Posts Tagged ‘natural pleasures’

My Letter to Mark Hamilton, founder of The Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Political Party

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I wanted to send you a big “THANK YOU!”
A simple phrase. Yet with infinite gratitude.
Because for 13-years your work has given me so very much…
…From optimism for the future to business ideas that I can’t see an end to profiting from.
In fact, my entire life’s career has been guided by your work.
Your work…
…30 years of research and writing, from business and productivity, romance to politics, and much more.
And I intend to re-pay you in-kind.
I intend to contribute to your movement… because your movement is really my movement… everyone’s movement.
You see, around 1996 I received a promotion for your book Get Rich by 2001. It opened my eyes to the lies of big media, big business and big government.
It gave me ideas and tools for raising my intelligence, my creativity… encouraging great curiosity to uncover how the world works, and how I could profit.
And profit I have.
Financially. Professionally. Emotionally. Intellectually. You name it.
Right now I am building my independence via my website where I provide information on life management and career development…
I am a freelance marketer and writer… and I am traveling the world.
At present, I am in South America, Colombia to be exact… with time to work on my own value creations and indulge in the natural pleasures of being my own boss whilst exploring new cultures.
So you see, with the help of Neothink, my lifestyle has become enviable by many standards. I just wish more people had the chance to read what you have discovered and captured in your books.
Yet most people are still needlessly distracted by jobs they hate, relationships that hurt, or politicians they believe.
But now, with the work that I see Neothink Society members doing, such as Joshua and Trent Seymour, I think we will see more opportunity for us all to help build and share a new way of life (through respect and justice without politics, via the Prime Law)…
In fact, I can see that your ideas of a protection-only budget are accelerating the revolution, beyond the TEA Party, beyond Ron Paul, beyond Ayn Rand’s narrow-scope Capitalism, and into the Neothink world that you describe in your spell-binding work.
Every minute of every day I am working to balance my focus on short-term and long-term value creation in-line with the Neothink mentality, fueled through happy experiences during my global adventure.
The incredible thing for me right now is that whenever I am not feeling as happy as I could or should… or productive as I could or should… I know that your company’s information has the answers.
It really is amazing just how very much wisdom and how very many life advantages are captured in your work.
Mark, I thank you for all that you have done and all that you will do.
Yours sincerely,
Gavriel Shaw

March 2025