, all I was able to listen to, was the Radio. When television first came out, it was in Black and White. Shortly after that, I always enjoyed a series, called the Little Rascals. They had what I believe was the first Club House, known. The members were all shapes, sizes, ages and there were not any colored barriers. They too, were like family and had a place to meet, learning new and exciting things; but most importantly a place to play, as they learned. We and many other Club Houses across this great Republic of ours; these United States of America, have places to congregate; playing while we are learning, but as important, letting our child like creativity open our minds to concepts, we have not used for a very long, long time. The one thing we do not have our Large Sand Boxes in the middle of the floor, where we can build those great Sand Castles, some of us used to build. Our Club Houses are very much like the one back in the time of the Little Rascals; we have all shapes ages, sizes and colors. It is an outstanding opportunity for that child like person within us to come out in each and every one of us; letting us feel young and happy again.
Mark Hamilton has afforded thousands of we in the Neothink Society as well as being an open community, not to stay stagnate; as I was those six years, sitting in my recliner  wondering what the future had to offer. I now know what it is like to dream again like I did when I was a young kid; having these wonderful opportunities to do just that, in the wonderful Club Houses, all across the country. In his writings, Mark has written in depth about men and women, who back in history have accomplished great things and were pioneers, in there own countries. The one young woman who stands out for me was back in the time when France and England were heavily involved in wars; the amazing thing that happened during this time, when that France was greatly out manned by England’s armies, but along comes this 18 year old maiden, by the name of Joan of Ark. She must have loved to play with puzzles while growing up, because she put together piece by piece and formulated a super puzzle; that she first saw in her own mind and then after she put it together, letting her lead the armies of France against England, crushing them, time after time. She had to be the greatest General either Male or Female, ever to lead her Countries Armies. The rest you all, well remember when she was put to death at the age of 21.
There are many men Mark has written about and I have chosen of those, two integrated thinking amazing men who back in the middle to late 1800’s, Henry Ford and Harvey Firestone. I do not recall when they met, but their meeting brought to us two of the greatest Super Puzzle builders and integrated thinkers ever, during that time. Henry Ford did invent the Model T Ford, that in itself was fantastic, but after putting together pieces of a Super Puzzle, he came up with the assembly line. The importance of that, was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Instead of making one car at a time, it enabled he and his company, to build many more automobiles, with the same quality of product. His company was able to turn out literally thousands of automobiles in the first decade. After the assembly line was operating at peak, the average person could then afford to purchase his car, for a lot less money. Another great thing was someone no longer had to follow behind each horse drawn carriage or buggy and pick up the droppings. Down the road was a gentleman, who lived in Akron, Ohio and his name was Harvey Firestone who as a kid was always interested in Chemistry and grew up having chemistry sets in his families basement. Out of that came the beginning of another Super Puzzle; again putting it together piece by piece. He formulated a process called Vulcanizing taking a liquid and turning it into Rubber. It took him quite a while  before he and his company were able to put the final pieces of the Puzzle together, so that Henry Ford was able to put rubber tires on his automobiles. Those tires were Firestone and the company is still in existence today. Those two men, as well a Joan of Ark, accomplish things which we know were part of their childhoods, especially Henry and Harvey.
In closing, I would like to spend a few minutes in regard about Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions. If my memory  serves me correctly; he had returned home from a hard day at work. He was tired and went into his study, where it was quiet. He was resting and after a period of time; began building his Super Puzzle, which eventually ended up being his Twelve Visions; each one covering various opportunities for we, as individuals, to make choices for ourselves, as to what kind of person we wanted to become. They teach us, whatever we want in life, whether improving our relationships with families and friends we wanting to become a healthier and a happier person; both inside and out. Most importantly, becoming the person we were meant to be; taking all us back to when we were children; when we had many dreams that we wanted to accomplish and may not have had the opportunity, to do so. After studying his guidelines and putting them into action, there isn’t anything or anyone we cannot do or become.
Out of his Twelve Visions, he has planted additional seeds; so at the grass roots level, the Twelve Visions Party, has begun to blossom. It is unlike the other Political Parties because it is not made up of Politicians. It is and will continue to be made up of business men and women, from across the country; who’s one and only purpose is to follow the Prime Law. I am still learning the Prime Law, so not to miss quote it, I will close by writing it in quotation marks: ” The Fundamental of Protection. The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose. The Prime Law guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property or contract.

