Posts Tagged ‘mr hamilton’
Hello everyone!…The message that you are trying to “get out” is simple. Love for life and lives, truth, and a drive to keep improving. I say this, if a person (Mark Hamilton) is guiding others to be as happy as humanly possible, then that person is very selfish in the best interest of our world. When will we all learn that? If Neothink stands for this, then why are we not all Neothinkers? Make it happen Mark, we will help you integrate these basic yet vital aspects of a Society. I value your appreciation for life’s most important rule, creating a better world for all the good people. Thank you Mr. Hamilton and all your staff.
Living in L.A,
Sako M.
With much thanks and appreciation
First off i would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for giving me the honor to become a member. When i first received MR. Hamilton’s invitation i was basically a lost soul in this anti-civilization. I was looking for a doorway to a better life for myself and my family. That doorway is Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. It is also much more. Where before there was only despair in my life, there is now great hope an anticipation for a new and prosperous life. The literature I’ve received and am receiving has a very empowering effect on me. The ideals and concepts in them will allow anyone to achieve happiness, excellent health prosperity, love of life and much more. These are just a few of the things that will come to pass with Mark Hamilton’s TVP Political movement. To invasion a world without Mark Hamilton his TVP movement and the Neothink Society is a very dark vision indeed. Respectfully, Arthur Martinez
Mark Hamilton, thanks to you I had…
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
I am going to assume that I am actually writing to you. I was a bit dismayed at receiving this e-mail. Let me back up a bit. I always knew that I was missing something I could not place my finger on. When I was 20 I read The Magic of Believing and it seemed to reacquaint me with a feeling that I cannot place into words but somehow I had felt it before. I never stopped looking. Then, I came across your materials and read everything. Again, I had re-discovered a long lost feeling that was to be described as nothing less than exhilaration and because I am of an entrepreneurial mindset a person who has multiple patents and trademarks I had an intense increase in the feeling that anything is possible and there are no barriers other than what is imposed upon us by those people who are not creators but love to control and dampen any human spirit so that they are looked upon as the only true source of knowledge when that could not further from the truth and is outright laughable.
My belief is that people at this point in time are infants for the most part in this way of thinking. Mark Hamilton, thanks to you I had the pleasure of ordering Kevin’s CD’s which was another eye opener which still has me on a natural high. The average person in those few times I talk about the law of attraction or God man or anything remotely of this nature I am looked upon as an alien. Unless people are spoon fed in mass these concepts, little by little, the average person who’s main thinking is going to a nine to five job, getting bogged down with a 40 year mortgage, getting a big screen tv , sending their kids to a second rate college and thinking that is the height of what they can accomplish in this life and that is the American Dream are going to look at us like we have 3 heads if out of the blue you discuss the Neothink philosophy.
My opinion is that these concepts first have to be worked into the masses before you can hope to run for an office or legitimize a political party. Ignorance of the masses of these concepts will be used in order to foster fear, disinformation, rumor, lies etc. so that those in power continue to keep the veil over the eyes of the majority. Now, most people somewhere deep inside feel that there is another way but just don’t know where to turn or who to trust.
I think a book or movement should concentrate on value producers vs. value destroyers and clearly explain what this means with real world examples and the implications of this. Initially, God Man, living forever etc. would only be looked upon as radical and wacko etc. at this point in time. When people not so far up the road see that anything imagined can be realized they will no longer see these concepts as radical nor fear those who espouse them.
At this moment , the average indoctrinated, brainwashed person can understand value producers vs. value destroyers and that would be a good first step. Since I listen to talk radio on a daily basis, the democrats are portrayed whether they know it or not as value destroyers by the right. Once the spotlight is placed on the value destroyer class whether it be by the Neothink Society, the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Party or any party that understands the concept this will be the beginning of the end for those who which to hold down progress and withhold the ability for the general public to live the life that you have envisioned in your books. By the public becoming comfortable with this knowledge will open the door for other Neothink concepts to be introduced.
Do not think you have to do anything at any particular time. Afterall, you are in charge. You release what you feel can be absorbed and appreciated at this moment. Most people are truly infants in these matters and reaching them has to be a gradual learning experience.
Your materials always work like a reality snap back into the unending possibilities for me.
