Posts Tagged ‘negative thoughts’

The Neothink mind has opened up avenues in my life that I did not know existed


The Neothink mind has opened up avenues in my life that I did not know existed. Every day I wake up, I feel like things have been taking away from me, things that did not belong. I do not feel the urge to fight with myself wondering if I do this or if I do that what the consequences will be, because I have absorbed secrets and tools that help me manage my day before I even wake up. Blocking me from all the bad things that the Anti-Civilization can throw at me in a day.

It seems my mind goes to the core of my body and defends off all the neo-cheating thoughts that I like to think of in scientific terms as of not allowing mystic filled neuro-transmitters to cross the synaptic cleft reaching my brain, telling me to act in ways that are not beneficial to myself or anybody else. Without absorbing the secrets from the heirlooms my mind and body would not have the strong foundation that it has that helps manage it through the pearls of life.

After absorbing the secrets and unblocking the negative thoughts that filled my head, I was able to help come up with the name for our A-Team. At the time the choices were being presented, had I not absorbed the secrets from the heirlooms, I would have not been able to free my mind enough to think at that time. Along with that I was also able to use the secrets from the heirlooms to help me shed 60lbs. I followed the Neo-diet taking away all my bad cravings. Now when I gain a few pounds by falling off the diet, I find it very easy to jump right back on it and lose the weight. I have been able to keep off the weight for 1 year now. I find it very easy to fight off the cravings that once filled my mind and body. The weight lost section of the heirlooms not only helped me physically but the secrets that I absorbed help me get to the essence of the forces of nature when dealing with your body.

Right at the end of the summer I could feel my body strongly pushing me to not eat. I believe this is how my body reacts to the upcoming summer months, it wants to be thin and look good, so it craves less. The totally opposite thing happens during the winter months, your body craves more, wanting you to pack on the extra fat to help insulate your body for the upcoming months. My mind and body have been going through this cycle all its life, until I received, read and absorbed the secrets from the heirlooms. Now my mind and body do not succumb to those forces of nature any more allowing me to sustain my weight. These are just some of the things I have absorbed from the heirlooms. I like to talk about them more than I like to write about them, I get more information out that way, but as I finish writing this, this does not seem that bad at all, I can probably get use to doing this.

Thank You
Tarmail Jackson

I’ve enjoyed reading the Neothink literature


Dear Mark,

This is the first time I have written to you, since I prefer to process all the information before I develop an opinion.  I hope you are able to continue your work.  Although controversial for some, I believe the vision and mission of the organization has the best interest of people at heart.  I’ve enjoyed reading the Neothink literature and appreciate a fresh perspective on life.  I am convinced that the lessons within the literature make a positive difference in folks lives.  I commend you for dedicating your life for such a worthy cause.  I believe the basis of your lessons is to inspire and lead the common person to believe that they can accomplish great things, once they strip themselves of centuries of negative thoughts and fear.  These negative thoughts and fears have been instilled by the very people we trust.  Not because they mean to hold us down, but out of ignorance.  Although, there are always opportunistic people everywhere that will violate our trust (just look at the widespread corruption in some governments and misguided religious organizations).  If we are ever to evolve as a human race, I believe people need to follow your type of lessons and free themselves to become the best they can be without sacrificing others in the process.  Many people are successful but not happy.  Your lessons helps us understand and find our individual happiness.  At this time, I will not be an active participant in your organization, since I have my hands full in a successful career and helping my wife raise our children.  I do hope to get a chance to see your organization flourish and reach out to the masses to help our generation become the example for future generations to come.

Kind regards,

Walter C

Thank you Mark Hamilton


First and foremost I would like to thank my Mentor, Mark Hamilton , for taking the time to haelp us become the people we where always meant to be. Second I would like to thank the society. Thank you for the opportunity to soar beyond the clouds and the chance achieve the wildest of dreams.

