Posts Tagged ‘mr hamilton’

I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Mark Hamilton


My name is Mike C and I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to Mr. Mark Hamilton for helping me to be the person who I am now.  I embrace the journey that I toke more than 5 years ago…the prime literature the continuous support that I received from Mr. Hamilton helped me to get out the stagnation.  Now I am different person I do thanks to Neothink Society because has been a tremendous blessing to me I can’t conceive living without it!!  Also the TVP party that is my hope for a better tomorrow I can taste the freedom that will have when the TWELVE VISIONS WORLD TAKE place full of joy and happiness.  Mr. Mark Hamilton, thank you for all the goodness you will bring to me.  sincerely Mike C

The Greatest Society,Neothink


I find life and the experiences I had valuable and thought provoking yet compellingly interesting. I had read a testimonial and believed I feel obligated to write as well. Introduced to Neothink, one day I came home from having the worst day of my life and there was this package sitting by my door. I looked at it’s address and didn’t know who it was from yet it owned an energy just gripping the box it was concealed in. Bringing it into the house and opening it, enclosed was this masterful beauty of literate as i slowly was to find. It is astonishing, very astonishing and so awesome it is difficult to put into words. I made a few attempts to be an Author myself. yet here was a book dedicated to me that Mr. Hamilton written with my name on the cover. That was something that put me in a state of shock as I gasped for breath, in such a way with the lonely life I had life long, I really felt as if my life owned some significance of importance. A part in the book stated that I would fall in love, and I had. That was one of the most important things to me outside of so much material things everyone could want in life. I believe love is first and then everything else follows. And it is working that way, and I am one of the most arrogant stubborn guys you would ever meet that would argue even with a cartoon on a page that couldn’t talk back. I believe in values, I always had, and the thing is I do see so much value in everyone yet it doesn’t always come out that way. Some I do believe can’t get away from old thought processes it is difficult for them to do so and i am dependant on others as my personal capitol isn’t that great. I really need to appreciate the value in my life and what was provided to me by so many sources. I do, yet somehow I have this problem with my past. I had found out if I stick with my objectives to keep pushing forward to create that one day too I can make the wealth I need so Terri and I can live a life without worry of bills or mortgages, or what have you. The relationships part of the book, and the conference was most important to me, it really was because of my difficulty in speaking. Others don’t understand me or my longwinded structural speaking. I get cut off a lot when I speak even if it is hard to adjust to that I still value those around me and their lives and mine and those that had given me an opportunity in a place where I feel I belonged. I feel I have talent and can be just as creative as others. Too I realize there are many great men and women out there of significant talent and are very bright. Never had I excused that as a thought. Though, after a long time of witnessing others in their everyday life I believe inside of me there is a lot of humans that lack belief in anything from their many times they had attempted to gain ground by belief and never went any were. And as many times as they had put forth effort they can’t move anywhere, financially or otherwise, they do realign stagnant waiting on this seemingly something that is just supposed to arrive at their door. My largest problem had always been myself and I realize that, yet indirectly I am different then others from birth, I think differently, even speak differently, and have this difficulty in refraining from being too upset so quickly like a short fuse verbally. There is this trial and error thing that had been mentioned by older persons, “if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again”. Man, I had tried in many ways and in different ways and just kept being held back from reaching my ideal of life, to have the money I need so my love, my soon to be wife and I can be free from the common worries that plague each and every citizens, or had until neo-think came along. And if I am able to change the bad past of my life, and I had clean dup a great deal by the application of thought, I really believe anyone can. Yet at times I had sounded as if I am unhappy, that was direct cause and effect of others that had been around me. I get so frustrated from so many past failures of others brick walls, the tolerance level of some of the public is impossible to deal with. Yet, I learned to alter and change myself a little at a time. Someone told me, ”Patrick, you change your thoughts you can change your life and those around you everywhere on earth”. I believe that to be as true as the writing in the 3 heirloom manuscripts which is extremely valuable to those that own at least the slightest bit of conscious thought applied to value creation and emotional well being. The relationships conference was the most important to me as I see others differently by their words they use and what they are doing at the time or even how they are standing, etc. And, I learned from that experience in so many words, yet also knew them traits life long. Those that have such an aperture that is so apparent to their energy they give off that they aren’t bothersome, I seem to gravitate to in some accord. Yet, being one that really hadn’t many friends or relations, I find the mannered and well spoken the best even if they do see some difficulty in me being able to be calm. That is from too many bad experiences in my past life. There had been an unusually amount of experiences in my current life that were as blissful and as happy. That hasn’t happened too many times in my life which is why I ward away form others, I was just so fed up with not wanting to be baffled by someone else’s poor attitude. I think they should appreciate many things in their lives. I am not responsible for their own actions, they are, nor their words. I credited, with merit, neo-think many times believing it was a place where dreams come true, mine are, and I can see, and do know where everyone is at on the table. I choose the life or prosperity mentally and emotionally and financially with ideas and thoughts that offer value just like neo-think society. And, I fully appreciate and globally honor neothink society and mean that with very real intention. I am a good man on the inside and I am around others that equally have really great intentions regardless of shape or size. There has to be an acceptance of me being different just like how I tried accepting others because they were different. Those that make the most sense to me are those that put fourth effort towards accomplishment. I admit there are many that can get things done quicker because they can buy the most expensive things, and one day I will be there too, yet those that don’t have some of the basic foundations in life, will never graduate from their stagnation as stated in the heirloom book. I don’t have a lot of money at all. I had to buy things on pennies at times, yet that alone is enough to learn what appreciation really is, even when you have to walk to buy that one morsel of food from being so hungry. I do support neo-think, and fully honor Mr. Mark Hamilton and the rest of the members of the entire society. And, fully appreciate the time to write this tonight, 12:30 midnight. I have some things I have to do tomorrow and have to walk there as usual as i don’t have a car, yet at least I can make it to my destination and accomplish my goal because of determination to do so. That is the single most valuable tool in neo-think outside of the relationships conference, determination to want to be better and accomplish, the desire to make things better, cheaper and faster, and to have appreciation upon accomplishment. There isn’t much better then the rewards of personal effort.
From Patrick
P.S. I Love Terri.

