Posts Tagged ‘mysticism’

Neothink has helped me…


By Member

Hello my (PM) Prime Mentor                                                                                  
The prime question for level 12:What has Neothink done for me: When I look back over the past
twelve months, I know and I feel, a great surge of confidence, has unfolded within me. This
unfolding of confidence, is really a shifting, and as you my Mentor has so properly stated a…
“jump” in my mentality, from that following mode to the leader mode or role.          

All my life I never went with the crowds, I have always been “my own person” meaning I
was not a “total sheep”. After studying under the most awesome, human being I have ever
encountered in my life,(you my PM).It has taught me I can create that world, that I have …
always dreamed of and I could do it by creating values, that in turn bringing and producing
a happy life, of course, this being achieved through puzzle building, adding piece by piece.

Early on from the letters ,the word mind blowing would come up, what was mind blowing
to me was, when I started to make this shift, in my mind, in my thoughts, it was then that I
started to feel the “power” you have always talked about. Once man breaks, or shifts from
mysticism, and gets a taste of the freedom, the creativity, the “power”, the happiest, and
think and know where this shift is and where it will take him, it is mind blowing. Neothink
has helped me to simply dismiss the neocheaters, which only had a shallow impact on me,
before I feel. The mere fact of being able to think for oneself, and control oneself, and all
of his or her actions, again brings that feeling of unexplained joy. Personally when I heard
the most profound words I have ever heard in my life, in level 3 when you my Mentor said
“Welcome Home” I felt something I have never felt in my entire life, as I speak about it now
my eyes well up, my mind, my body,  my whole being went through a sudden peace, a…
calmness I never felt before, for me it was like the opening of a door, and a cool breeze
flowed in, the very thing that sparked a slight “flash” a shifting for me I feel. Once I understood
what I had to do, and how to do it, the grip of mysticism, was loosed, and each day I feel
myself breaking it’s hold in all aspects. Neothink the hammer that smashes the veil of …
mysticism. Neothink that springboard to the Twelve Visions World the only road to the Twelve Visions World.

Roy Metcalf

Mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality

hello my name is Sean from new York city the Neothink society is very impressive as in what’s going on in society today it also opens your mind to a better way of thinking Mark Hamilton is very considerate for trying to bring twelve visions into reality it will be very helpful for family and friends once it is put into action it teaches heath, wealth, happiness, discipline, honesty and control plus how to be a self leader when I first got the literature it was something exciting to learn especially since I was intoxicated by deception in the ac with no hope whatsoever I don’t know everything still learning and still have mysticism’s but I will like to thank mark Hamilton and everyone else in the society for giving me a thinking process of calmness and different knowledge thank you

Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction…

Mark Hamilton and Neothink society has given me direction in the way life and business should be handled. He and neothink has shown me that society can function together and create a better way to live, IN a honest environment, free of mysticism ,cheaters , value destroyers and parasitical politicians and lawyers. Neothink will teach our kid’s value and honesty ,and teach them to prosper and live a healthy life. WE ALL can live a better life by achieving these goals, As Mark Hamilton and Neothink showed only great concern for the well being of all people and nations. don s

I Encountered Neothink

My name is Mike C here in CA central Valley.
My testimonial is this… I was deep in stagnation as well in mysticism.
back in late 2004 I encounter with Neothink I received your invitation to
be part of this society.
well as an old man with a traditional “believes” well rooted into my
psychic. I decide to get inside I order the first orientation pamphlet.
Then I ordered the first heirloom for me is (priceless) information
I ordered the second heirloom…… that was my turning point.
that book specially the SECOND INSIGHT opened my eyes!!!!
Mr.Mark Hamilton I am 100% with you…. because where else can go
is nothing up there but irrationalities, cruelties and oppression
I am 64 year old virtually blind.
I believe in you Mark I believed in your dad Mark Hamilton. This a
historical DAD the dawn of freedom for all of us and eventually for
all humanity.
“GO” FO IT” Mark you wll have my 100% support.
sincerely Mike C

Thank you Mark Hamilton for your dedication and hard work

Neothink has helped me free my find from mysticism and guilt that has been put on by the neocheaters. I ‘am able to achieve a lot more now using the mini day techniques. Thank you Mark Hamilton and Dr. Mark Hamilton for your dedication and hard work

From Old Thinking to New Thinking…

Is now the evolutionary journey for the human-race.
Consciousness evolving to a higher level; a new paradigm of a different sort.
One based on reality and objectivism…and away from mysticism of those ignorant in the truer scope of things!
An example of Old Thinking is relying on external authority to tell you what to do or not to do! Example of New Thinking is relying on internal authority…telling you what to addressed or not!
It is all brought in the attitude and understanding brought by Mark Hamilton in his visionary assembles in Neothink!
In Mark Hamilton’s mythology and guidance, you finally become the person you were meant to be…following your bliss of higher purpose; and more profound value sharing!
We exist, again for a reason…in how we incorporate our ideals and dreams into reality… for all to benefit from and prosper!
Away from external forces of society, such as government, religion, familiar groups…as examples of Old Thinking.
To that of going back to the individual core of self for guidance in a mature adult meshing of karma and total honesty!
Happy Sojourning fellow seekers!