The knowledge I have acquired has helped me to leap into a place where I no longer have any competition. I am working on becoming self reliant and making any type of dependency on anything or anyone, obsolete. I am now immune to any failure or negative thoughts and able to break through any manufactured truths. The techniques I have learned in the society will allow me to achieve anything I would desire by taking control of my own destiny. I am now 100 times more confident than I was before absorbing these secrets. As I put these techniques into practice, my creativity soared. This will give me the opportunity to make a living off what I have created. The advantages have helped become a self leader. I say it proudly.
I have come to realize, through experience, that focusing on me, like the literature says. The smallest , simplest money making unit and power thinking what I need, from developing the product to marketing and everything in between will help me to drive my business forward into new realms of business. Threw the prime literature I have learned to steer clear of altruism and its destructive effects. I always thought self sacrifice to be a noble deed but wondered why most people just took and took without a care and I ended up with no productivity and depleted happiness. I have come to understand that neo-cheaters use Higher causes , noble causes to usurp values from the honest hard worker. Neo-cheaters such as politicians and professional mystics(value destroyers )make their careers off of other peoples sacrifices and never learn to produce honest values that can be sold or traded to become an independent , happy person.

I have learned to be selfish rather than selfless. For the first time in my life. I am pursuing my dreams, attentively, guiltlessly, and happily. No longer will I sacrifice my time, my value, my well being to negatives. I personally experienced the effects in my life and thanks to Mark Hamilton I can spot negativity and laziness and stop it in its tracks. I have learned to counter their attacks by using honesty, never letting up. Using fully integrated honesty I have broken threw some situations where I should have fallen victim. To me this is powerful. I could never put a price tag on what I have learned. If this is only ¼ of the literature I can only imagine what else there is to learn. It gets me excited to know there’s still more to learn. The feeling I get from using my brain to create and integrate reality is indescribable. I have had to face my fears and personal mysticisms and as a result I am a new man. I am like they say “ Born Again”, not in a cristian sense but I am a whole new person. No longer do I hang on to illusions or rationalize my decisions to stay in situations or relationships that are harmful to me and my livelihood. And if I am in a relationship where this is the case I always have the upper hand. I have been able to break away from false realities put forth by outside forces, leaving them nervous, paranoid, and most important of all, powerless. I have come to a point where I have to be honest not only with others but myself. Only this way will I move forward. I have reached what I call the ultimate business like mind Richard Roque

Thank you Mark Hamilton for your insight


There is a lot of love, information, and structure in the teaching and writings of Mark Hamilton. Since I have been involved as a member of this education and awareness, I have seen a dramatic positive change in the people around me. A lot of the distrust of people of different races have seized to exist around me. Conversations of community involvement, national awareness, and global connections are now on the tongue and in the minds of the people.

Our people, our country, and our continents and islands need to insist on getting more information on what is going on in the world in which we live. We have a new decade that is before us. We need to do all that we can in the next few decades to make this century the best advancement for mankind that we can. One of the greatest accomplishments to this day is the Neothink society. Forward thinking is one of the great mysteries that is now being evolved into action for the greatest movement of the minds of the people of the world. Having the mindset to use your thoughts and energy to do for yourself and create a prosperous future for yourself and those around you is another great movement of knowledge that is taking shape and gaining popularity in discovering what each individual can do to advance our social community and our society.

Before coming into this society of individuals who thought like the most productive and most informed people of the earth, I knew in my mind and soul that there was a way that the average individual could break free of all negative thoughts and actions to get into the most positive and productive way of life. This creation of the positive mind and creative mindset has broken down many barriers that was before me and others that are now in this new society of thought, awareness, and creation.

We were created to be creative. We were created to carry on the production of a positive society. We were created to be our on keeper and to assist our brothers and sisters to advance to greater heights throughout our long and prosperous life. Our lives should be longer in the land in which our Creator have given us. Our ways of approaching one another out of respect, just knowing that each person means the world to each of us, will be another beginning of life greater that we can realize.

200, 400, and even 800 years of living should and will be the normal length of live. Once we realize that they are the most important being on the face of the earth, and that we need every living and everything we think is not living thing on this earth to be a greater society, one that we have never had before. Then, we will start the greatest quest of mankind, to live forever.

Take these things from me and the rest of nature, that we all live on this planet together, but we must live together and respect one another to be greater than the past way of living and the past society in which we came from.

I have a great deal more to say. I am sending this letter inform everyone of my accomplishment that I have grown into and that is around me in this great society and knowledge that is in the world.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for your insight and work to bring us this far. I am with you and all of society to move into a brighter tomorrow.
Again, Thank You and I hope and is working toward this future.

March 2025