Posts Tagged ‘mr hamilton’

I have embrace myself to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK LITERATURE

With gratitude and pride I have embrace myself to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK LITERATURE because it is an outstanding privilege to be part of an immense fountain of knowledge, a treasure in the book shelf of the libraries – through  Mr. Hamilton and his literature I have learned through real wise examples of successful people business lessons and ethics that has empowered my mind and has reactivate energy to see and to discover the numerous opportunities and benefit that I can create and work on or work for – Neo think literature is like a powerful spark plug that keeps the mind away from dying, away from a destructive path of communication. It is getting the right instructions to became a real human with the understanding of how to use our experiences in an age of maturity to apply in our children and be a good example for the rest of the people, with the great benefit of understanding responsibility and without the frustration!   Because with NEO THINK LITERATURE we learn to have an open mind, we understand the failure from the past and we know how to manage the present and future, it’s the reason why Neo Think  literature can be a great benefit for anyone in any part of the world – Neo Think literature is the missing part of every human in the world, with out this knowledge a human is incompltete … Just as Jesus  Christ said “man cannot live from bread alone” – we the humans need knowledge to feed our mind and soul as well. And just to share …  from Neo Think literature I have also benefited from the excellent and proper diet treatment that is within the literature –  this knowledge  is to choose to live a enchanted productive life for the rest of our existence, because with this literature we learn to understand about how politics works! Yes it is an amazing deal !  And we can participate too! Mr. Mark Hamilton has a platform name  Twelve Vision Party – which is a real driving force for anyone in any part of the world because the person  would be able to understand the responsibility of that politic position with the adavantage of really understanding about the ethics  of that responsibility and  area of opportunities with the names on it! –  Neo Think Literature has been for me a great accomplishment that I have done in my life, thanks to the enrichment of Neo Think Literature and Society today I am A student of a college business licence  and my life and house is full of ideas and projects that fullfil my everyday life with new reasons to go on!

With great appreciation I would like to send a Billion of thank yous to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his NEO THINK LITERATURE!

Jany I Anderson

We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

We have dedicated our life to develop a new method of education to create a new kind of human being for an honest and upright society. After that, we have knocked on many doors to market and implement such a wonderful technique but, illogically, we have found nobody interested in developing such a wonderful tool for humankind, and could not understand the reasons behind it. We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neothink Society and since then our life has gone through many changes. I will name only a few of them: My wife has recovered her health that had gotten worse in the previous years. Although I am a Psychologist I recognize that with NeoTink’s simple formula, our relationship went to a higher level, allowing us to enjoy more our life together. Your ideas, through the  NeoThink philosophy, have given us a deeper comprehension of life and all the injustices committed every day. At the same time it has provided us with new tools to improve ourselves, our relationships and our businesses. It has helped us to finally put together the whole picture of life giving it a new meaning and dimension with new beliefs. But MOST IMPORTANT for us is, that it has given us hope again that, with the new course NEOTHINK  is redirecting society, it will allow us to finally find ways and people interested in applying our educational system globally to produce the geniuses the world needs.

Thank you Mark!

Armando and Lilian Elias

Mr. Hamilton, You are a treasure!

Mr. Hamilton,

You are a treasure!

Your work is a huge societal value…without question————-unfortunately, there will be questions (tons of them)……..are you and are we ready?  The time for the TVP to be heard is now for sure!

Best regards,

Paul Severin

Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you directly.
First let me convey my sincere condolences for the loss of your father and mentor. It was very sad to receive that news.
My understanding from the meeting of 8/19 was to write a testimonial for the Neothink society  to use. Although this is a letter directed at you, please use it as you see fit if it will benefit the society.
I hardly know where to begin.
Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me. I am very grateful for that. Although I have not yet found the success in many areas of my life, that you have so profoundly laid out before me, I remain undaunted.
I have just started my second reading of the multigenerational manuscripts to recapture the exhilarating inspiration I felt in the first reading. I must admit it was difficult for me to keep up with the apprentice meetings and reading the first time through. All of the information, all those pearls, were easy for me to intellectualize, however, applying the knowledge has been quite a struggle. The inspiration of iron grip control has, for the most part, eluded me so far. Therefore I’m certain a second reading is in order.
I will say that I have improved. I have read more books in the last year than I have read in the last twenty or thirty years. This too, I want to thank you for.
Currently, I am working on making my actions align in harmony with my thoughts. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been many things I wanted to convey to you, alas I let them slip back in to the ether.
I think you would be disappointed with my progress to date. I have been sitting on the sidelines and not integrating myself with the clubhouses or A-teams or the TVP  except to attend conference calls. Please have patience with me.  I want to be living proof of neothink success.
Again, I want to thank you for opening a line of communication, and I hope it will remain open that I might write to you again in the future.
Mark B

Mark Hamilton found me!