Very grateful that Mark Hamilton is my mentor
Hello Mr. Hamilton:
Even though I am just beginning my 3rd level in the Neothink Society with you; I am envisioning my own development, especially in the integration of my way of thinking. I imagine in all levels of school years, the introduction and teaching of this new method and perhaps in the early years (Elementary School). I am so excited to be a member of NTS and very grateful that Mark Hamilton is my mentor and with his direction I’m in my way to reach my goal which is to evolve in everything I meant to be and live.
Thank you to be a part of NTS and together we will be able to eradicate all illusions and misconceptions in religion and politics; but honestly I can say that I was responsible for their manipulations; because unconsciously I gave them the power. Now with the help of everything that NTS, TVP, and the whole MEMBERS have to offer; we can only expect victory for many years to come.
It’s all I have to say for now and thank you to allow me to be a part of your successful TEAM.
Fabio R.
Mark Hamilton. Thank you.
Dear Mr. Hamilton
I thank you so very much for Heirloom Books(philosophies, psychology, self hypnotize magic book) and mentoring me. The book and 12 vision party has the big impact on me. I have so much to tell you. The truth that is I don’t know where to begin.
At beginning I was skeptical and I thought this thing was evil but I was wrong. Evil was inside of me. More I read more I went into twilight Zone. Your mental power was so strong but I fought back. In May 2008. I went to Bafferow, New York. Just before the trip I felt my brain has split apart. there was no pain but I can feel tearing the brain tissues. After I come back from N.Y.(Although I missed two Air plane) The same week end I sat down in my bed and closed my eyes, my memories has come to took me to my conception. It was phenomenon thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.
It has been over two years ago, I had visitor. It was sometime in April, 2007. I was broke as usual. I was so board and nothing good on TV. I was surfing the TV channel. I got up to use the bath room and come back to set down on the couch. As I sit down to my favorite left side of couch I saw a shadow sitting right side of my couch. As I turn my head to see, I was no longer in my living room. I was taking the place somewhere on the hill.
A shepherd!! I saw a man on my right side. He had black hair and bared, He wore white clothing. Like Jesus wore and he held Kane on his right hand and setting on the rock. There was a tree by him. Down below was open meadow hill. There were some sheep and care takers. Rushes green glass, the sun was shine on the meadow. At distance, there was Great Mountain.(no snow)
A shepherd spoke to me. I could not exactly understand what he was saying to me but sounded like He was telling my future. Then I was surrounded by a woman with blue scarf on her head and tree or may be four men with white and brown clothing.
All the sudden I was back in my living room on the couch. I did not think too much then because I experience similar to this kind of things sometimes.
Walk with FAITH is very difficult task to fallow. I was saved 1983 by Gods grace and I thought I was walking with Him but I was not.
In 2008, You come along and wake me up. A door is wide open, the old things become new. Now I can see. I can understand Jesus’ path.
I come to realized procrastinating, fear, disbelieving and few more, those things are sin and I am working on my seven horse man to diminish. I am ashsmed. I must strence to my weakness. I always said to myself and few people that “We must answer to God someday”. I am a one of most lucky woman on the Earth because I did my mistakes on past my life and I asked GOD that if only I can have another chance to do it over again and those chances were giving it to me. I am much stronger then before and happier then before.
Mark Hamilton. Thank you.
You unfold my blindness and changed my life. I have learned humanity. What is true. I think I’ve learned more then humanity and I still have a lot to learn. I wish that more people could have chance to purchase and read this Heirloom. It could be the life changing to many, many people.
Yumiko E
Thank you, Mr. Hamilton
The Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party and your writings have played a VERY large part in my life. All of these together have helped me to understand, confirm and embrace an invention that I have worked actively on for the past 9 years – and unconsciously for at least another 10 years before that.
I have been building a concept model for a “for-profit” community development corporation. To my knowledge, this has never been done before. CDC’s are normally funded by large government grants. Mine is powered by inventions, small business start-ups, free agent consultants, and product/service sales through existing direct sales companies.
My family and I have sacrificed much in the development of this model. We have been through bankruptcies, foreclosure actions, a couple of years of living below the poverty line and a lot of “delayed gratification” in many arenas. And the tough thing is, I never knew what was driving me to continue building this model – until I read your Neothink materials.
I could then see that we have been building a concept model for creating entrepreneurial communities – the kind of “garage entrepreneur communities” often described in your literature. Our model is designed to empower all individuals to find their deep motivational root and then design a business around it that allows them to “play and get paid”.
I could see that this model has the power to be utilized as a “prototype” that could be set up somewhere to show the value of the TVP and what can be accomplished by transitioning the economy to one more fully based on honest, ethical market entrepreneurs.