Mark Hamilton’s vision for a better society


I am deeply grateful for having come across Mark Hamilton’s vision for a better society for all people around the world. Mr. Hamilton’s projection for a better future for all people is what has instilled the hope back in to my heart.



I somehow was found by neothink society. Different as I am, I do owe them much credit for whom they all are. They are thinkers, inventors, artists, engineers, and extremely bright human beings that had gained advancements like no other, that offered considerable value that hid from nothing of their own intellect, and mastered everything in their traits of pure thought.

Neothink IS a place of being for those that choose to advance. I found a number of human beings that do care to advance into knowledge that is un-comparable to anything else, and I am ONE of them. I found thought to be an source that has no limitations to integration of every last thing known and unknown. I grow each day, yet had found many who tried to compete with an undeniable reality a clean clear conscious that that compels over every last qua of the Universe. It is an axiom.

I feel there is something unique with each person Mr Hamilton had originally contacted in one way or other. They began contacting me through various media in so many words of writings that i had worked on myself of un-ordinary truths in honesty and creation of many sorts. Then one day, this book arrives out of the blue on my door step, properly titled as is that you all know of.

I am aware of keys the human mind holds that fold the fabric of conscious thought and spreads it out all over again testifying an axiom to the power of puzzle building, mind integrating thought. You learn one thing and it so intersects with so many different sections of society and the existable Globe, even the entire Universe. My value creation had excelled in learning, study and approaches that I had yet to profit from yet are simply exillerating in their their form. I only need a wing, or a friend of all of you, to push the limits of creativity.

Neo-Think Society is more promising then any endeavor. Each persons excels in a different way so beautifully, mindfullly, and it is a joy to witness the intelligence bloom everywhere. I agree with the process of Neo-think Society. It’s a promise, it is a greatness, and it has thought so compelling, I do feel I have a place of belonging. yet, I haven’t met any of you face to face, and one day I wish that to be.

