Posts Tagged ‘mr wallace’

Love you Mark Hamilton and all who are involved too…


Florence Sizer  Minnesota
I’m 85 years young. I have been reading  the literature of Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage and Mr. Wallace since the 70’s.I knew it was going to be “BIG” so I bought all the books I could afford and read them. The more I read the more I hoped I would live long enough to see the twelve visions become a reality.
I have always been a homemaker, raising 6 children, so I don’t have the qualifications to join an A Team. I get so excited when I listen to the A-Team and national meetings to hear what is being accomplished.
The local meetings are too far  for me to drive so I have started a mail order business so I can make enough money to move to and live in Minneapolis and attend meetings in St Paul, the sister city. It might take me a couple years but that is my goal.
I really want to be part of this huge movement. I think it is such an honor and privileged to be involved in changing the world. love you Mark Hamilton and all who are involved too.
I have a 3 year old grandson that can use the computer, knows the numbers, alphabet and can read. I wish he could attend the school of geniuses. He made me an Easter card, found pictures on the computer and signed it Love, Thomas.
Love to all, Florence

have four books from Mr. Mark Hamilton.

I have four books from Mr. Wallace & Mr. Hamilton. The knowledge shared in these books are as valid as a Harvard MBA, The Holy Bible, and a seminary would offer. It cares about people, and it shows in its offerings that can take the average mind, even a college educated mind like myself, and put business apps and practices pass the sky. I recommend this library, and wealth of knowledge to anyone I felt had potential to excel in life and in business. The information is so good I would prefer to keep it in the family.
Robin M

I have four books from Mr. Mark Hamilton.

I have four books from Mr. Wallace & Mr. Hamilton. The knowledge shared in these books are as valid as a Harvard MBA, The Holy Bible, and a seminary would offer. It cares about people, and it shows in its offerings that can take the average mind, even a college educated mind like myself, and put business apps and practices pass the sky. I recommend this library, and wealth of knowledge to anyone I felt had potential to excel in life and in business. The information is so good I would prefer to keep it in the family.

March 2025