Posts Tagged ‘negative environment’

Mark Hamilton is the person who makes his living from helping others


I had been living in a very negative environment for a long time. For certain reasons I am unable to explain it right now. I tried very hard to break out, change and move on many times. I guess I was making the same mistakes and my situation wasn’t changing. I read lots of self help books, learned to meditate, but my negative environment and state of mind did not let me change. When I read first letter that I received from Neothink, I didn’t believe everything it said, but I actually felt special. I was waiting for those letters because they made me feel that I definitely deserve a better life. If I exist, I should become what I always wanted to be and find happiness. This is hope that Neothink offers to people. I believe such hope can be a first step for a person to start the process of change. There are many people out there that need some sort of push, support, guidance. Who out there can provide it and almost for free? Some people have good environment, but most do not. Mark Hamilton is the person who makes his living from helping others. It is what it is, and I did pay for 3 books, but I received so much information. If I didn’t want to change, I wouldn’t buy them. However I am very happy I did. They pushed me toward change. Mark Hamilton made sure we don’t just read and forget, he kept reminding us how special we are and that we need to continue to learn more by going into free meetings which continue to support, teach and educate. Yes, there is a web site that requires fee, but is low. There are so many things out there that require so much more of investment. I believe Neothink and Mark Hamilton helped me personally to understand that I can change myself and my life. I am not the same anymore. During the time that I had been involved in this education and I started only one year ago, I can see that I am different. I used to be very negative and didn’t think I can, deserve to change, have better life. Now I am on a way to a better life, I know it and I feel it.

Many environments can be very confusing. Families, jobs, situations, own mentality create negative environment. A person sometimes is unable to recognize that his situation and what is going on is not right. Life is short and if we live the way most people do, don’t try to change for the better, we will die miserable, not knowing what happiness really is. Many people are unable to structure their lives in such a way that they are happy. People around can make you feel that you are selfish if you want to find happiness, if you refuse to live your life the way they do or many miserable people do. They even tell you ‘What? You think you are special, a prince or a princess? You have to work hard as everybody, don’t try to find an easy way’. It is a wonderful thing to work hard, but why a person has to work hard doing something he hates? Why can’t a person find what makes him happy and work hard doing that? Creation is wonderful thing, but not many are able to build their life in such a way that they make a living from creating something they like or love.  Neothink Society helps us believe and think that it is possible. And if people believe that something is possible, they can go so far ahead. Neothink gives us strength to go on and have a positive outlook on life. It even gives us hope that life can be immortal. How great is that to believe that may be you won’t die? If science and health studies won’t be stopped and we will find a way to live longer? I believe Mark Hamilton is a great person who is trying to help people have better lives. I think it is a wonderful way to make a living by making people happy.

I will educate my children with Neothink literature. I think it is necessary for children to see what is and stay this way. There is so much wrong in this world. If children see it starting from childhood and know how to deal with it, they will not loose as much time as my generation did or people who are older. There is always someone who is doing wrong things or takes advantage of others. It is good to be able to see that and try to stop such people. I believe I would probably not be able to be where I am now if not for Mark Hamilton and his vision. His education is necessary.

Lana G

March 2025