In relationships, i had found love. In so many chapters I found things so comparing to this life each of us life. Thought and life so critically valuable, thought such a wonderful gift to Earth.

I do complement each neo-think member for the gift of thought, to own such a gift to be a part of an Order that IS Unstoppable to where all of us belong ruling how the Planet must be. I owe thinks to Mr Hamilton, a figure on Earth that deserves the merit and credit he rightfully deserves as does his own father. I belong in riches like all of you. My thought of owning great things is just the same. I too learned a great deal in ways that may had obsticles yet challenged each and every last thing in question of current existence. We own Earth, and all of you need to know that. My support goes out to each of you for the value creators, the Children of OUR Universe. So, the beat goes on as does time and neo-think, forever.

One day, one of my many dreams I await for, I do wish to meet Mr Hamilton, an aspiring great man, with an equally great invention of the sky walk. Did anyone ever view that invention of his yet? It is awe inspiring. He is a master thinker, and I choose to follow his footsteps to be just as great.

If you can, please offer support to Joliet, as there are a number of value creators I had found here and there. Thought… what a dream come true to think in such expanse.

Made by Music,
Patrick B. Rasmusson &
Terri Ann Murdock

P.S. The Globe and the Universe IS OURS together.

in Favor of Mark Hamilton


I would like to take this opportunity to add my voice in Favor of Mark Hamilton.  He has given to society insights that when properly understood and internalized will advance the forward moving development of our world.  Throughout mans history, there have always been person with mature meaningful insights designed to aid mankind in his quest for forward development.  Mark Hamilton is one of those individuals.

It is not Mr. Hamiltons  fault if those who have heard what he has to offer the world are not emotionally mature enough to grasp his insights.  I personally have gained many benefits by his insights both personally and professionally from his insights and ideas.  Tasks that once seemed impossible to complete within the course of my daily work are now easier to complete  but are now ahead I repeat ahead of schedule.

I now spend more time with My family doing the kinds of things that bring about balance and stability to my life.  For that alone Mr. Hamilton I could never thank you enough. I mean that.  I am now on to accomplishing

a lifelong ambition  that will be of great benefit to many people who would under normal circumstance would be left out of the fruits of a productive life.  I will end this letter by saying this:  The day I was contacted to explore the concepts offered by Mr. Hamilton was and is a pivotal point in my life.   I am not a person who needs to be told what I should do.  I am a self starter in every sense of the word.  I have established my self as a leader in every endeavor I ever really put my efforts to.  But all people leaders or those that follow can benefit from helpful insights from time to time.  The concepts offered by Mark Hamilton are key insights that advance forward thought and his work must continue without interruption.

Mr. Leon S

Mr Hamilton saved my life


Hi my  name is Karen,
I would love to tell you how Neothink has changed my life.
I am very grateful to say Mr Hamilton saved my life.
I’ve always suffered depression since a teenager.
I came from a very religious home, I was mentally & physically abused as a child.
I carried alot of pain with me.
As a child I knew my talent was Music.
I gave up on my dream when I had baby.
I was brainwashed to believe that I wasn’t good enough to follow my dreams.
Stagnation came into place and guilt from the religious people clouded me.
I walked around depressed thinking I was not good enough.
I had guilt thinking I was not good enough for God.
I searched everywhere for the answers..
It wasn’t until I read Neothink that I was able to get all the answers that I had searched for.
My life has changed completely thanks to Mr. Hamilton.
My happiness is back.
I became a Integrated thinker, I use the tools that are in the book to succeed daily.
I am very happy daily Pursuing Happiness every second.
My mind is free from guilt and stagnation.
I am very happy the twelve vision party is ready to free the world from the pain and confusion that surrounds America.
America will be saved thanks to Mr. Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
It is an Honor to know Integrated Honesty and pure Love!
Thanks Karen Q

I am new to this and am still learning


Dear Mr. Hamilton….I am new to this and am still learning about all of this….this year my daughter went through a couple of heart I have not been able to keep up…
I have found some basic helpful ideas you have to offer…like:  focusing your attention on one project at a time, following your dream…working on it weekly…putting family as a priority…these are the impressionable things thus far….thank you and good luck…Dawn

I cant think of a better man or party than Mark Hamilton…


Finally an honest man worthy of our vote. A great value producer and creator who has blessed my family and I with hope for a wonderful world through his philosophy and literature while providing a detailed roadmap to freedom.

