Posts Tagged ‘negativity’

I can honestly say that Mark Hamilton is honest and sincere

Thank You Mark Hamilton
I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have done a great deal of research on Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society and I can honestly say that Mark Hamilton is honest and sincere. I believe that the Twelve Visions Party will show us the most positive and uplifting change in history. I would suggest doing your research and giving Mark Hamilton a chance before you pre judge him because of the media, ruling class and professional politicians. As a society we suffer from economic problems, war, crime, poverty, and more. I honestly believe the Twelve Visions Party can turn all of this around. If you really research the Twelve Visions Party with an open mind you will see the truth. I’m only asking you to think for yourself and to not let the media and ruling class think for you. I am so grateful for people like Mark Hamilton that have so much honesty and integrity in their heart that their willing to stand up against all odds and do the right thing. All throughout history people in positions of power and influence have tried to stop people with such great integrity and love. I say we support the Twelve Visions Party and change our course of negativity and destruction to positivity and freedom.
Thank You Mark Hamilton for standing up and having such courage. You truly are a hero.
Sincerely, Brian Whitney

Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad

Hello to all that reads this letter of testimonial to the Neothink society. Mark Hamilton and his father has been an inspiration to many people in this country and abroad. There is no anger, revolt or any sort of negativity what so ever with this system of knowledge. This is no cult or religious group, and only has a positive approach to many things in this world. This group of people can only create a better society for all of us, as an advancement into a productive and loving system. I highly recommend this system and what Mark Hamilton has tried to do. If some people who purchased the books were not happy with them, this does not make the Neothink system wrong in any matter. I have a masters in psychology, and I can speak from my own experience, that it wakes up the sleeping areas in some brains and gives self confidence to all. This always has positive and negative reactions as so does many things. There are many things in this world that can be dangerous and wrong for us humans, but this system is a product of each individual, not the system itself. In other words, it is the person themselves that react to a product, and it is them who makes it what it turns out to be for themselves and only themselves. I hope this gives a light into what is proposed. Thank you for taking the time to read – and be well to all…..David Brockway

I am a very happy person today, compared to before NEOTHINK SOCIETY


Since becoming a member of the Neothink Society, I have learned how to live the life I was meant to live, not as others dictated to me, but my best life , the way it was meant to be lived.  You see, I did not know that I could do that before.  I was always making sacrifices before, feeling guilty, if I put myself first, not anymore.  I take care of myself first, this way, I am well able to take care of others who demand my attention.  Also, I was an over-eater, now I only eat when I am hungry, and sometimes, I just forget, because I am too busy creating other things I enjoy.

I am a very happy person today, compared to before NEOTHINK SOCIETY, where I was always sad and depressed about something.  Now I wake up each morning ready to go, full of life and looking forward to the day ahead.  One morning, I woke up, and it seemed like their was nothing of the old negativity left in me.  I was free, free to live life my life, with nothing holding me back, ready to change the world for the better.  The things that I have learned in the NEOTHINK SOCIETY, is the best information, the truth, that makes you free.  I wish this for every-one, so that no one has to endure the boring, routine rut life that’s in the world today.  Peace and Love to all.

Germaine M.

What Neothink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years
“Staying positive in a negative world is today one of man’s greatest challenges, but optimism and truth offer the guiding light to find one through the darkest corridors of negativity, and eventually, and with perseverance, into the purifying light of positivity, prosperity, and happiness”.
Indeed America faces it’s greatest challenge for America is slipping into darkness. Most people are beginning to realize that something is wrong, some still realize something is very wrong and others still realize that if nothing is done soon the lights will go out forever. The question to each and every American is what can the average man do? What can the average man do to break the shackles that binds him to a dying America? How can the purifying light of America be re-kindled? The answer is the Twelve Visions Party… it brings in a clean swipe of a political system gone mad. It ushers in everything this country was, is, and will be with out the hindrance of politicians and their self-serving ways performed in the name of the social good. Give this party a chance… examine it… hold it up to the light… It will be hard to deny its purity and its sincerity to “We The People”
I could go on and on about what Neothink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years but I think I’ve just summed it up right here… God Bless America!
Ozkar G