There was a time when I was at the lowest point in my life! I had gone through a career change; one from 20 years in uniform (US Navy) protecting this great nation and the Constitution upon which it based to one of “civilian” … seemingly lost in nightmare!

The first words from my daughter, the focus of my heart, were “Why did you come home? We don’t want you here!” Shortly thereafter, after 8 more years of struggling to recreate the family I once loved and cared for, I went through a divorce. The results: For the last 13 years not one of my family has spoken to me, cared about me, or even entered my home. A lost life of loneliness, depression, and the loss of the desire to even continue living. Like the old country song goes … when you hit the bottom, go sideways!

Well, I was tired of going “sideways” and wanted out of this situation, even at the cost of my own life.

Then, Mark Hamilton found me! I received a letter of invitation to check out the prime literature of the Neothink® Society. He told me I was “special”, and he could show me how to become the best I could be, and be a success in life (the life I no longer cared to even experience) and business. I responded to that letter and received one after another three large Heirloom books full of love, honesty, hope, and guidance; and it made all the difference in the world!

That was about four years ago. I anxiously read the material, and upon completion of each volume anxiously awaited the next; re-reading the prior one, until I had all three. I began applying what I read to my life, and saw things begin to improve, and developed the desire to experience life to the fullest, sharing what I had learned with others. I found my essence, my “calling in life” – to be a living example of his Miss Annabelle!

Mr. Hamilton began the Neothink® Society as an outreach to the world with these valuable secrets based on honesty and love. I was chosen to be one of his “300”, as he lovingly calls us, to begin this effort. When he launched the Neothink® A-Team businesses, I began the first one in the State of Florida. When he asked us to begin holding clubhouse meetings to bring others to this wonderful knowledge, I began doing so and now have six such clubhouses scattered around the state (and more to come). From there, I learned the principals of value creation through honest, loving business techniques (as taught in his book Secrets. My partner and I now have a potentially fabulous business concept to begin and turn around some of the problems of the world around us; an investment company based on the principals of Neothink® business.

I have also moved forward and become:
a. Coordinator of Florida Space Coast A-Team, LLC; one of the first 30 Neothink® A-Team businesses launched, and the first one in Florida, now with six branch clubhouses.
b. Founding member of one of the premier Neothink® businesses (Value Added Concepts, LLC).
c. A-Team Mentor/Coach for the states of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi.
c. Charter Member of the Neothink® Business Alliance, promoting and aiding other business ventures built upon the Neothink® principals.
d. Co-Chair for the Florida State Twelve Visions Party – fighting to bring the US Government back within the guidelines of the Constitution and providing protection to the individuals of our country, allowing the geniuses to move forward in value creation and business building to bring health, happiness and wealth to all.
e. Co-creator of Neothink® Financial Services (awaiting approval), a private investment corporation designed to provide hope, happiness and comfort to the individuals and groups of the Neothink® Society and the world et al by building income streams, saving homes, and creating jobs and wealth for the individuals.

I have accomplished more in the last 4 years than I ever in my younger days thought was possible, all thanks to that moment when Mark Hamilton found me, showed me how to live and love, as he lives and loves, and become a value creator instead of a value devourer.

There have been many lies and half-truths spouted by the unlearned concerning Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society, and Twelve Visions Party. I am here to say … stop blindly following those rumors and lies, and search for yourself! Look at people like me, and ask “How did that happen?” There are hundreds of us across this nation who will tell you the same thing … I learned from Mark!

I am the honest, loving, value creating individual I am today because of what I learned from the greatest mentor I have ever met … Mark Hamilton! He is a genius of a writer, a mentor of greatest renown, a loving husband and father, and one who willingly gives of himself to see others develop and grow into Neothinkers and value creators! How could such an individual be the evil “antichrist” that others picture him to be?

Mark: I am by your side 100% in Neothink® and TVP. Yes, I said “by your side” – you taught us not to “follow”, but to lead and build value! Thank you, my mentor, for bringing back to me the meaning of life, the reason to continue, and the hope of a bright, happy, and healthy future! The love you showed me I now return to you, and the world around me – 100-fold!

Charles “Doc” Morris

From what I can see, Mark Hamilton has two concerns.

From what I can see, Mark Hamilton has two concerns. He cares deeply about the well-being and happiness of people and he is concerned about being attacked by what I call shortsighted, irresponsible and malicious adversaries who don’t want him to advance vital projects related to these ideals.

I have seen him speak through videos and have read some of his various works but otherwise only know of him through contacts with his associates and underlings. I met some of them during one of their conventions and will say that I’ve never been so readily accepted and treated so warmly by strangers in my life.

He heads up a group that promotes honest business ethics, economic growth (not the accustomed stagnation and industrial job loss that we’ve been seeing) and, most of all; he and his group place a higher value on life than any political party or, for that matter, religion.

