Posts Tagged ‘mysticism’

Mr.Mark Hamilton I am 100% with you….

My name is Mike Covarrubias here in CA central Valley.

My testimonial is this… I was deep in stagnation as well in mysticism.

back in late 2004 I encounter with Neothink I received your invitation to

be part of this society.

well as an old man with a traditional “believes” well rooted into my

psychic.I decide to get inside I order the first orientation panphlet.

Then I orderd the first herloom for me is (priceless) information

I ordered the secund herloom…… that was my turnig point.

that book specially the SECUND INSIGHT openned my eyes!!!

Mr.Mark Hamilton I am 100% with you…. because where else can go

is nothing up there but irrationalities, cruelties and opression

I am 64 year old virtually blind.

I beleive in you Mark I believed in your dad Mark Hamilton. This a

historical DAD the dawn of fredom for all of us and eventually for

all humanity.

“GO” FO IT” Mark you wll have my 100% support.

sincerely Mike Covarrubias here in Madera CA

NT has made me understand why I should believe in myself

Mark, NT has made me understand why I should believe in myself  

thought me that I’m responsible for everything   good or bad, blame no 

one but myself, thought me hoe to feel good, happy all the time.  NT has also deprogram my beliefs in mysticism’s which made practice pure honesty, pure love. I know it’s great new journey for me and I’m much happier, i don’t dwell on the past. I say this because I grew up without running water, electric, I slept  on dirt, I was sent to 

boarding school, i was forbidden to speak my language, think , be  

myself, I was preach the gospel, I was beaten, it was more like prison and boot camp. My name is Red star 008…I have spoken…

Your literature and the Neothink Society

     I cannot even begin to tell you how my life has changed, since my first letter from you and the society.
     One year ago this Christmas I was ready to give up on life so much mysticism, 
Neo-cheaters in my life I had no room to breathe anymore.
     For four years I’ve been living with this heavy heart, I gave up believing in people 
in a whole, church wasn’t the answer for me.
     I was a truck driver and four years ago years ago I lost my mother and my job, 
because of the need to come home.  My company fired me for coming out of route 
when she died, I hadn’t put things together until that letter i spoke of from you and 
the society.
     Your literature and the Neothink Society has brought me back with this large heart.  I’m so 
thankful for getting this new chance at life, I’m living proof of my child of the past 
will catch the child of my future.
     Knowing that we have a Twelve Vision Party and what they are doing is the best 
thing that has happen to me since my FNE and the best is yet to come.
     Please keep your literature and the Twelve Visions Party going.
                              A Neothink sister,
                              Lavonne B

Mark Hamilton’s books had impact my life

I only been in the society a few months and I’m loving it already. Mark Hamilton’s books had impact my life. Because of the society, I’m no longer stuck with mysticism. I’m my own creator. I can be,do,or have anything I want. Thanks!




I look back in time to just a few short years ago and I see changes. Looking within myself I see a different outlook on the way I view the circumstances of the world today.

It used to be that it appeared that darkness held us firmly in its malevolent grasp and there was nothing I could do to penetrate the tightly woven fabric of what appeared to be a grim reality.

That has all changed in the short 5 years since Mark Hamilton invited me to be a part of something huge and wondrous; The Neothink Society.

No longer does it seem impossible to have impact on the way things appear to be. Why is that? You may well ask. Simply put, the darkness is all about illusion, not reality. Anything that is built on lies, deceit and illusions is not strong. It has weaknesses. It has an Achilles heel.

It has become increasingly easier to penetrate that fabric of lies and see what is and what can be done to unravel it. Most of the answers are in the prime literature written by Mark Hamilton and the rest is within each of us.

Individually, we can take small steps. As a group, a collective conscious body, we can take long strides that accomplish the purpose of the conscious, integrated mind.

The world is not so grim and dark anymore. There is light, more and more of it everyday, and it has begun to dissipate the darkness, illusions and mysticism of the bicameral mind.

We all have some, you know, but it grows less and less influential in our lives as we continue to question and act on the clarity of the answers we each find, both in the prime literature, and within ourselves.

Don’t be daunted by the enormity of the task in front of us. Make no mistake, it is enormous, but it is also fun! Do you think you have something better to do than improve the quality of your life as well as the quality of many other lives? I think not.

Keep your chin up, your eyes bright and focused, and a genuine smile on you face and move ever forward with positive determination and just watch those tasks become increasingly easier and easier.

You will have a spring in your step once more. Your heart will beat with new strength and your sense of purpose and well being will become infused in all that you do.

