Posts Tagged ‘Neothink Society’

Nature truly abhors weakness and we as humans need a strong philosophy …

Whom it May Concern,

Nature truly abhors weakness and we as humans need a strong philosophy to guide as to achieve great HEALTH, Wealth and feel happy. In my search for facts and solution in the last twenty-five years as an African I have never find any worthy powerful knowledge based that answers all human quest for achieving our ultimate goals as found in the NEOTHINK by Mark Hamilton and his the friendship within his readers makes it rare on earth.

Time indeed moves very fast and I will ever be happy to have read NEOTHINK by Mark Hamilton.

Thank You for letting me in to Your Neothink Society …

Thank You for letting me in to Your Neothink Society more than three years ago and after reading several of Your Neothink books. I’m now at a point where I understand why I was Picked out to be a member of Neothink society. Reading Your literary has given me New dimension of my inner me, what I am and what I can do with all I have learned

From You. Bless You

Yours Sincerely

I was invited into the Neothink Society group about four months ago.

I was invited into the Neothink Society group about four months ago.

Here is my heart warm feeling about the Neothink Society and what they did for me.


Here is my heart warm feeling about the Neothink Society and what they did for me.

To be a member of the Neothink Society is a life-changing event …

To be a member of the Neothink Society is a life-changing event in my life.

My name is Darin S. and this is my testimonial on Neothink

My name is Darin S. and this is my testimonial on Neothink.

I was asked to join the Neothink Society a couple of years ago.

I was asked to join the Neothink Society a couple of years ago.

I want to thank you a million times for the Neothink Society.

Hi Mark,

I want to thank you a million times for the Neothink Society.

I am writing this testimonial to let the public know that Mark Hamilton …

I am writing this testimonial to let the public know that Mark Hamilton & the Neothink & Neothink society is a great society.

I would like to say that your Neothink literature had helped me enormously.

Hi Mr. Hamilton,

I would like to say that your Neothink literature had helped me enormously. I had used your techniques to help me get ahead and get what I wanted. I am very thankful that I had found you or you had found me.

I am just an ordinary person and had no hope of doing anything more with my life but after I read your literature, I was in shock of what I can do and how much I can achieved. Life is not easy these days, I am very confident that people appreciate what you did and your vision is very clear that people can be what they want to be and live the life that they want to live.

Thanks to your vision I am working on that goal right now. My hope is high and my standards and expectations are higher than it used to be. I think God puts you and your vision in my life because I had given up on almost all of my dreams and hope and than your letter came in the mail tells me to send in for the free booklet so I send it in. In about a week, the booklet came than again it tells me to send in for the 300 year old secret manuscript. this time I made a little investment but its worth it.

March 2025