Posts Tagged ‘Neothink’

Mark Hamilton knows what he's talking about!

Paying 30 dollars a month for the Neothink membership is the best 30 dollars to spend a month and you are learning the Neothink Inside Secrets and Mark Hamilton has been an inspiration to me and he has saved my life and with Mark Hamilton’s help I started to make more money and joining the Neothink Club House and becoming a member of Neothink is in everyone’s good and best interest and buying books from Mark Hamilton is the best money that I ever spend on and rewading Hamilton books has given me confidence, honesty, disapline and fair play!


I READ NEOTHINK and I found a very interesting way to change our life, is very interesting book to read.

Reading Mark Hamilton's Neothink Heirloom's has …

Reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Heirloom’s has moved me from being a person who had given up on love, to a person who has deep faith in love’s power to heal the divisiveness that is the human experience existing in today’s world.

When it comes to reading your large Neothink books

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton!

When it comes to reading your large Neothink books, I have to admit that I didn’t read entirely all of it, but your books are full of noble, pioneer and wonderful ideas.

Neothink has helped me to develop a much brighter …

Dear Mr. Mark Hamilton:

Neothink has helped me to develop a much brighter understanding of the relationship between wealth, happiness, and finding my soul mate.

I have had many sucsesses in my life …

Dear Mark,

I have had many sucsesses in my life from the time that I read Think and Grow Rich, and The power of positive thinking, by Vance Packard.

I wanted to take this opportunity to express …

I wanted to take this opportunity to express my sincere thoughts about the Neothink philosophy.

I am proud to be in this Great Neothink Society

Hi everyone,

My name is James S. and I am proud to be in this Great Neothink Society with Mark Hamilton.

Two years ago I saw your Neothink material for the first time

Dear Mark Hamilton,

Two years ago I saw your Neothink material for the first time.

For the first time, I felt me understood.

Just maybe, JUST MAYBE, Neothink is the answer …

Just maybe, JUST MAYBE, Neothink is the answer to all my questions in life.

Just maybe if I read and absorb the Neothink literature honestly with an open mind, I will discover that I have found answers. But most importantly, listened to my inner being and rationalized in my mind that Neothink helped me find myself and I broke out of the bubble to look back in at all the insanity that plagued and poisoned my life and my mind, and I woke up! Neothink has been the ultimate blessing in my life, besides my wife and my children.

Without it, I would go jump off a bridge. Politics and religion have done nothing for me. Neothink has. Blessing to Mr. Mark Hamilton for providing me with the tools of Neothink, so I could breath and live again.

February 2025