You will also find that it extremely contagious and the joy that it brings to those around you will be worth every bit of the effort that you put into it all.

These are just some of the changes I see within me and you know what? I’m liking, more and more everyday, that hansom guy that gazes back at me from within the looking glass..

What a wonderful person Mark Hamilton is…

Myles Conefrey Testimonial

Mark Hamilton, Mentor and Friend

          Myles Conefrey’s testimonial is about the value of my new-found friend and mentor “Mark Hamilton” and his literature:

          Back at the start of March, 2009, I had never heard of “Mark Hamilton”.  Then, around mid-March, I received a letter in the mail and it was an invitation to view some of his literature.  I’m so glad and happy to say that I made the right move in taking him up on this most interesting literature.  In my 71 years life time, I have never read anything as enlightening and interesting as Mark Hamilton manuscripts.  He has to be the greatest writer of all time.  One who is willing to share his many years of learning and acquiring knowledge about his Visions that he stands ready and willing to share with all of us.  He is without a doubt one of the greatest value creators of our time.

          I applaud him for his willingness to share his secrets with every one of us in the USA and throughout the World. What a wonderful person Mark Hamilton is to try and mentor and help us all to move forward toward our own lifetime essence and his intent on helping us create the world we want to Live In.  A world filled with Wealth, Health, Happiness and Peace.  No one else has ever offered to share their life-long hard work and benefits with any of us.  He helps us to discover the whole spectrum of conscious life.  Conscious life yields eternal wealth, health and romance, while NEOTHINK unlocks that secret by sweeping away 2,500 years of suppression of the people of the world through politics, religion and philosophy and the mysticism that has hurt us all.  NEOTHINK forever unfolds open-end knowledge that determines the future by dissolving the dishonest biases and ideological boundaries of politics and philosophies.  We have to give thanks to Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK literature, which helps liberate those of us who are trapped inside this narrow-scoped tunnel-vision prison and allows us to be the person we were meant to be, the person that God and Jesus meant us to be. 

          The non-biblical Jesus was a peasant with this new power of God.  Jesus was bringing this powerful new mind space, the new consciousness to the powerless bicameral peasants.  Through Jesus’ teachings, the powerless peasants they began gaining the power of consciousness and started becoming one with God.  The powerful, educated, elites, who were already conscious and enslaving, saw fit to discredit Jesus and his teachings and led to Jesus’ death on the cross.  The elite leaders of that time discovered a way to continue to enslave the bicameral peasants and the masses for another 2,500 years by taking away this new unity with God splitting apart this ancient God-Man.

          Those early neo-cheaters did this by reinventing a silent supreme being, who no longer communicated his will through voices, but through the authorities of the Church.  In that way, man remained subservient to that supreme-being and continued to be controlled by the leaders of the Church in the name of God.  Those leaders led civilization into the Dark Ages, just when civilization should have soared with the new power of consciousness.

          In other words, per Mark Hamilton’s writings, the religions, the Theocracies, became mutations of the bicameral mentality – the authorization from outside.  The newly conscious mind, instead of guiding itself, continued to be guided by external authorities.

          Governments today are mutations of the bicameral mentality – the authorization from outside.  Again, according to Mark Hamilton’s writings, the conscious mind, instead of guiding itself as God and Jesus intended, continues to be guided by external authorities.  The bicameral mutations get programmed into our psyches, like a computer virus, via learned and mimicked reactions from the moment a child starts becoming conscious – learned from his/her parents first, then from society.

          Not until getting down to this level of understanding the mind can we begin to  know what to do to remove those bicameral mutations such as; government controlling and guiding civilizations.

          A unified NEOTHINK will bring order out of chaos, honesty out of dishonesty, and rationality out of irrationality.  We have Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts to help guide and show us the way to tear down those ideological fences.

          My hat goes off to Mark Hamilton, his literature, the NEOTHINK society, and now, the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, in their efforts to set us all free to live a life of wealth, health, romantic love, happiness, and peace for many generations to come.

          May God bless and keep Mark Hamilton safe to see this through to the end.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor



Am joyous testifying to you all. This is all about  MARK HAMILTON .

He is a genius honest person. From the time i received his heirloom/books and went through, my life changed from bicameral mind to civilization, that is from sickness to health, from actress to active.

The knowledge of mark shall change lives of people world wide just as it has changed the lives of us who have led his books. Imagine Mr HAMILTON discovered the disease which is attacking nearly all human beings on earth and this is the disease which brings poverty, war, hatred, dishonest, sickness, death, etc.

