Posts Tagged ‘mr hamilton’

Neothink Genius

What’s going on Mark and the Neothink society!? Several years ago I received the Neothink orientation booklet. Before I read the whole booklet I noticed some weird things happening before my eyes. I do not know what caused these things to happen, but maybe it had something to do with Neo-think’s new “technology”. I want people to know that my personal life changed exactly how it was claimed to within the society’s secrets! The most intriguing fact is what causes the life to be able to change. Initially, I doubted that I would be heavily impacted by the secret society. I read my first installment at the age of twenty three. I am now twenty eight years old and I have realized that our society is plagued with papa boys! All races have them in abundance. These are Neothinks greatest enemies! I want people to really understand that we, because of Mr. Hamilton have the opportunity to create our new world, together! Neo-think is the synthesis between the human desire and nature. My personal email has been the same for five or six years ( It means Neothink genius! This is truly the best time to be riding through the roller coaster named life! Thanks again Mark!
Christopher Williams.

Thank you Mark Hamilton

I’d like thank Mr. Mark Hamilton all who know that
NeoThink is based on self impowerment though Individual creativity. By studying the information Mr. Hamilton has created & appling it w/my own creativity I have become more in tune w/the way a business should flow.
So to test this knowledge my family & I left the States & applied what I’ve learned & I have had some success. But now I am being tormented by those I’ve helped, so I can understand what Mr. Hamilton is dealing with & I support him & I will stand w/ him, because he stands for self improvement though Individual Creative.
I didn’t mention that I live in Tokyo w/my family & we’ve been here for 5yrs.& I don’t speak Japanese, & we live where most Japanese can only dream of living.
Thanks to Neothink & my Creativity I can live well anywhere.
Thanks Mr.Hamilton for Transendinal knowlegde you help others gain.
Keep up the good fight, because this warrior of Truth will stand w/U.

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party

My name is Chuck M. I am 50 years old and live in beautiful North Idaho. Currently, I work as an insurance agent.
Over the past several months, I have sought out and read everything written and by Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society. Words alone cannot express the life changing value, how important, how influencial his work has been to my family and I. Even though I have never met Mr. Hamilton face-to-face, I consider him to be my “Life Mentor”!
During this period, I’ve also become very familiar with the ”Twelve Visions Party”. I’m sure by now, most of you can see the “dishonesty” in todays politicians/government! Now is the time for ”real honesty”, “real value’s”, etc.
I would drop everything, right here, right now, if Mr. Mark Hamilton called and asked for my help! I would do that whether it was to help him in his business, The Neothink Society or the Twelve Visions Party! I would consider it an honor, a privilege and a pleasure to assist Mr. Hamilton in any way possible. Thank You!!!
Chuck M

To those with ears to hear

To those with ears to hear,
To all who will listen, Mark Hamilton speaks the truth. He is willing to confront whatever forces may try to silence him in order to bring in a new age of enlightenment.
Like Socrates and Jesus, many will do what they can to silence him with extreme prejudice. They can only carry on their activities under the cover of moral darkness, and Mr. Hamilton shines the light of reason and truth onto them, exposing them for what they are – forces of greed, fear, hate and ignorance personified.
If you are reading this, then I urge you not to prejudge Mark based on what others may have told you about him. Instead, you should obtain and read his writings for yourself. Listen to his video recordings. Become truly informed.
Free thinkers, and those who will not be blindly led by so called “authorities” have always been subject to persecution throughout recorded history. First with trumped up charges and false accusations, and then when the public is driven to a mob like mentality, the authorities have eliminated the likes of Socrates and Jesus and others not so famous.
This is America, “the land of the free”, where every individual is entitled to have their own opinion, and to voice it. I support Mr. Hamilton, as a free thinker, who stands for logic and reason to be the guiding force for each individual, as opposed to blindly being led by others who wish to think for us and determine our actions.
I do not agree with the forces which would silence Mr. Hamilton, and keep the public in ignorance, sleepwalking through this life, keeping them docile, and blindly led, so that they can profit from their ignorance.
I have found the writing and teaching of Mr. Hamilton to be very informative, and I urge you to read his writing for yourself, and make up your own mind, without the propaganda of the media.
As Oliver Wendell Holmes once wrote, “Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Don’t be satisfied to be a small mind, learn the truth and think for yourself, as Mr. Mark Hamilton would wish you to do.
Thank you for hearing,
Elliot S
(Another Free Thinker)