That man is Mark Hamilton, creator of the Neothink concept and the twelve visions party. With his simplified concept of dealing with reality, you can achieve true personal power I never thought possible, just by eliminating your delusions you are much more able to handle problems and protect your family and security from those with bad intentions. I don’t lie to myself or allow anyone else to lie or deceive me.

Our country seems to be increasingly dishonest these days which I believe is the root of our countries problems. We can’t believe anyone in power anymore. They tell us what they think we want to hear and do what they want with impunity. These parasites live off the backs of the hard working person providing no net value to us in turn for our money and hard work. Every night on t.v. the media sells us a great illusion of how we need their leadership and couldn’t do anything without them. This two party system our country has allows us a left-right vote that keeps our hopes of a choice up only to fail us in the end, time after time. We as a nation need a new choice and party, a better choice than the status quo.

I cant think of a better man or party than Mark Hamilton and his twelve visions party who’s whole philosophy is based on honesty, accountability, and justice. I know it’s a bold statement to say, but think Mr. Hamilton is our only hope at this time in history to save our country as a just and fair nation.

I just cant trust any of the current leaders at this time based on their past performances. Mr. Hamilton has the talent, knowledge, and work ethic to lead our country in the right direction. He is the epitome of honesty, justice, and the American spirit.

Due to this fact Mr. Hamilton will become a target for all the dishonest politicians and media in their quest for false power and our money. They will paint him in the public eye for the crooks and cheater that they are because he threatens their unearned positions. I think the American people are growing wise to their old delusions, and frankly are quite sick of all the lies and incompetence.

If you consider yourself a honest and hard working American, I seriously encourage you to research Mr. Hamilton for yourself and not just take the word of the establishment. If you care about our country and the world I would ask you to please stand up for Mr. Hamilton in hopes of a better future for all people. If you just want to be lazy and revel  in dishonesty, I would say grow up and get real before our country passes into oblivion and you don’t get another chance too make a difference.

Our chances are running out too choose the right leader and save our republic. Lets join together and do the right thing so our country can be saved for all Americans for now and into the future before its too late. We have chosen a lot of bad leaders in the past and our country shows the price. We can’t afford anymore dishonest leaders.

“Mark Hamilton for President in 2012.” The twelve visions party can unite us all to achieve a wonderful country and world. It’s your choice to do the right thing for us all. We change this world for the better one vote at a time. Thank you Mr. Hamilton for being our mentor and hero.

Regards, Pamela J.

You have done a brilliant piece of work…


Thank you so much for the opportunity to live a good life, to be my own person & to understand more what life is all about.

You have given us all a reason to live, to work & to go to the C of  U.

I wish everyone could realize what it means to live in an honest, kind, & decent world with no force from the government or anyone.

You have done a brilliant piece of work with the books & they will be used for years to come.

I haven’t been able to do a lot in the society, because of my eye sight hopefully in the future I can do more than just listen to all the calls.

Mr. Hamilton, could you please send me the levels 6 & up. I don’t know why you stopped with them Customer service couldn’t help me since you stopped them. You never answered my mail. Guess you didn’t receive it.


Peggy L.

Mark Hamilton, The Neothink® Society And The Twelve Visions Party® Mean The World To Me


Who is Mark Hamilton?
Hello, my name is Jeff S. and to answer this question, I’d like to share my personal experience of getting to know this man. He first contacted me in early 2005 through direct marketing in regards to his business. Since then we’ve gotten to know each other quite well. We have exchanged mail, emails and have spoken on the phone together. Everyone who actually takes the time to get to know this man can easily see that he is nothing more than a brilliant, compassionate family man; a successful entrepreneur, writer, publisher and philosopher who simply contributes tangible values to society and enjoys spending time with his family. When it comes to the epitome of hard working, honest, red-blooded Americans who are seizing the opportunities of this country by creating magnificent values for others, I cannot think of a better example than Mark Hamilton.