I first encountered these people as a skeptic and pretty much remained that way for some time but going to their convention and seeing them face to face left me no doubt that they are for real, they are earnest, and that their “political” agenda – if you could call it that – will leave society much better off than those of other parties; and that includes the supposedly idealistic third parties that still rely on the same subtle, legalistic, and corrupted foundations.

Those who slander, defame, or otherwise attack Mark Hamilton and his affiliates can expect well-considered denunciations thrown back at them from this quarter. If such unseemly critics want to use the arts of intimidation, duck-and-dodge, usage of front men, or other cowardly maneuvers, they will be exposed for that too. I know what those who employ the convincing con artists and paid slaves of the media are up to and if they act inappropriately, they will be called to account for their actions. From what I can see, Mr. Hamilton and his people have lots of friends in unlikely places and people everywhere are increasingly able to see through certain people’s cheap and obnoxious smear tactics.

Signed R Thomas Johnson

PS: [Layers beneath Pax Neothink pages 93-94 were helpful in this]

Neothink is changing my life.

Hi Mark,

I am so excited to be part of the team. I’ve waited a long time to join the neothink society of ultra rich. This was my dream all along and hoping for it to  come true very soon through your twelve visions party. I am pleased to finally be able to contact you to tell you how much it means to be to be part of this unique group.

I am a level one member and I learned so much from your books. It opened up my eyes to a new world. The world of true happiness, wealth and health. I want to be out of the anti-civilization and enter a place of pure honesty and love and happiness; to finally be my own person to create values for the society without too much government control, laws and regulations.

Neothink is changing my life. I have a new mentality, new view about life which is filled with so much love and appreciation of human life, free of burdens and stagnation. I can hardly wait for this dream to come true… Thank you Mark Hamilton for working so hard to make this happen for all of us. You are a true GOD-Man.


Lucine Kenderjian

P.S. Mr. Hamilton, I am pleased to know that you are my mentor. I have some questions and I like to disscuss  with you. Is there an email address I can send my questions to you? How can I keep in contact with you?  I know you are a very busy person but I would be honered  if you can contact me when you get a chance. My email address is Thanks.

I am deeply grateful for having come across Mark Hamilton’s vision

I am deeply grateful for having come across Mark Hamilton’s vision for a better society for all people around the world. Mr. Hamilton’s projection for a better future for all people is what has instilled the hope back in to my heart.

Warm Regards,

Belinda C

“A Change for the Better”

          As I started to write my testimonial, I began think of when things began to change for the better.  First, I would like to say “Thank you” to Mark Hamilton, who has written these most wonderful books, that has helped numerous people of all lifestyles.  In addition, I believe he is a great man with vision, honesty and respect for others rights.

          A few months back, I had a 10-sec miracle that had happened so fast that I almost missed it. First, I will give some personal background; I am a person who lives the simple life, taking care of my daughter and going to college to finish my degree.  The story begins as I was watching over my mother–in-law, helping her as needed.  My husband and I had moved closer to her so we could do this, while also getting back on our feet from a previously unsuccessful relocation of our family. Therefore, we were living in a R.V. close by to her doing what we could.  One day, my mother–in-law asked us to leave promptly. Caught off guard we did not know what to do, at first.  Nevertheless, studying under Mr. Hamilton, my first reaction was to figure out how we were going to move, on very little money. Setting down one-day, I was brain storming on the right course of action, when my phone rang. I answered “Hello,” and it was my girlfriend, and I begun to tell her what had happened. After telling her the events, to my surprise my girlfriend said to me, “I have a rental that just became available for rent.”  Within 10-seconds of talking to my girlfriend, we had a house.  Positively, this miracle had happened, and was a good thing. That is why I know that what Mark Hamilton is talking about does actually work.  So if you have any questions please read more testimonials, and see all the people that it has helped changed their lives for the better.

Thank you reading this story by Suzanne S

I feel full of life and THANKFUL with Mr. Hamilton…

Dear Mark Hamilton:                                 

I want again to give my testimony about Mr. Mark Hamilton and his father as Neothink Society’s creators.  I want to say that since I started learning about The Neothink Society my life style has changed for better.  In 2008, I went to a rehabilitation center for alcohol addiction, and now after one year, with the help of the Neothink Society message, I am cured.

I feel full of life and THANKFUL with Mr. Hamilton and his father. They have been good leaders guiding my life. I am sure that every person who read Mr. Hamilton’s  literature as TVP, Inside Secrets, Miss. Annabelle’s Story and many more.

Mr. Mark Hamilton is not a dangerous person, he is the opposite; he is a Marvelous leader full of love for the humanity.  I don’t want anything happen to Mr. Hamilton, because we as Neo- Tech Society need our Leader and creator of TVP, because his guidance is making life better to me and a lot of peoples like me.

Thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton.

Truly yours,

Maria C R

March 2025