With all do respect. Mr. Hamilton…

This is your apprentice Gregg F. I thank you for coming into my life. You don’t know or can’t even imagine how you’ve changed my way of thinking and the way I look at life!
When I first received your letter; I thought you were someone trying to pull my leg or play with my head. The information you were relating to me sound good until I started absorbing it. Then it felt great! I felt a euphoria I’ve I couldn’t explain. I knew you were the one. All you tried to do was open my eyes to ” what is.” You gave me a choice. Open my mind to reality and the rest will come naturally. I’ll thank you forever on how you’ve helped me come to grips on how the real world operates. Instead of the illusions they feed us in order to continue stagnating the bicameral thoughts we all humans possess. I’m not stating that I’m mentally slow. It’s the fact I had a sheet over my eyes for quite sometimes but my mind was always free of the b.s. they wanted me to believe. I’ll be brief. When acquiring all three installments; I studied and studied your literature. At times my girlfriend thought I was being fooled by your techniques, because of all the negativity the internet spoke of. Your words helped me block out my girlfriend and the anti-civilization I dwell in at the moment. See there are choices I had to make. As you once spoke, the individual sometimes have to believe in his or herself. So I went into that hard firestone-like thinking mode and the rest spoke for itself. I know we haven’t ever met but I think one day we will. You’ve shown me a hardcore gentleman way of handling things. We all need a little motivation sometimes so I’m gonna challenge you. With all do respect. Mr. Hamilton, you better not give up or give in to this weak anti-civilization. Remember, I’m your student, so continue being my teacher. I’m a 6′0 235 lb. ex military soldier who wasn’t satisfied with the death sentence my government tried to issue me. With your leadership; maybe I could be one of your right-hand loyal warriors in the near future. I’m hear if you ever need me. I’m mean I’ll put my life on the line for what I believe. You have shown me part of the cosmos in a mental aspect. Now I want to see what the rest of the universe has to offer. The Twelve Visions Party you are about to introduce to us will prosper. I know it will. That’s also my vision. You’re the man. You’ll be surprised of who’s behind you. I believe in you and there ain’t too many people I’d say that too. You’re one of them. Keep the wheels rolling. Like the Miss Annabelle Story; we are your seeds. Help our planet developed into the beautiful flowers you envisioned. Sometimes; to get through the forest. You have to chop down a few trees. Don’t let anyone stop your goal. If I were in your position. I’d keep it MOVIN!

Much love,

Neothink can change your life…


Hello! I will keep this sweet & simple due to the reason you are obviously interested in knowing/learning more about us. It is my honor to tell you, that this is the greatest Society. If u have any doubts or questions, please take the time to read, learn & know what u can, B4 making a decision about us, due to the negativity of the officials, law enforcement & media. I know that if u take the time, Neothink can change your life 4 the better in every aspect. If u would like 2 better everything in your life, than I dare you, to learn what we know…!!!



I hope to see Mark Hamilton…

The  Neothink Society has lead my life from boredom, hatred, negativity, and confusion to better health, happiness, better relationships with my family for love and laughter.  I now have a total and complete turnaround of understanding life, and can learn the way I want to live.

When the twelve visions party happens for the first time, it will make so many people blissfully happy. Just imagine the love, trust, happiness, business booming, creativity, etc, with people finding their true self and becoming what they are meant to be on this wonderful planet.  That will be the day that the sun gets brighter, and the Earth gets ever so much more beautiful.

Thank you so much. I hope to see Mark Hamilton, the T.V.P. and the Neothink Society bloom into magnificence for the entire planet, so everyone can find there bliss.

Alan B.

Thank you Mark Hamilton


Hello! I will keep this sweet & simple due 2 the reason, u r obviously interested in knowing/learning more about us. It is my honor 2 tell u, that this is the greatest Society. If u have any doubts or ?s, please take the time 2 read, learn & know what u can, B4 making a decision about us, due 2 the negativity of the officials, law enforcement & media. I know that if u take the time, neothink can change ur life 4 the better in every aspect. If u would like 2 better everything in ur life, than I dare u, 2 learn what we know…!!!



“Staying positive in a negative world is today one of man’s greatest challenges, but optimism and truth offer the guiding light to find one through the darkest corridors of negativity, and eventually, and with perseverance, into the purifying light of positivity, prosperity, and happiness”. 
Indeed America faces it’s greatest challenge for America is slipping into darkness. Most people are beginning to realize that something is wrong, some still realize something is very wrong and others still realize that if nothing is done soon the lights will go out forever. The question to each and every American is what can the average man do? What can the average man do to break the shackles that binds him to a dying America? How can the purifying light of America be re-kindled? The answer is the Twelve Visions Party… it brings in a clean swipe of a political system gone mad. It ushers in everything this country was, is, and will be with out the hindrance of politicians and their self-serving ways performed in the name of the social good. Give this party a chance… examine it… hold it up to the light… It will be hard to deny its purity and its sincerity to “We The People”
I could go on and on about what NeoThink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years but I think I’ve just summed it up right here… God Bless America!
Ozkar G.

Forever Grateful

There are far too many available obstacles and challenges in today’s world. There are many illusions, lies and pitfalls that many people easily fall victim to. Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature has allowed me to pull out of the self imposed stagnation trap and rise like a phoenix from the ashes above the destruction, oppression and negativity that is rampant in society. I now see a whole new society filled with love, honesty, creativity, business, science, art and camaraderie.

Before being exposed to this life altering literature I felt hopeless in many ways. I could see many things wrong with society and with my life, but had no clue how to improve them. The knowledge Mark Hamilton shares in his books gives people hope, real hope and tangible values for self improvement. It is hands down the most beneficial and empowering tool in my life.

Each time I receive a new book from Mark Hamilton, I devour it. I am simply so VERY thankful that I have been exposed to his potent mind. I look at life in a whole new way now. I’m much more productive, happy, understanding and creative. Mark Hamilton’s literature has unleashed a side of me that I never new existed!

Thank you Mark Hamilton, I am forever grateful!

Jeff Smith

March 2025