I have studied Mr. Hamilton’s literature extensively and I can honestly say that it is by far the most incredibly valuable, life lifting and beneficial literature I have ever read. I’m so very thankful that he selected me as one of the recipients of his marketing material. From the moment I read his first ad I knew my life was about to change dramatically. I just knew it. And now, nearly five years later, I couldn’t have been more right!

Since studying and applying his techniques, every aspect of my life has improved by leaps and bounds. I used to drag through the day powerless, hopeless- like a ship drifting at sea with neither a sail nor anchor. I used to struggle with depression. In fact just before being introduced to Mr. Hamliton, I was in the middle of an intense battle with manic depression. It was the hardest period of my life. I was visiting hospitals regularly and was on many different psychiatric medications. I felt hopeless, like my life and sanity were slipping through my fingers and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

Hamilton’s introductory letter struck some very deep emotional chords in my soul. I could feel, really feel him speaking to me personally. I immediately ordered his first book. After it arrived, I literally spent the next few days devouring it. I would spend up to 12 hours a day reading it. I could feel my mind transforming into something so magnificent and powerful that I could not believe it or describe it to others.

When I turned the final page and closed that first book, I sat on my couch stunned like a dear in headlights. I was a completely different person. All of my fears, anxieties, and confusion about life just seemed to melt away and evaporate like an ice cube dropped on the sidewalk in July. My mind and my entire life were on fire after that day, and I’ve never looked back!

All my relationships started to immediately improve. I tossed out all medications. Things I used to misunderstand just seemed to unravel into perfect clarity. It was like I was walking around “observing” my life from above…with a bird’s eye view. I was finally in complete control of my life and I could point myself in any direction without a single doubt or hesitation. It was like the veil on reality was completely lifted and I could finally see myself and everything in life with crystal clarity.

Yes, Mark Hamilton’s writings are unconventional to say the least. I think many people, after being exposed to his writings have a hard time accepting the fact that they are the only person in control of their life. People often lack the backbone and fortitude to take an objective look at their life and realize that no one else is to blame for any shortcomings or lacking. Regardless of any opinions of his writings, freedom of speech should be allowed no matter what.

I’ve learned that far too many people look for the “accepted norm”….the group consensus on what should be allowed and what should be “approved” by the majority. Too many people look to others for answers and guidance. Reading Mark Hamilton’s literature has stimulated me to “un-plug from the sheppard” and start thinking for myself more and more. This type of self awareness is obviously perceived as a “threat” by many people who are afraid of taking full responsibility for their lives. Mark Hamilton’s literature, in my opinion, is hands down the most empowering and most beneficial product available to mankind…period.

So what is the Neothink® Society?
The Neothink® Society is a world-wide organization formed by Mark Hamilton to provide the means of interaction between people who read Neothink® literature. It’s for people who want fertile soil to cultivate the perfect life for themselves. Thanks to my interaction with the Neothink® Society, I now love life and live everyday to the fullest. My friends and family have noticed something different about me. I’m achieving my dreams, one accomplishment at a time and I wake up with the best feeling ever.

The opportunities I’ve had because of being a member…well, I simply could never get in a million years anywhere else. I’m very happy and proud to be a member of the Neothink® Society. The value I derive from membership is truly incredible. The friends I’ve made in the Society feel like brothers and sisters to me. The way we immediately connect on such a deep and profound level never ceases to amaze me.

