Posts Tagged ‘Neothink Society’
The Neothink Society has played a major role …
The Neothink Society has played a major role in allowing me to have clarity with definiteness of purpose, I can wake up knowing where I want to go in life, and the people of the Neothink society are tremendous benefactors in helping me stay the course, it’s not about the mundane chaotic origins of religion and politics.
I thank the Neothink society for the help …
I thank the Neothink society for the help I received on making my investments. Without the help from the society i would have made some costly mistakes. Many thanks over!!!
help I received on making my investments. Without the help from the society i would have made some costly mistakes. Many thanks over!!!
I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 …
I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 and my life has made a 90 degree turn for the better and good health. Since I became a member my life has completely embarked on a journey of joy, prosperity and good health. On this journey of happiness and prosperity with the Neothink Society I have discovered that you can be and do anything that you wish such as health, happiness, wealth, love, compassion for others, and on understanding others.
I have learned through the reading of the literature to see what is and what is not, I have learned to become wiser, I have learned to take full responsibility for myself and my family, and I have learned to be a service to those in need and care for those that are needed. I have learned by reading the literature, that the Neothink Society is the evolution of mankind mentality, it will take the person to have full responsibility for himself and his actions. Once a person study the literature and keep reading the literature, his/her life will never be the same meaning that you will have dynamic health, wealth, success,
I have now been studying under Mark Hamilton
To whom it concerns,
I have now been studying under Mark Hamilton
The Neothink society has made a profound impact on my thinking …
The Neothink society has made a profound impact on my thinking about life; it removed doubt, fear and guilt and replaced it with logic and science.
My life has taken a new direction a few years ago when I …
My life has taken a new direction a few years ago when I joined the Neothink society. The books we read are mind expanding and reveal the way to broader consciousness and understanding of our true essence. The teachings are about the importance of our own authenticity and the value we bring to our communities, as the truth can bring us to a new liberating human consciousness.
Neothink brings to our attention the possibility of a value-generating society, absent of domination and victimization. We become aware that expanded consciousness can lead everyone to liberated and joy-full lives. With self-determination and inherent creativity all of humanity can evolve into a universal business/science/art civilization.
I thank Neothink and Mark Hamilton for his contribution of this expansive knowledge. I am grateful to be part of a community whose members are value-creating in their and others lives and are exploring life potentials with a greater consciousness and a deeper truth.
I am pleased to have this opportunity to thank you …
Dear Mark,
I am pleased to have this opportunity to thank you for your invitation to explore the world of Neothink.