Posts Tagged ‘Neothink Society’

First of all you are making a big impact on the world today.


First of all you are making a big impact on the world today.

I am grateful for The Neothink Society …

Dear Mark,

I am grateful for The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party and The Twelve Visions World we eagerly await to bring us to Happiness, Desired Health and Wealth. For myself, it will be the fulfillment of my childhood fantasy to save the world from fear and destruction and all join hands

I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom & Integrated Honesty!

I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom & Integrated Honesty! I Feel more Powerful than any Government or Agencies! Remember, we act with highest levels of Integrity & Endurance! A Show of Hands will prove that we in Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society, and Neothink Warrior know that we played our hand out beautifully in search of Justice For All! We are not some Government Bureaucrat Demanding More Rules & Regulations, More Tax Money! In which they slow down & even stop progress with regulation after regulation! Dimming our hopes to prosper & live happily, to live in Peace Of Mind! Joy & Happiness is Neothink! Together we can map out the future! Grabbing & placing the puzzle pieces so they fit with passion & precision! To use our minds to Think of something that brings The Greatest Gift of Creating Minds & Exploring minds! Helping others Think for The Better Of All Of Us! Not just some Government or Agency moving towards police states & fascism! Twelve Visions Party! The Prosper & Live Happily Party! Here Comes The Civilization Of The Universe!

I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom …

I`m proud to be a Neothink Warrior Standing up for Freedom & Integrated Honesty! I Feel more Powerful than any Government or Agencies! Remember, we act with highest levels of Integrity & Endurance! A Show of Hands will prove that we in Twelve Visions Party, Neothink Society, Neothink Warrior know that we played our hand out beautifully in search of Justice For All! We are not some Government Beauracrat Demanding More Rules & Regulations, More Tax Money! In which they slow down & even stop progress with regulation after regulation! Dimming our hopes to prosper & live happily,

My involvement in the Neothink society has been one of the greatest life …

To whom it may concern,

My involvement in the Neothink Society has been one of the greatest life enhancing experiences ever. As a student of Mark Hamilton’s teachings I have become a more integrated man, one who sees through illusions and makes the world a better place. What I have gained from Neothink is a desire to be a greater individual, a part of the cause rather than the effect. As a parent and teacher myself my ability to guide and give good direction to others is a testament to Neothink. Another tremendous benefit I have gained from Neothink is my increased efficiency as a value producer, there is no more doubt about what I can do now it’s just a matter of how much more I can learn to do and create.

A truly wonderful transformation has occurred within me over the last few years and that is seeing what is wrong and being magnanimous in virtually all situations. Teaching by example and being good to others and working within the laws of the universe is something I am grateful to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society. I have become the self-leader and my skills have been on display endlessly and wherever I go and whoever I meet gets a hand up as opposed to a hand out. No longer am I stagnant and without direction I am closing in on my Master’s degree and perhaps one day earns a Phd. but nothing that I do is without the God man principle inside of me.

The new Neothink me is a man of virtue and value creator and producer who I never knew existed within me. For those pundits and lobbyists who think Mark Hamilton is a huckster or a fraud I have one thing to tell them, “take a good look at yourself before you attempt to put down a great man and a credit to society.” It is these very people who are causing problems for the world, I believe all people should practice daily self-introspection so that they can become better human beings instead of looking for the wrong in others. Leave Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society alone for this is truly the way for a better world today and for our future generations.
Armando V

To everyone who has heard of, or not heard of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.

To everyone who has heard of, or not heard of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.

I am a NEOTHINK SOCIETY MEMBER and loyal reader of Mark Hamilton

Hello Precious Reader,

I am a NEOTHINK SOCIETY MEMBER and loyal reader of Mark Hamilton

I'm writing this letter to thank you.

Dear Mark,

I’m writing this letter to thank you.

My name is Sophia D and I just wanted to tell you all about the facts of Neothink.

My name is Sophia D and I just wanted to tell you all about the facts of Neothink.

I feel so much gratitude to you for the way you have enriched my life!

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I feel so much gratitude to you for the way you have enriched my life!

My life has been profoundly benefited because of you, the Neothink Society, your incredible literature, and because I APPLIED what I have learned!

March 2025