Posts Tagged ‘mr hamilton’

When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature

Dear Mr. Hamilton:
When I opened the email you sent us telling us that the government authorities may potentially end our cause of Neothink Society and TVP in the near future, I said to myself, this can’t be happening. I wanted to stress with my whole heart and soul that we cannot let them silence something we so strongly believe in.
When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature I realized all the time I had wasted on doing tedious things without value or importance for anyone. Neothink Society has meant a lot to me over the past two years and has changed my life for the better. I truly feel like a new woman and all my peers can see the drastic change in me. I have started to actually appreciate my family and am always working on becoming a better individual. Mr. Hamilton’s words are very close to my heart and have taught me how to achieve many great things I never dreamed of accomplishing. I believe that TVP is something that serves as an enlightening perspective for all those seeking for guidance for what our future may hold.
That is why I, Maria C. Rodriguez, testify that Neothink Society and the TVP movement is something marvelous that all humanity should want to explore. Let’s do our best to continue forth with this cause, that I’m sure has helped many people just like me.
Truly yours,
Maria C. R

Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton.
I really owe you for the stage what I’m at right now, the stage where I’m a new individual ,happy .healthy and almost wealthy, before I joined the society I was ok or like the vast majority , but now with the new vision and new me I gained from reading your multigenerational manuscripts and learning from your mentoring and the society members, I can and live and visualize the bright future a wait for me and for all people, I really want to thank you for your great efforts of writing in fact creating the multigenerational manuscripts and for your devotions of having these multigenerational manuscripts available to me and the public , I want thank you for your support and your fathering me and all the society members as will as creating the Twelve Vision Party TVP, even thou that you’re younger than a lot of society members, you still feel and make us feel your honest fathering.
with Mr. Hamilton’s dedications and fathering of the society members and the TVP that will bring the happiness and the wealth to the mass ,
thank you Mr. Hamilton for your sacrifices of your personal assets to father and support us in the Neothink society.
Mr. Hamilton I’m not here to list all of your favors and dedications to the Neothink society and the TVP because your efforts are more than to be listed.
thank you Mark
The New Me

Mark Hamilton thank you so much for sharing this so important information whit us.

Dear Mr. Hamilton:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my thoughts on your Neothink live style. After reading your Books that certainly made absolutely perfectly sense to me this Nation needs to wake up and start to take responsibility for there own actions, rather than waiting for the politicians to dictate what there life style or future should hold they should use all that energy for there own and there families well-being. How quickly they could realize how happy, healthy, and exciting there new found freedom will be. Free from the interference from there own politicians and completely in charge of there own destiny. We all need Neothink if we know it or not.
Mr. Hamilton thank you so much for sharing this so important information whit us. Kind regards
Heinz H

Mark Hamilton, and his literature

When I got in the Neothink Society my life was down. Now my life has change in so many ways. There are three things that did it Neothink, Mark Hamilton, and his literature. The twelve visions in the second heirloom, I open my mind and clear. And my movtivational in many ways my family and work. Oh yes my life is going to the right path. Now I have not fullest my life yet. But I know it is coming to me soon. Thank you Mr. Hamilton you gave me.
Robert D

I cannot imagine a world where the ideas of Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party did not exist.

