Posts Tagged ‘Neothink Society’

In my heart, I feel deep gratitude for The Neothink Society..

Dear Mark,

In my heart, I feel deep gratitude for The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party, and The Twelve Visions World. In the beginning of my childhood, I was

I, Myles C, shall cultivate a deep and burning desire that should…

I, Myles C, shall cultivate a deep and burning desire that should transform my dreams into reality, which will enable me to implement my action plan.

Mr. Mark Hamilton, I am so grateful that you contacted me via mail…

Mr. Mark Hamilton, I am so grateful that you contacted me via mail in 2004!

I am now finally starting to see a great deal of the things that you spoke about in the initial letter to me.

Mark Hamilton, I am writing to thank you for giving me the wonderful gift…

Mark Hamilton, I am writing to thank you for giving me the wonderful gift of membership to the Neothink Society.

The creation of the Twelve Visions Party will eradicate the rule of…

The creation of the Twelve Visions Party will eradicate the rule of flaw-filled man and replace it with the Prime Law.

When individuals or a group threatens another group, conflict will…

When individuals or a group threatens another group, conflict will naturally develop.

How I came to understand Neothink.

How I came to understand Neothink.

I have had many years readership now and still the Neothink literature..,

I have had many years readership now and still the Neothink literature delivers new values.

Since being involved in the Neothink Society, my outlook on life has changed

Since being involved in the Neothink Society, my outlook on life has changed considerably to the positive and my belief in the goodness of mankind has been restored.

I just wanted to say I am not so sure about labeling "The ruling Class" as …

I just wanted to say I am not so sure about labeling “The ruling Class” as “Parasitical Elite”. In essence they have their money the way they have their money, and So I say good for them. That part really doesn’t matter. What matters if those with money and power are improperly using power and oppressing others…that is where it is wrong. But Hey, You have 500 millions in assets, and 10 millions in the bank, good for you, just don’t misuse power and don’t oppress others.

I believe it was around 1987.

March 2025