I for one, will believe in Mark Hamilton

I am a 59 year old, father of four and have10 grandchildren. I joined Mr. Hamilton several years ago with the Neothink Society. I am not by any means a great scholar, nor a wealthy man. My attention for reading is poor. My only income is social security disability, which doesn’t amount to much. Mr. Hamilton, with his books, showed me something that I always dreamed of. That I could change my life, and be a much better man than I have ever dreamed of being. No, I am not wealthy, but my outlook is totally different than it was only a few short years ago. I know that when I am totally focused on what I have been taught, and I put it into action, what ever it was, has come to me. Through his manuscripts and his letters to me, I know that there is absolutely nothing I can not do or accomplish. When I can focus, I’ve reached goals that were beyond my comprehension. I have never been one to keep my eye on the prize, so to speak, but it somehow worked out each and every time I thought about anything and put forth the effort to see it through, the prize was mine for the taking. And when I have so much to do and I sit back for a few minutes to think about how to get everything done, I can micro manage my time by and do things in order or groups and give myself a time limit to do what ever I need to get done, sure enough, everything gets accomplished and with time to spare .I founded a Philadelphia Mummers Band called the Irish American String Band back in1999. At the time, no one thought I could do it, including me. Well it got started and some others took over and literally, pushed me aside. After joining Mark Hamilton’s society, I was able to take control back and remarkably, in the past two years when there was no money from our city to have our parade, my band, the Irish American String Band was able to march with full costumes up Broad Street. Now, at this time, bands that were power house bands for many years, are in jeopardy of closing down. There is not enough money for any of the bands to earn thru out the year to pay for costumes which in some cases run well over the $100,000.00 mark. These bands are in serious jeopardy of folding and some how my little band is staying alive. I know that the “Ruling Class” will attempt to discredit Mark. In the same way that Kevin Trudeau was. But for me, I truly believe that Mark will come out on top. We, here in this country, believe in what the media tells us to believe, and they will tell you over and over again that Mark is a scam artist, Just like our elected officials, they only tell you what you want to here. They tell you enough times, over and over again and we believe it. Then as soon as they get elected, and do not deliver on their promises, we all say that we knew they were lying. Well, I for one, will believe in Mark Hamilton. Just ask yourself these simple, little questions. Can you answer any of these old commercials.
1 I’d walk a mile for a ……
2 …… is the one beer to have when your having more than one.
3 …… taste good like a cigarette should.

Mentor Mark Hamilton has the vision

Our founder, friend and mentor Mark Hamilton has the vision that will bring this country and the world a new beginning with peace and prosperity for everyone. We are bringing forth these ideals through the Twelve Visions Party now and for many years to come, with the Prime Law and a protection only style of government, that will return our country to a true Republic as designed by our forefathers.
Please know at this point in time in my life, I have made a great change in the way I think and act, from a few years ago. I attribute these good changes to the writings and mentoring of Mr. Mark Hamilton and of course to the wonderful friendships I have made in the Neo-Think Society with all of the like minded people, that have also been inspired and mentored by Mr. Hamilton.
As a true Neothink person, the primary function is to remove all bonds of external authority and rely on myself to make judgments and actions to guide my progress through this life in accordance with the Prime Law, by the way this is called Self Leadership. We must always be honest with ourselves and others to be free from the need to seek approval from any perceived authority.
Here is an example of what can happen to us when we use the good business information Mr. Hamilton has given us in his mentoring and writings. I have used “self capture” to secure my financial future and that of my family, by getting involved, with my Neothink friends in our LLC, in a large project that will bring prosperity to us and the community, of course this is only the beginning as we will progress through “company capture” and “world capture” to go international as well. Note: the how to is in the literature by Mark Hamilton.
I can only assure you that what Mr. Hamilton has given us, indeed will change our beautiful country and the world to bring peace, wealth and health to all the people everywhere!
Peace and Love to you and yours,
W.T. Singer “Bill”