My name is Raymond and I’m 57 yrs old. I had been searching for that “Some Thing More” in my life that had been eluding me for the first 54 years of my life. Now I have found my reason for living, my purpose in life, and a passion I never knew I had before.
I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for his wonderful literature and The Neothink Society for enlightening me to the honest reality of the person I was meant to be. I thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for introducing me to the fantastic world of Neothink and the visions of the Twelve Visions Party that would enable people of this country to climb out of the down-ward spiral of living in a world of lies, delusions, fraud and coercion that has kept us all from the pursuit of real life, liberty, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.
I cannot imagine a world where the ideas of Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party did not exist. I fear that without the hope that Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party can bring to the world; we will end-up destroying this country, this civilization and this planet by sheer frustration and ultimately create a cataclysmic catastrophe that will eliminate us as a species.
I look to the future of mankind’s’ ONLY real hope for survival to continue to move forward and usher in the kind of world that the Fore-Fathers of this country risked all to bring to us many years ago. The future they envisioned is not the one we are all living. The future they had hoped for and paid dearly to secure finally has a chance to become a beautiful reality with the emergence of Mr. Mark Hamilton’s’ Neothink Society and the new political arm of this Society know as The Twelve Visions Party.
Our children and our grandchildren are counting on all of us to rally behind Mr. Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party to secure not only our futures but theirs’ as well. The Neothink Society and all that this Society stands for is the ONLY way that any of the people of this world can continue to look to their futures and say, “At last!” we have a real and lasting way to accomplish all that our individual heart’s desire of living in peace and harmony and love with the inhabitants of this beautiful place we call Earth.
I urge everyone who has a real desire to survive the current economical and political state of the world today to seek out The Neothink Society Clubhouses around the country and learn for them the real value offered to them by Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party. Go to for more info.
Thank you, Raymond D

The Neothink Society, the TVP …

Mr. Hamilton.
I am disheartened to think that a supposed ‘free’ society such as that the United States portrays to be would do such a thing. The Neothink Society, the TVP and you and your father’s hard work to provide information to people who want to live a better life and to have options other than our own federal government lays down as ‘the only way to go’ has opened my eyes to another way of thinking and it has been very refreshing to know that people can and will stand up to the status quo of this country. We are taught in school that we have the freedom to think what we want, do what we want (within the limits of the law), to believe in whatever religion we want, speak what we want, etc, etc. The Neothink Society is doing just that and we should (and I will) stand up to keep that right alive and well for the society as well as you Mr. Hamilton. I am a disabled Air Force Veteran who served this country with honor and worked to keep those above mentioned freedoms in tact. I will do the same for the society and yourself and best of luck in defeating the dishonesty.
Anissa W

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for including me in your family of Apprentices. Wish I could have done more with it.
In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.
When all the guys started getting together & talking about different things. needless to say my ears perked up. It is all so interesting. I especially liked the part of honesty. I have had more stolen from me than most people have. I never thought of people stealing ! Didn’t realize there were that many dishonest people in the world. In this program, we are taught honesty, love, compassion for others, how to live with ourselves & make an honest living,
In the Neothink world we all will be prosperous & happy. What more could a person want ?
Mr. Hamilton, I too am concerned about you. You know how cruel the media can be. I know you will be honest about everything, but if you could soften the Religious part a bit,
you know how the south is so religious, with churches on every corner & probably the rest of the country also. I notice also a lot of the members refer to religion as thou they haven’t changed much.
I some how feel, this isn’t exactly what you wanted, but the best I can do. I have a difficult time with my eyes & have not advanced in the level as I would like. Hopefully that will come about soon.
Love & Caring
Peggy L

Mr. Hamilton

Mr. Hamilton,
Just wanted to thank you for being my mentor and showing me a new way of thinking.
I am fortunate to be a part of the Neothink Society. Your visions and writings
provide valuable tools and methods to develop the path to fulfill our personal and national
destiny. Your intellectual work that stimulates the TPV movement which presents an unfolding
to a better future of our society.
Best Regards,
your apprentice..
Konstantin, C

Mark Hamilton found me!

