Posts Tagged ‘Neothink Inside Secrets’

My first experience with Neothink was one of great curiosity

My first experience with Neothink was one of great curiosity. I had just dropped out of college. I was a starving artist/musician. I was trying to find my purpose. I knew I had potential, but I was lost. I needed to figure out what to do with my life – how to survive. I was cautious when I started reading the manuals, but intrigued. I am always interested in other points of view, even if I don’t agree with them.

After reading thoroughly the Neothink Inside Secrets, the ideas and concepts within began to take hold in my own thinking. Neothinking began to be a new window from which to peer. I began to see things through this window – opportunities – all around me that I had just not seen in the same light before. Being almost addicted to this new perspective and its benefits, and the strictly objective logically-based rationale behind it, I could feel myself slowly being empowered, day after day. I was seeing to the root, or essence, of everything around me, and problems began to be seen as pure opportunities. I decided to take advantage of these opportunities. Today, 4 years after first receiving the Neothink manuals, I have started my own music-based company, following my dreams, and doing what I love. I have over 20 employees working for me across the world. I have a successful music blog which I created from scratch on my own, now with over 13 other contributors, and I have helped countless independent artists like me get their music out to the world. I also just launched my first real product. I moved out of the snowy northeast, to a beautiful spot in southern California, my dream location. I have a pool, two dogs, and a great view. Most of all, I am happy. I am happy knowing that I am not only doing what I love, but that I get to influence and empower other people to do what they love. My company solves problems for artists and provides opportunities for them to benefit, just as I benefited from the Neothink Secrets. This is not made up I swear. If it weren’t for these books, sure maybe I’d be doing okay, but I don’t think I’d have this same sense of assuredness and confidence that I have now, after reading about, and then applying the concepts learned through the books. They really have transformed my life, and I am happy to say that they have also transformed the lives of the people around me. Together we are motivated, confident, and effective in reaching our goals. We are pursuing, and accomplishing our dreams. My company continues to grow at an exponential rate, and though you may never have heard of us yet, within just 2-3 years, we will be everywhere. Look out for a new music company popping up on the scene in the near future. I attribute so much of where I am now to these books, and honestly anyone trying to discredit the content within is simply discrediting themselves, because everything in the books is testable, derived from objective facts, and it works. For me, there was no risk to try the books. I gave it a shot, and it really actually did do what they claimed it would. It freed my mind from traps and old ways of thinking that had me stuck in a vicious and repetitive downward spiral. These books, if nothing else, catalyzed my growth out of that cycle, and for that, I am forever grateful. If I had not gotten the books when I did, who knows how much time I would have lost, and where I would be today. Maybe still selling drugs, or in jail – I was this { } close. Instead I have a healthy and rapidly growing business. I have learned an enormous amount of new skills along the way because of my will to give it a try, and the skills that I have learned from Neothink have stuck with me and provided support for me every step of the way. The stuff in the book isn’t rocket science. Some of it you have probably encountered before, you just didn’t realize the importance of it. These books spell out for you exactly what to look for and also what to watch out for and it is all really common sense stuff. When you read it you’ll see just how much sense it all makes, and kick yourself for not realizing these truths sooner on your own.

Regardless, the fact that you now have access to these truths means that you should take advantage. One quick example, right from the books – one of my favorites that sticks with me every day in my business – Sometimes sitting there and just thinking is work. To do good work, sometimes first requires the right thought. Sitting and being immersed in this way of thinking they call Neothink – seeing to the root of problems, and seeing opportunities for solutions – seeing the best case scenarios first and finding the path from what is there currently, to this best case situation – this is a skill that most people in business do not take advantage of. This is a step that most people, when “doing work” never even think about. This is a skill that will put you ahead of others in business – it has certainly done so for me. I’m so ahead of these other companies in strategies and implementations that I could actually afford to slow down right now..but where

I would like you to know that you have changed my life!

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I would like you to know that you have changed my life! Through using Neothink and The Neothink Inside Secrets, I have organized my life both professionally and personally for optimum efficiency to get things done quickly and correctly. I have even become the go to guy at my job, people come to me because they

If you think that Mark Hamilton, Neothink & The Inside Secrets is a Scam! then think again…

If you think that Mark Hamilton,

Your book, Neothink Inside Secrets, shows us how to…

Dear Mark,

Your book, Neothink Inside Secrets, shows us how to become the persons we are meant to be and it has benefited many people including myself. Every expansion of knowledge that expands the realm of human consciousness has been met with great opposition.

Are you looking for a better way of life for you and your family?

Fellow Possibility Thinkers,

Are you looking for a better way of life for you and your family?

Hi, my name is Annette. I am a dedicated reader of…

Hi, my name is Annette. I am a dedicated reader of Mark Hamilton

Neothink Inside Secrets are Life Changers!

Hello Mark,

Neothink Inside Secrets are Life Changers!

With all the personal development work out there today one body of work that stands head and shoulders above the rest is the visionary work of Mark Hamilton and Neothink Inside Secrets.

While other authors offer mindset advice that few can embrace and use, Neo Think gives you focused and exact steps to take to create the life of your dreams. Neothink provides specific instructions that shows anyone exactly how to find their true passion in life, find the time to accomplish their greatest goals and create values that make a difference in the lives of other people and the world at large.

Mark Hamilton

Neothink has been instrumental in clarifying the vast difference between those …

Neothink has been instrumental in clarifying the vast difference between those whose integrated thinking enables them to create and produce valuse for themselves, their loved ones, and for society and others who want to achieve without the necessity of achieving, to have thought without the necessity of thinking, to somehow have created and produced without the necessity of thinking, creating and producing.

Mark Hamilton’s writings make plain that ongoing that integrated thinking, creating, and producing yield broad-scale material and non-material benefits for everyone.

I really do not know where to begin, but I'm so grateful for what Mark Hamilton and Neothink has done for me.

Dear Mark,

I really do not know where to begin, but I’m so grateful for what Mark Hamilton and Neothink has done for me. I got rid so many self help books because of what

This letter is to give you my testimonial about the great Mark Hamilton,

This letter is to give you my testimonial about the great Mark Hamilton, Neothink and Neothink Inside Secrets.

My family and I have immensely benefited from applying Neothink in our lives over the years.

March 2025