Mark Hamilton has showed me…

Dear Mr. Hamilton
Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has been a great benefit to me I have been able to get the confidence that I need and I have been able to see things in a different way. Mark Hamilton and Neothink have taught me to see things from other peoples point of view. Mark Hamilton has showed me that no matter what you are doing you have to love what you are doing in order to be happy. No matter what it is happiness and love is what neothink as met to me. Before neothink my thinking was all mixed up from a head injury that I got in 1988. Since neothink my think and thoughts have been clearer and more along the line as it should be. Honesty and love has been the real story behind neothink. If the world would just be honest and love each other this world would be a better place and isn’t that what we all want is to live happily and fulfilled lives. Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s literature has been a blessing to me. If Mark Hamilton is silenced then this world would never see happiness and love. We would all be living for nothing. Neothink is the most wonderful thing I have seen and I want to thank Mr. Hamilton for showing me a new prospective on life. Love and Happiness is what we all want and should have.
Thank You
Donnie M

Mark Hamilton is a very intelligent man…

Mark Hamilton is a very intelligent man who cares about people, the American people and all people. He is in the medical science field and has been trying to cure disease, cancer, ageing and whatever destroys the human body. He has spent his life on this work, does this sound like a bad man. When Mr. Hamilton gets on the brink for a cure the government shuts him down. The government is are true enemy, they lie to us all the time to save there easy life styles, for example they will say that 80% of the American people are for or against something when there wasn’t even a pole, I was never poled were you. They tax us until there is nothing leftism sure you can understand that. They write the laws to their own favored and we Americans must pay for their lavish lifestyles. Mark Hamilton is a very honest and wonderful man, he truly does look out for our best interest. Mark Hamilton just may be our only hope of getting our country back, DON’T SCREW IT UP. Don’t trust the government. Look around you, what has the government done but make our lives more miserable, by steeling every dollar out of our pockets they canters nothing left. We need something different besides republicans and democrats which are only careered politicians. It is time for a party who truly cares about the American people and not their own pocket. I’m talking about the NEOTHINK SOCIETY THE TWELVE VISION PARTY TVP. If you’re looking for a savior, Look at Mark Hamilton, if you’re looking for the devil it’s your own government. We must take our country back and let Mark Hamilton lead the way. I am a proud American and we all must stand together and take it back. This is our country not those lying steeling crooked politicians. Don’t trust the government and there lies.
The sooner we stop acting and being treated like troglodytes (cavemen) the sooner we will gain our own just freedoms, to make up our own minds to our own decisions to produce our own values without burdens enforced on us by our governments.
Beef cows in the pastures are quite content to graze, not knowing that they are being fattened up for the slaughter. Over half the world is in this mindset not realizing that they are only cannon fodder. As far as the governments are concerned they are disposable. These are the people that need to wake up to this reality.
Mark Hamilton has done this very well in educating as many fortunate people as he can in an honest way. Mark Hamilton explains this very well in his twelve visions, which the
Twelve Visions Party platform is based on. A truly remarkable piece of literature, and the only viable way for us to achieve our freedom from a useless and most of all destructive authority figure known as government.
Thank you

Hi Mr. Hamilton

Hi Mr. Hamilton,
I will do everything I can to help you through this just as you have helped me and many others. Thank you for all your dedication.
I have already sent you my testimonials last month but if you want I will send it again. I can’t wait until the Twelve Visions Party is a success.
Good luck to you. Let me know if I can help any other way,
Lucine K


Dear Mr. Hamilton,
THANK YOU !! For ALL of the hard work you have put into the TVP, our Country, human values, personal values and thank you for putting all this together to help us all remember….., that it all comes down to one simple thing, treating each other right. To be happy is the goal in life as we all know and I will certainly return, to write more of the ways you have helped me, my daughter, and everyone that I have come into contact with, since our first introduction! I will stand beside you in our quest to preserve Health, Wealth and Peace.
We will make this world a better place…., with the help of honest hardworking people all over this great country. Together we stand, Together we smile.
Thank you.., and now lets get back to work saving this great nation!!
Make no mistake Mark Hamilton…….., we will stand beside you through ANY trial…. Any storm…. Any endeavor…. ANY.
Lennie Sexton

March 2025