There was a time when I was at the lowest point in my life! I had gone through a career change; one from 20 years in uniform (US Navy) protecting this great nation and the Constitution upon which it based to one of “civilian” … seemingly lost in nightmare!
The first words from my daughter, the focus of my heart, were “Why did you come home? We don’t want you here!” Shortly thereafter, after 8 more years of struggling to recreate the family I once loved and cared for, I went through a divorce. The results: For the last 13 years none from my family has spoken to me, cared about me, or even entered my home. A lost life of loneliness, depression, and the loss of desire to even continue living consumed me. Like the old country song goes … “when you hit the bottom, go sideways! “ Well, I was tired of going “sideways” and wanted out of this situation, even at the cost of my own life.
Then, Mark Hamilton found me! I received a letter of invitation to check out the prime literature of the Neothink® Society. He told me I was “special”, and he could show me how to become the best I could be, and be a success in life (the life I no longer cared to even experience) and business. I responded to that letter and received one after another three large Heirloom books full of love, honesty, hope, and guidance; and it made all the difference in the world!
That was about four years ago. I anxiously read the material, and upon completion of each volume anxiously awaited the next; re-reading the prior one, until I had all three. I began applying what I read to my life, and saw things begin to improve, and developed the desire to experience life to the fullest, sharing what I had learned with others. I found my essence, my “calling in life” – to be a living example of his Miss Annabelle!
Mr. Hamilton began the Neothink® Society as an outreach to the world with these valuable secrets based on honesty and love. I was chosen to be one of his “300”, as he lovingly calls us, to begin this effort. When he launched the Neothink® A-Team businesses, I began the first one in the State of Florida. When he asked us to begin holding clubhouse meetings to bring others to this wonderful knowledge, I began doing so and now have six such clubhouses scattered around the state (and more to come). From there, I learned the principals of value creation through honest, loving business techniques (as taught in his book Secrets. My partner and I now have a potentially fabulous business concept to begin and turn around some of the problems of the world around us; an investment company based on the principals of Neothink® business.
I have also moved forward and become:
a. Coordinator of Florida Space Coast A-Team, LLC; one of the first 30 Neothink® A-Team businesses launched, and the first one in Florida, now with six branch clubhouses.
b. Founding member of one of the premier Neothink® businesses (Value Added Concepts, LLC).
c. A-Team Mentor/Coach for the states of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
c. Charter Member of the Neothink® Business Alliance, promoting and aiding other business ventures built upon the Neothink® principals.
d. Co-Chair for the Florida State Twelve Visions Party – fighting to bring the US Government back within the guidelines of the Constitution and providing protection to the individuals of our country, allowing the geniuses to move forward in value creation and business building to bring health, happiness and wealth to all.
e. Co-creator of Neothink® Financial Services (awaiting approval), a private investment corporation designed to provide hope, happiness and comfort to the individuals and groups of the Neothink® Society and the world et al by building income streams, saving homes, and creating jobs and wealth for the individuals.
I have accomplished more in the last 4 years than I ever in my younger days thought was possible, all thanks to that moment when Mark Hamilton found me, showed me how to live and love, as he lives and loves, and become a value creator instead of a value devourer.
There have been many lies and half-truths spouted by the unlearned concerning Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society, and Twelve Visions Party. I am here to say … stop blindly following those rumors and lies, and search for yourself! Look at people like me, and ask “How did that happen?” There are hundreds of us across this nation who will tell you the same thing … I learned from Mark!
I am the honest, loving, value creating individual I am today because of what I learned from the greatest mentor I have ever met … Mark Hamilton! He is a genius of a writer, a mentor of greatest renown, a loving husband and father, and one who willingly gives of himself to see others develop and grow into Neothinkers and value creators! How could such an individual be the evil “Antichrist” that others picture him to be?
Mark: I am by your side 100% in Neothink® and TVP. Yes, I said “by your side” – you taught us not to “follow”, but to lead and build value! Thank you, my mentor, for bringing back to me the meaning of life, the reason to continue, and the hope of a bright, happy, and healthy future! The love you showed me I now return to you, and the world around me – 100-fold!
Charles “Doc” M

I have four books from Mr. Mark Hamilton.

I have four books from Mr. Wallace & Mr. Hamilton. The knowledge shared in these books are as valid as a Harvard MBA, The Holy Bible, and a seminary would offer. It cares about people, and it shows in its offerings that can take the average mind, even a college educated mind like myself, and put business apps and practices pass the sky. I recommend this library, and wealth of knowledge to anyone I felt had potential to excel in life and in business. The information is so good I would prefer to keep it in the family.

March 2025