Posts Tagged ‘mr hamilton’
Mr. Hamilton, just a word of thanks to you
Mr. Hamilton, just a word of thanks to you, for having us in your heart. From the information about the Neothink Society, that I have read, I am so pleased to learn that you have a passion for “freedom and justice for all”. I can relate to the desire that you made so clear, in your writings, that you want to see our country and our world at peace and our families living without a forceful negative government. Your teachings have shown me the beauty of a strong family life and deep respect for this beautiful land that we live in. It is a pleasure to embrace the Neothink Society. Peggie P
Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor
Am joyous testifying to you all. This is all about MARK HAMILTON .
He is a genius honest person. From the time i received his heirloom/books and went through, my life changed from bicameral mind to civilization, that is from sickness to health, from actress to active.
The knowledge of mark shall change lives of people world wide just as it has changed the lives of us who have led his books. Imagine Mr HAMILTON discovered the disease which is attacking nearly all human beings on earth and this is the disease which brings poverty, war, hatred, dishonest, sickness, death, etc.
Due to his genius and honest he also has the cure /medicine for this disease called mysticism. And this cure is from his knowledge.
Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor
Being a member of the Neothink society, am also threatened>20 march 2010.Our journey mighty be disturbed as you mentioned. Am level 9 of our journey. In level 6 you talked about the NEOTHINK SOCIETY MARK HAMILTON SECRET BOOK that you would send to members.
How can it be possible for to receive this book. I would Neothink that you send me this book and be on the way to me before 20 march 2010.
To me this threat is just like am driving the car along the desert which is mysticism to a promised land, the land of honest, success, ageless, etc then fuel of car starts finishing before arrival to the promised land.
Neothink is the best thing
Neothink is the best thing that could have jump started my life!! felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. thank you. Mr Hamilton
Mark Hamilton, My Opinion of a Trade Mark Name in Philanthropy
Mark Hamilton, My Opinion of a Trade Mark Name in Philanthropy
Recently I was invited to attend the Neothink® Societies “World Neothink® Day Celebrations.” These celebrations where conceptualized by the members of the Neothink® Society itself, and they were fully supported via financial funding by Mr. Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink® Society. Not only were these celebrations held through out our country, but they were also broadcast at each location to the internet via several websites that Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink® Society, set up specifically to broadcast these wonderful events to those members which were unable to travel to the events themselves.
This is how the society members are given an opportunity to excel in their own creative essences; and these essences promote maximum value creation for each other, and to the world itself. This is a replication of the philanthropic efforts of Mr. Mark Hamilton as shown to his members via his financial backing of this member conceptualized event.
Because I am a single parent, caring for a disabled young adult, I was not able to attend the events. As I clicked to the events in Ohio, California, and other areas throughout our United States, I became overwhelmed with the understanding of just how much love was being displayed both by the members of the Neothink® Society to each other, as well as by Mr. Hamilton himself to his members through his monetary commitment to their creative ideas!
I thought to myself about how we see a lot of wealthy individuals today who are unwilling to see the needs of the common people, much less contribute to those needs. What a beautiful philanthropic effort Mr. Hamilton actualizes with his development of his inspirationally educational writings and his invitation of membership into the Neothink® Society itself. This membership provides weekly interactive conference calls which educate, enlighten, and encourage us to live life to the fullest by utilizing the tools provided within the member website. These tools include access to the Libraries of Mark Hamilton, the Vision Business Alliance, the Twelve Visions Party®, the highly stimulating Clubhouse Meetings, recorded conference calls, Global Information Network business training, as well as highly stimulating member conversations on the website member bulletin boards, all of which provide exceptional tools for those that want to pursue their passion for living the abundant life.
The word, “Philanthropy” originates from the Ancient Greek language which meant, “ to love people.” The dictionary defines Philanthropy as the act of donating money, goods, services, time and/or effort to support a socially beneficial cause, with a defined objective, and with no financial or material reward to the donor. The philanthropy of Mark Hamilton embraces the altruistic activities such as World Neothink® Day with the intention to promote good and improve the human quality of life. Altruism, (from Latin: alter-the other), is defined as the deliberate pursuit of the interests or welfare of others or the public interest.
So Mr. Hamilton, I want to say, “Thank You.” Thank you for reaching out to the world with your valuable insights, compassionate love, and monetary resources. It reminds me of something Jesus (a highly conscious man) said to a trouble world. “Let your Light so shine among men, that they may see your good works, and in so doing bring glory to the heavens.” Mr. Hamilton again I say, “Thank you” for your great light of inspiration and hope…
Elaine Ray
Thanks (SOS) & MR Hamilton
I believe in the TVP, and the SOS Chapters yet haven’t made much progress due to the fact I bi toff more then I can chew as I wrote Terri earlier, yet I keep up with everything as best as possible. I believe in Mark Hamilton, never-the-less I hadn’t met the gentle man yet and am sure one day I will, yet these books are filled with a richness of knowledge that can not be found elsewhere, I admit that. THese are the rarest books I had ever witnessed in this context. However, I have two sets of them, one being from the fact the US Post Office had lost a letter paying for one of the Miss Annabelle’s Secrets Books, I have three copies of that book as a result of theft in the US Post Office. I had contacted necessary places and they had yet resolved the case nor compensated me for the lost money that was mailed to them in the mail. Too, to open a bank account, my own, I had been waiting for TCF to clear the Identity theft case that had taken place agaist me while I was signed up with Neo-think. THis is the Bank at the Corner of Larkin and Theadore Street in Joliet. I filed an Identity theft report to the Attorney General and to the Cresthill Police Department and to the Banks and am still waiting for them to slove the crimne that had taken place against me, which there was names mentioned. Mr Hamilton and Steve fagan stated in the litature if you have any threat problems, call the police. I did, which was on this identity theft where they stolen my bank checks and debit card and forged my name. I would like to open a bank account and clear my credit so Terri and I could begin working on the things we started a long time ago, and we are just waitingon this one thing. What is wrong with them?!?!?!?