I am very grateful to be a member of the Neothink Society.

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I just want you to know that I am very grateful to be a member of the Neothink Society.
One day, I looked at my life and I was not satisfied. I was grateful, but not satisfied. I began to seriously think about what my life would be like if I took responsibility for everything that happened to me. I wondered if I could truly be in control of my life.
One of the first things I did was to forgive my parents. I used to blame them because my mother made certain decisions for me that I did not agree with and my father did certain things I did not agree with. But I finally realized that they were doing the very best they knew how based on the information they had. It was a wonderful thing to be able to do that. After that, I worked through a whole list of people.
In addition, every day I would say to myself that I did not want to be a victim anymore. I wanted to take full responsibility and change my life. I had no idea why I was responsible or how I could take charge and be in control, but I expressed it everyday.
Then one day a letter came. My husband showed it to me and said he was seriously attracted to this particular opportunity and wanted my opinion. I recognized the language from a previous opportunity we took advantage of years ago and I responded that we should purchase the books.
Through reading the Neothink literature, I have learned how to take responsibility and how to gain more control in my life. First, by using the mini-day schedule I have control in my life. I also learned that I was confused because of mysticism. I realized I could not take responsibility for my actions and be in control if I was listening to and following various confusing external authorities. After I started removing external authorities, I could think clearer. I could recognize non-sequitors. I could see that altruism and sacrifice were not in harmony with biological immortality as I was taught in a particular organization. I began to see the power of integrated honesty and I began to understand that I am a God-woman and a co-creator of the universe. I started having a little more control over what I was creating in my life. It has been almost like a “magical” experience to me.
I am so grateful to have experienced the Twelve Visions World at the very first Twelve Visions Party Convention and World Neothink Summit. I always look forward to participating in the Club House here in Chicago every month and getting together with my Neothink brothers and sisters. Having Club Houses and being able to connect with people of like mind has made a difference in my life. Further, my involvement with the Global Information Network is helping me tremendously in my growth and development, especially in getting to the level to be, have, or do whatever I desire.
I am striving to be honest, beginning with my self. You have demonstrated to me that honesty does set you free. I know that I am a self-leader and that all the answers are within me. There’s nothing that I want to go back towards. I will continue to move forward.
Thank you so much, Mark,
Fahmeeda H

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society



My name is Avery W, I can hardly express how excited I am to have found the writings of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. Prior to this I have always been a seeker which lead me on a wild ride. I was baptised Catholic and raised in an Anglican home so I don’t have to tell you how screwed up I was. I got into sales at twenty years of age which increased my thirst for knowledge, I read many sales and psychology books.

Some were more helpful than others but they all seemed to be missing something. After I made over twelve millions in business and yet finding myself dealing with the fact that I was about to lose everything I worked for, I realized something was definitely wrong and the seeker in me went deeper. Then I found spirituality, talk about another blind religion filled with mysticism. I made another four millions and still found myself struggling financially. When I received the first letter from the society, it spoke to my heart. I got the first book and could hardly put it down, I felt someone knew my heart and I thought wow! I am not crazy. There is actually someone else who feels that the system we have created is screwed up. I have since read many of the Neothink literature and now have renewed excitement and determination to assist in bringing forth the Twelve Visions World on earth. I now know why and how far I know who I am, why I am, where I am and what I am. Thank you.


become a part of the neothink society


In the beginning of receiving the invitation to become a part of the neothink society, I was a person who had more to loose than to gain as I had supposed, I had felt that if I had become a part of this NEOTHINK SOCIETY group that I would be denying my entire up bringing.

But in all reality, after reading and studding the entire works that had been offered to me, I thought to my self how could I Deni this to my children. At which point, I had been able to adjust those beliefs of mysticism that had been ingrained  into my very core and format those  mystic thoughts into a higher level of thinking, then after strengthening those teachings that we as man will at one point and time be elevated too and be recognized as creators in are own right and under standing the Neothink man principle as being different from that of generalized mystic point of view. My mind has know had an altered frame of consciousness, and after having the ability of receiving the education from the Neothink Society, I now know that it is through the creative essence that is with in me, that I am able to organize, and place together all the puzzle peaces at just the right time, helping the right people in the same process.

I have also found that my growth and personal creation continues to make me feel as though I am a success in almost every area of my life and I feel that those around me also get the same impression that I have untapped abilities, and that in many ways others have a sense of admiration for my day to day accomplishments, just because I am able to utilize the techniques that have been taught to me with in the works that Mark Hamilton has provided to me over the past three year period.

My thoughts and suggestion to you is if in doubt try it out, you will find the proof is within the material, I did.and my life has been opened up ever sense, and I’m sure it will be for you.

                                                                  Mark F

The Neothink Package was some of the most eye-opening…


The Neothink Package was some of the most eye-opening reading material I have ever run across!  I was intrigued from the first invitation.  I am captivated to this day.  At a time when I was looking for answers in a world where truth is in short supply Mark Hamilton’s Inner Circle Secrets. Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and Inside Secrets opened my mind to an interpretation of my purpose on this earth that has become an integral part of my current belief system.

Thank you, Mark, for caring about your world and the people in it.  Because of you I will never rely on the mysticism of religion again!

Wanda R

March 2025