Posts Tagged ‘mr hamilton’

Grateful …

I am grateful to Mr. Hamilton and to the Neothink Society because the manuscripts did help me to reevaluate my outlook of where I was and where I desired to be and realize that my way of thinking was holding me back from blessings that God desired to bestow upon me; through persons that he would send into my life.

It did not give me a false hope it only helped me reevaluate my way of thinking toward a positive outlook.

With Gratitude,
E. Thompson

Dont let them stop us from entering the world you, me, your family, and the whole world from embarking the beautiful world we all were meant to live

Don’t judge something so beautiful before you take a look at the life everyone was and is suppose to live. You don’t want to believe that the government, yes the government could be so corrupt but the truth is that they are. Please join us in the movement of the world, and but an end to the suffering. Mr. Hamilton is our savior!

I urge everyone who has a real desire to survive the current economical and political …

     My name is Raymond and I’m 57 yrs old. I had been searching for that “Some Thing More” in my life that had been eluding me for the first 54 years of my life. Now I have found my reason for living, my purpose in life,and a passion I never knew I had before.

     I want to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for his wonderful literature and The Neothink Society for enlightening me to the honest reality of the person I was meant to be. I thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for introducing me to the fantastic world of Neothink and the visions of the Twelve Visions Party that would enable people of this country to climb out of the down-ward spiral of living in a world of lies, dellusions,fraud and coersion that has kept us all from the pursuit of real life,liberty,prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.

     I can not imagine a world where the ideas of Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party did not exist. I fear that without the hope that Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party can bring to the world; we will end-up destroying this country, this civilization and this planet by sheer frustration and ultimately creat a cataclismic catastrophy that will enialate us as a species.

     I look to the future of mankinds’ ONLY real hope for survival to continue to move forward and usher in the kind of world that the Fore-Fathers of this country risked all to bring to us many years ago. The future they envisioned is Not the one we are all living. The future they had hoped for and paid dearly to secure Finally has a chance to become a beautiful reality with the emergence of Mr Mark Hamiltons’ Neothink Society and the new political arm of this Society know as The Twelve Visions Party.

     Our children and our grandchildren are counting on all of us to rally behind Mr. Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party to secure not only our futures but theirs’ as well.The Neothink Society and all that this Society stands for is the ONLY way that any of the people of this world can continue to look to their futures and say,”At last!” we have a real and lasting way to accomplish all that our individual hearts desire of living in peace and harmony and love with the inhabitants of this beautiful place we call Earth.

     I urge everyone who has a real desire to survive the current economical and political state of the world today to seek out The Neothink Society Clubhouses around the country and learn for themselves the real value offered to them by Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party. Go to for more info.

 Thank you, Raymond D

In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Thank you for including me in your family of Apprentices. Wish I could have done more with it.

In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.

When all the guys started  getting together & talking about different things. needless to say my ears perked up. It is all so interesting. I especially liked the part of honesty. I have had more stolen from me than most people have. I never thought of people stealing ! Didn’t realize there were that many dishonest people in the world. In this program, we are taught honesty, love, compassion for others, how to live with ourselves & make an honest living,

In the neo-think world we  all will be prosperious & happy. What more could a person want ?

Mr. Hamilton, I too am concerned about you. You know how cruel the media can be. I know you will be honest about everything, but if you could soften the Religious part a bit,

you know how the south is so religious, with churches on every corner & probably the rest of the country also. I notice also a lot of the members refer to religion as thou they haven’t changed much.

I some how feel, this isn”t exactly what you wanted, but the best I can do. I have a difficult time with my eyes & have not advanced in the level as I would like. Hopefully that will come about soon.

Love & Caring

Peggy L

Dear Mr.Hamilton, I want to sincerely thank you for changing my life for

DearMr.Hamilton,I want to sincerely thank you for changing my life for
the better through your organization and literature.It has all been a
blessing to my life.J.D.New York

The Neothink Society, has remarkably transformed my life for the better.

The Neothink Society, has remarkably transformed my life for the better.