Anyway, I am fairing well to say the least. I did get hit by a car the other day by accident, yet that wasn’t anything uncommon from my teen past. This is one reason why I have these other designs for the city transportation sector in JOliet, yet I don’t feel like just giving it away for free without some form of payment. All those freebies I sent out there, I thought someone would eventually provide free back while i was in the time of Bank ID theft and had a police report filed. I need this cleaned up, it had been over two years on this now.I wish all of you well, and please tell Mr Hamilton I said hi.
Many Thanks To Mark Hamilton!
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I will never be able to repay you for everything you have done for me. Reading your literature and being a part of your Neothink Society and Twelve Visions Party has completely changed my life.
I am an entirely new person since you stepped into my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you, however I know I would not like that place in the least bit!
Learning your knowledge and applying it in my life has given me countless blessings. You are a truly wonderful man who deserves world wide recognition and the Nobel Peace Prize if you ask me.
I feel so blessed and lucky to be part of your Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. I have finally found my home after decades of searching.
Thank you,
Jeff Smith
I honestly thank Mr. Hamilton
Hi: my name is Olga Goodwin & the only thing I want to say about Mark Hamilton is that with the books he sent to me & I read, my point of view about life & the world has changed me completely. Now I have a better way to see everything & in some way now I am stronger, I’m not afraid of the future. I honestly thank Mr. Hamilton, if it wasn’t for him I may probably be as I was in the past, but now, I have changed for good.
I would like to say a few words about Mark Hamilton
I would like to say a few words about Mark Hamilton, as I understand him. I was introduced to Mark Hamilton through his literature in late 2005, early 2006. Later I was invited to participate in his mentor/apprentice series in early 2007. This involved online business meetings on a monthly basis to learn his principles in business, as well as other areas of life. He interacted through email communication, as well as question/answer format during the business meetings.
I am a very cautious person when it comes to learning about, interacting with, and trusting people I am not familiar with, especially over the internet. As, I have observed Mark Hamilton through his literature, emails, and video presentations, I have observed a man who is a great thinker, non-judgmental, slow to anger, patient, encouraging, and empowering of others. He is cautious in some ways, as well. He thinks long and hard before taking action.
He is not afraid to take risks or admit when he needs to rethink a situation before moving forward. He is willing to risk a great deal when it comes to offering his years of integrated thinking and wisdom to the public and especially to a political party. Politics is a dangerous area in this world. However, it is one that needs significant change and I believe Mr. Hamilton’s political party holds great promise in a world full of empty promises and unethical behavior in the political arenas. I for one am disappointed in our political system. It started as something good to protect Americans and has become a career for polished power hungry people. I am hopeful that the Twelve Visions Party will be something much more productive and prosperous for all Americans.
Mark Hamilton mentoring
In about seven months, I have learn more about creating values for myself and others through Mark Hamilton mentoring and literature than many, many years of searching. Ask yourself this questions: as a child do you remember those beautiful dreams to be some one who who will be creating values for yourself and society? To be great? To find your essence in life and to find who you were meant to be in this life? That is what I have learned with Mr. Hamilton and I have yet a lot to learn in order to be useful to myself and others and to be happy in my life. He also has sparkle a light in my personal life to be motivated in whatever I do. I have found truth love and honesty, something that is hard to find in today’s world. I tank you Mr. Hamilton for taking your precious time for helping us to be creative, happy and to help us to have compassion and love for humanity like you do. We love you Mr. Hamilton and we love our Neothink organization. Marco R
We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
We have dedicated our life to develop a new method of education to create a new kind of human being for an honest and upright society. After that, we have knocked on many doors to market and implement such a wonderful technique but, illogically, we have found nobody interested in developing such a wonderful tool for humankind, and could not understand the reasons behind it. We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink Society and since then our life has gone through many changes. I will name only a few of them: My wife has recovered her health that had gotten worse in the previous years. Although I am a Psychologist I recognize that with NeoTink’s simple formula, our relationship went to a higher level, allowing us to enjoy more our life together. Your ideas, through the NeoThink philosophy, have given us a deeper comprehension of life and all the injustices committed every day. At the same time it has provided us with new tools to improve ourselves, our relationships and our businesses. It has helped us to finally put together the whole picture of life giving it a new meaning and dimension with new beliefs. But MOST IMPORTANT for us is, that it has given us hope again that, with the new course NEOTHINK is redirecting society, it will allow us to finally find ways and people interested in applying our educational system globally to produce the geniuses the world needs.
Thank you Mark!
Armando and Lilian Elias