Article 1

No person or persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against any individual’s self property or contract.
Article 2

Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article 1

Article 3

No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2

*The Prime Law  R  is the fundamental natural law of protection( that it directs all decisions and actions of the Twelve Visions Party) is not open to amendment or change.”

The basis of the Prime Law come from Socrates who back 2400 years ago suggested to the Society; they must live  the Rule of Law and it must be flawless. The Twelve Visions Party is held up by two distinct Pillars; the Prime Law for Protection and the Protection – Only Budget. To end my testimonial without mentioning the TVP Platform would not make this complete. The main purpose of the Platform is; “to Make all the People Rich, Including the Poor”. I have only read parts of it and it is beyond one imagination. To visualize that happening would be the greatest accomplishment, ever to happen and in time, it will happen.  

Finally many times on the Radio a question is often asked; if I would have a choice to asked any one in History or Present to have dinner with them in our home, whom would it be? Without hesitation, Mark Hamilton would be at the top of that list of Guests. It would have to be a long dinner; more than a Five Course Meal; how would it be possible to encapsulate 35 years of dedication, at one Sitting? What an honor and privilege it would be, just to share in a small part of it.
Thank You Mark Hamilton
Maurice B.

I want to thank Mark Hamilton…


To the Neothink® Society, I want to thank Mark Hamilton for developing a philosophy that introduces a new way of thinking.  I am learning to think for myself.  This is quite a new concept for most of society.  I am finally realizing who I really am. It is a wonderful, empowering experience.  I so cherish the opportunity to begin this new journey of no return.

What this means to me:

I’m learning a new appreciation for life, love and happiness; to respect myself again and grow as a better person.

By learning to create values, I am taking full responsibility for my own life always.

I haven’t found my Friday night essence yet, but I have new hope here in the Society that I thought was lost forever.  I am gradually finding out what it means to be happy and the value in which I will be eternally grateful. I am truly looking forward to the creation driven life I was meant to live.

The Neothink® Society is an invitation to life, a newfound, much needed wonderful life!  When I received the invitation (around June 2009), I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.

Even though I do lack interest in Politics due to the dishonesty, interference and coercion imposed upon us by the politicians, the Visions and Miss Annabelle peaked my interest and desire to gradually become involved.  I never before knew what potential I had or may have, but I do know that with encouragement from TVP I will eventually manage all aspects of my life and ultimately obtain the fruitful, peaceful life I have always wanted.  I don’t even know what my passion is, without pinpointing any particular area, but there is renewed hope to become the person I was always meant to be.

Throughout my school years, I had very few friends. I found solace in accomplishing what my family and others kept telling me I couldn’t or wasn’t capable for lack of knowledge, anything in which I showed an interest.  I suppose there was a drive to show them I could do anything I set my mind to.  I remained lost all my life, but I had an overwhelming desire to find a passion, an interest that would be with me forever. This abusive and destructive behavior still haunts me to this day.  No one wanted or needed my input or opinion regarding anything.  I was always called upon to troubleshoot and clean-up after siblings found themselves not knowing what to do or how to figure it out.  After resolving the situation, I was cast aside and never acknowledged for my abilities.  As an object of embarrassment and ridicule, I never knew who I was or what I was supposed to do.  What did they want from me?

With the integration of Neothink, I feel free to be myself with the drive to achieve more and accomplish things of value for myself and the chance to help others and find that beautiful place in which I was always meant to be, leading me to my Friday Night Essence. Neothink provides a wealth of information that can make their members the happiest, healthiest and wealthiest and am looking forward to meeting many more people in the Neothink Society.

The manuscripts are already starting to direct me toward a purpose in life by establishing a goal in finding my Friday Night Essence. This is an incentive to keep growing and learning. I earnestly search for my Friday Night Essence in finding a purpose and I look forward to the subtle changes that will surely take place in my life. I will continue to read every chance I get to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I can make a difference in this anti-civilization society in which we live.

With Undying Gratitude and Appreciation,

Judy S

NT has made me understand why I should believe in myself

Mark, NT has made me understand why I should believe in myself  

thought me that I’m responsible for everything   good or bad, blame no 

one but myself, thought me hoe to feel good, happy all the time.  NT has also deprogram my beliefs in mysticism’s which made practice pure honesty, pure love. I know it’s great new journey for me and I’m much happier, i don’t dwell on the past. I say this because I grew up without running water, electric, I slept  on dirt, I was sent to 

boarding school, i was forbidden to speak my language, think , be  

myself, I was preach the gospel, I was beaten, it was more like prison and boot camp. My name is Red star 008…I have spoken…

March 2025