And most importantly, I could see that I and my family have a much larger role to play on this planet than I ever could have imagined.
It is difficult to spend so many years in “blind faith”, wondering why you feel so driven to do something that makes so little sense to most people. But on the other side – there is nothing more exhilarating, more heart-warming and more of a blessing than to know that your ideas, your insights and your hard work fit into a much larger picture and vision – one that only became visible to me through my affiliation with NTS & TVP.
Thank you, Mr. Hamilton, for helping me to find the true meaning and purpose in my life, and for helping me to more fully understand my creation/invention. For this, I am forever grateful.
Yours in gratitude,
Sheyenne K
This is a thank you note to Mr. Hamilton
This is a thank you note to Mr. Hamilton and others involved in the Neothink Society and the TVP,
I would like to thank all involved in the marketing and the publishing of the Neothink material and the founding of the Twelve Visions Party. The direction the politicians have taken is leading, and in many cases has already lead, this country into very dangerous territory where we are likely to lose our freedoms (the ones we have left that is). It seems America is not the concern for these people, their positions, their power, their greed, has taken over any thoughts of what is best for our country.
Neothink and the TVP is a wonderful breath of fresh air, and something that brings hope back to us. I think about our founding fathers and all the things they warned us about in their writings. There are many, many dangerous things to a country but apparently the most dangerous of all is when the government of that country itself becomes too powerful…they don’t serve the country any longer, they don’t serve the citizens of the country, they use the country and the citizens to serve them. This is not America. The TVP wants to keep all of the good things about this country and its founding fathers dreams….and forever end the self-serving power mad career politicians that have practically destroyed us…
It’s worth looking at, listening to, and thinking about. I for one really dream about the day when the country and its people come first, when individual freedom is the one thing that we will never lose. Can you imagine how that would feel? I know it’s difficult right now to even imagine that kind of freedom because we have lost most of it over the years….we can have it back…
Think about it, dream about it, we can have it if we really want it!
David W. Texas
Thinking outside the box
It is with great pride and pleasure that I am a member of The NeoThink Society and that I have in my possession the most powerful and positive literature that exists in the three Neothink Manuscripts, they are priceless. Mr. Hamilton and the manuscripts truly satisfy my personal needs to absorb and continue learning about what he sharing with us, especially when these days are filled with nothing but lies and uncertainty. What he speaks of is truly breathtaking and enlightning for sure, its all about thinking outside the box, which is what this world needs to do, and that is to reinvent themselves and the way “they” think. Not one day goes by that there isn’t a negative TV program or commercial that brings nothing but fear and “new drugs” and of course “the end of the world” to all of us. I am pleased to say that I am so very humbled to be a part of this wonderful organization in our time.
Missing Link of My Life!
To: Mr. Mark Hamilton
When I was 19 years of age, I had a dream that, I can move objects with my mind. My level of education was limited back in the days but, I was around and affiliated with high end associates, friends like politicians, attorneys, doctors, christian leaders, etc… I did enjoyed the circle of these professionals but, I also discover the dishonesty, cheating and unprofessional from some of these memebers. After, this period of my life, I tried to become a successful person but, I was disctracted and been diverted to the wrong way by these memebers of my circle of influence. For 32 years, working in one of the corporations, I noticed, taxes created by senators, congress and politicians is all greed and it only benefits themselves. These are the members whom are destroying our society and just raising taxes, bank interests, credit cards rates to our society. However, I have only a $1000.00 in my bank account after 32 years in this corporation plus credit cards and I was loaded with debts. I praise with respect to you Mr. Hamilton. Your words of wisdom and your book “Discovery” really changed things around for me. Mark, now I really discovered my dream when I was 19 years old. I’m praying, Mark Hamilton, you’re the man of your words and I want you to continue your mission of NO RETURN!
Your Member,
Robert Oswald
Looking Ahead
Thank You ! Mark Hamilton, WOW ! What a change for the better. Mr. Hamilton has brought into my life. Just a much more POWERFUL way to look at life. Showing new ways to complete task. Truly bringing new meaning to life, liberty, pursuit of HAPPYNESS. No more WORRIES life is now lived fuller. Mr. Hamilton truly has a great vision not only for OUR COUNTRY, but the WORLD to be a better place. Don’t let our media destroy him, THINK for yourselves DON”T let the media THINK for you. Don’t be Bicameral come out from that caveman THINKING. This is the CHANGE we need..