Due to his genius and honest he also has the cure /medicine for this disease called mysticism. And this cure is from his knowledge.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor

Being a member of the Neothink society, am also threatened>20 march 2010.Our journey mighty be disturbed as you mentioned. Am level 9 of our journey. In level 6 you talked about the NEOTHINK SOCIETY MARK HAMILTON SECRET BOOK that you would send to members.

How can it be possible for to receive this book. I would Neothink that you send me this book and be on the way to me before 20 march 2010.

To me this threat is just like am driving the car along the desert which is mysticism to a promised land, the land of honest, success, ageless, etc then fuel of car starts finishing before arrival to the promised land.

I am thankful for Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society

Thank You and I know that all is well, I have lived most of my life controlled and manipulated by this dead society we live in here is my testimonial to you and my use with the warriors Ken P

I am thankful for Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society, my life has changed and everyone says I look so much younger.  I find myself living life without all the anger stored up inside.  I still believe in my higher power as that one voice inside I count on.   All the readings I find that they parallel my thinking.  I have always been able to see and communicate mind to mind.  When I was in Vietnam I could talk with my wife even though she was 11,000 miles away.  When I would come home she would tell me almost verbatim what I said to her.   The new techniques I am learning to use.    Since starting I have received over $20,000. Dollars in value in my home and business.   I am starting to create new puzzle pictures and the next vision as mind travel.   I am working on it now.  I am so happy that this 12 vision party is up and running.  I can’t think why anyone would want to keep this old civilization going once you learn to take back your own control.  I believe in our US constitution, but the prime directive in Neothink makes it so much more pure and all people can benefit from this.  True freedom never comes from aggression or wars.  I think the most help is when you can see and hear all the non sequiturs that all politicians and clergy use.  They just jump right out to you. I never realized how manipulative they are.  Most colleges train in these non sequiturs, of course only to select members of the class.  I am finding how hard it is to rid myself of the mysticism in my life.  I know first-hand what the neocheaters are all about and what problems they have created for me in my life.  I can attest to the value we can create in medicine and wanting to live life forever.  I have also been one who has lived with extreme prejudices from all these neocheaters and how they have tried to control me.  I am not alone anymore.  Thank You for the neo-think society and Mark Hamilton for having faith in me.   Yes I have been   intelligent optimistic most of my life.  Everyone who knows me say I am a bankrupt idealist, but why is it I can live by my principles and they have never failed.  I believe in the techniques that our books show use that they work, and boy do they!   I cannot wait until we all live equal no special interests only one race humans.   True progressives believe in the human oneness we all are a part of.  We all agree that our planet is warming and our oceans will continue to rise for decades to come.  What do we expect we deforest the planet.   Destroying the land  we live on to build 18th century technology to build our homes and buildings we need to stop spreading out our cities but build up.  We need to replant our forests and farm lands.  That is the only God given way that purifies our air the natural way.  It can be done, and is being done all over the planet in 3rd world countries.  The   best way to get an economy going again is maintain the existing infrastructure, build up and we can now grow for decades without running out of room.  Replace existing plants incase them in an   eco manner all tanks be incased not set in the ground as they are now.  When spills occur we can clean it up without causing environmental hazards as we have now.  We still need to use our resources and do it in a 21st century manner.  This 12 vision party is the last hope for America without the loss of life which will surely occur if we keep this dead civilization we now have.  I know that we have a large minority of free loaders in our society which the present system encourages because the politicians use them to  keep them self’s  in power over use all.  All you have to do is go where these elitist gather and listen to them and how they look down on the masses. It makes you sick and angry that these people who are supposed to be our examples, could think this !  I hope that more people would join use.  Yes the elite will not die without a fight but we can survive any attacks because Mark Hamilton represents these elitists and knows how we have been controlled.   We have no choice but fight back, and yes I know we can live through the lies and controlling they are sure to create.  I have faith in our country and its people especially when they are given the truth.  I probably will suffer the most as I am retired on fixed income.  But I must fight and create new values for mankind.  I want to create the Cosmic mind institute where the Intelligent optimists can work together to create this new civilization that mankind is coming to realize has already started. 

Kenneth M P

Thank you Mark Hamilton

Mark thank you for giving me the opportunity to join neothink. I joined three years ago. It took me over a year to read the literature. What a mind lifting event that was. I had never read a book cover to cover in my life. Till read your literature that alone was a great accomplishment for me. I started my own biz I got out of a destructive relationship and I can spot mysticism everywhere I go. My life has done a complete one eighty. And I am moving forward with a new mindset. Moving toward wealth health & peace.

Thank you Mark Hamilton.

sincerely Sean P Akins

March 2025