When I was introduced to Neothink, like so many others, I was living in fear and doubt about the future of my finances, health, and relationships with my loved ones. I was searching for something that could not only give me the answers to my questions, but to help me implement real solutions. My search was over when I discovered the Neothink Society. The Society has given me absolute and verifiable truths about the world we live in. It has opened my eyes to all of the lies and misconceptions that I’ve been  living with all my life. The illusions of what is truth and what is not has been revealed to me through the wonderful Generational Manuscripts that I have read over the past couple of years. Truths about our political system, and our religious beliefs. The manuscripts have given me a solid foundation on which to build my future, my friend and wonderful mentor and author of these wonderful manuscripts, Mark Hamilton is truly a visionary, with a pure and honest way of disseminating the information to his apprentices. Now that I have discovered Neothink, through my reading and meeting with Mr. Hamilton, I have increased my income, work status, my relationship with my mate has blossomed into something totally new and wonderful. Neothink doesn’t try to brainwash you into thinking any particular way or do anything that you don’t want to. It simply lets you discover the truth for yourself. It doesn’t try to educate it just “Stimulates” your thought pattern to let you remove the veils and peel back what has been hidden and let you see how you’ve been misled is so many areas all of your life. Neothink has truly changed by life for the better and I would recommend it for everyone and anyone who is searching for real answers to the tough questions about life.

Larry D. G

Everett, Washington

The Neothink Society or the Twelve Visions Party!

My name is Chuck M.  I am 50 years old and live in beautiful North Idaho.  Currently, I work as an insurance agent.
Over the past several months, I have sought out and read everything written and by Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society.  Words alone cannot express the life changing value, how important, how influencial his work has been to my family and I.  Even though I have never met Mr. Hamilton face-to-face, I consider him to be my “Life Mentor”!
During this period, I’ve also become very familiar with the ”Twelve Visions Party”.  I’m sure by now, most of you can see the “dishonesty” in todays politicians/government!  Now is the time for ”real honesty”, “real value’s”, etc. 
I would drop everything, right here, right now, if Mr. Mark Hamilton called and asked for my help!  I would do that whether it was to help him in his business, The Neothink Society or the Twelve Visions Party!  I would consider it an honor, a privilege and a pleasure to assist Mr. Hamilton in any way possible.  Thank You!!!
Chuck M
Worley, ID

Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has been a great benefit to me

Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party has been a great benefit to me I have been able to get the confidence that I need and I have been able to see thinks from a different way.  Mark Hamilton and Neothink have taught me to see things from other peoples point of view.  Mark Hamilton has showed me that no matter what you are doing you have to love what you are doing in order to be happy.  No matter what it is happiness and love is what neothink as met to me.  Before neothink my thinking was all mixed up from a head injury that I got in 1988.  Since neothink my think and thoughts have been clearer and more along the line as it should be.  Honesty and love has been the real story behind neothink.  If the world would just be honest and love each other this world would be a better place and isn’t that what we all want is to live happily and fulfilled lives.  Neothink and Mark Hamilton’s literature has been a blessing to me.  If Mark Hamilton is silenced then this world would never see happiness and love.  We would all be living for nothing.  Neothink is the most wonderful thing I have seen and I want to thank Mr. Hamilton for showing me a new prospective on life.  Love and Happiness is what we all want and should have.

Thank You

Donnie M

Neothink Society has meant a lot to me…

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

            When I opened the email you sent us telling us that the government authorities may potentially end our cause of Neothink Society and TVP in the near future, I said to myself, this can’t be happening. I wanted to stress with my whole heart and soul that we cannot let them silence something we so strongly believe in.

            When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature I realized all the time I had wasted on doing tedious things without value or importance for anyone. Neothink Society has meant a lot to me over the past two years and has changed my life for the better. I truly feel like a new woman and all my peers can see the drastic change in me. I have started to actually appreciate my family and am always working on becoming a better individual. Mr. Hamilton’s words are very close to my heart and have taught me how to achieve many great things I never dreamed of accomplishing. I believe that TVP is something that serves as an enlightening perspective for all those seeking for guidance for what our future may hold.

            That is why I, Maria C. Rodriguez, testify that Neothink Society and the TVP movement is something marvelous that all humanity should want to explore. Let’s do our best to continue forth with this cause, that I’m sure has helped many people just like me.

Truly yours,

Maria C. R

My journey with Mark Hamilton and neothink has given my life a new way of thinking

In everyone’s life there comes the moment where you take stock of where you have been and where you are now.

My journey with Mark Hamilton and neothink has given my life a new way of thinking and therefore a more fulfilling life.

I am a senior citizen who does not live chronologically any more, thanks to Mr. HAMILTON.  His writings and new ways (Miss Anabelle’s story) of empowering children and adults has brought me back into the teaching world.  I enjoy my teaching so much more and I know that my students are  going within and are more aware of their divine power as well as what their mission on this earth will be.

Every day I spend teaching< I realize more and more how ready this generation of children is to absorb this knowledge.

I want to thank the author of the Boo book (Ten tender lessons.

I find my young students curled up on the couch absolutely

Immersed in the book.    Any more books coming out?

I know that the best “thank you” to you, Mr. Hamilton, is to spread the message and that is my work.

In gratitude for the inspiration, I remain an ardent searcher.



March 2025