As a member of Neothink®, I get the best support and tools for any goal or project that I could ever ask for. Whether its business/employment needs, friendships, romance, culture, better health, financial opportunities…you name it, Neothink® has it. Cultivating the personal relationships is one of my favorite aspects of membership…The contacts I’ve made alone within the Society are incredible. I’m making lifelong friends that I would have never met otherwise.
I feel completely at home and it’s not because anyone tells me to. One thing I love is that there is no “hierarchy” of authority dictating what happens. It is simply a group of individuals who all receive benefits by interacting with one another on their own terms. There is no coercion or pressure to do this or that…No dogmatic codes to live by or doctrines to follow…Just a beautiful and safe playground for people to come together and let their guard down so they can learn and grow as individuals.
We study all the Neothink® literature and help each other apply it in our lives. We have weekly teleconferences and local meetings where we meet in person and network together. The Society is made up of people from all walks of life. It really is quite a melting pot. Everyone has such a powerful story about how their life has improved from being a part of it…Its truly heartwarming to hear REAL people speak about how this amazing value has helped them in their personal life. I still get choked up and brought to tears sometimes when I hear someone’s powerfully emotional story about how their situation has radically improved. I encourage everyone to join the Neothink® Society!
I’m also a member of the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP).
The Twelve Visions Party is the political arm of the Neothink® Society. So why is the Neothink® Society involved in politics? Well, Neothink® members want to create a better country, a better world, a better life for ourselves and children. A major avenue of making a positive impact is through changing the stagnate, decaying political system.

I think we all can agree that just about every time we see the news we hear stories about corruption, fraud and abuse within government. Indeed our constitutional rights are being stripped away at an alarming rate. Politicians no longer represent the people who elected them. Unfortunately they have “traded in” being the voice of the citizens for being the voice of special interest groups, lobbyists, and big business.

Personally, this affects me deeply. As I see Social Security being plundered, taxes skyrocketing, our veterans returning home battered and broken and being denied treatment, our grandparents being forced to give up their medication so that can buy food, I get sick to my stomach. I often ask myself: What has happened to this country?

I see the Enrons and WorldComs robbing innocent people who are trying their best to earn an honest living. I see bankruptcies and mortgage rates out of control. I see people losing their jobs left and right. In fact whenever I look into the mirror I see one of those people! I was laid off in 2008. I was personally hit hard by the economic downturn. The company I worked for was a very solid and reliable building contractor. It was my source of income for years. They NEVER laid anyone off until 2008. Since then I’ve been scrambling to make ends meet. I’ve lost my house and have had an automobile repossessed. I’m getting by ok, but what really disgusts me is that I’m merely a needle in the haystack. There are literally millions of other Jeff Smiths in far worse condition.

Being single and without children, I’m getting through the economic turmoil relatively unscathed. The stories I hear from friends and acquaintances are the ones that really concern me. What the heck happened? This country is in shambles! And all we hear on the news is that everything is fine…keep paying your taxes. Well everything is NOT fine. People are being robbed of their dreams and earned capital on a daily basis and no one is to blame other than our own elected officials!

I’m fed up with politicians and law makers. That is why I love the Twelve Visions Party®. For the first time in history, we have a chance to set things straight in Washington. As I learn more about the platform, The Twelve Visions Party® makes more and more sense. (Probably because it is being created by business men/women and concerned citizens rather than by politicians and law makers.) Indeed, politicians make a mess of everything they touch. When this country was founded, the politicians WERE businessmen. There was no such thing as a career politician. They would take office, represent the people in their district and when their term was up, they would return home to their farms and businesses.

The TVP understands this concept and that is why I wholeheartedly support it. The TVP changes our government on the offense to a government that actually serves the people. What does this mean to the economy and to individual citizens? Well, for people like me it means that there will be an abundance of jobs, wealth and freedom!

The TVP reduces government to its one proper purpose: protection. With all of the ridiculous massive spending programs eliminated, we will see a prosperity explosion like never before! This means that all of the problems with the economy, healthcare, the national debt, crime etc. will simply melt away as people like you and I are freed to pursue new businesses and reinvest in our companies to fill those needs. Research and development funds will flow like water as a major overhaul of the economy takes place.

With TVP replacing career politicians with market business men and women, I know my future and eventually my children’s future is finally secure. More and more regulations, taxes, and mismanaged programs are not the answer. Only freeing the economy and freeing the genius entrepreneurs from big government will create the real change that we hard working people deserve.

Think about it: Some of the laws on the books now days are downright atrocious! A family member and an acquaintance of mine shared with me how they were in a pub recently where some people were laughing and singing…And a “peace” officer from the city walked in and made them stop because they could all be arrested for singing! Another good example is from my close friend of over 20 years who is a successful contractor who builds cell phone towers. He was building in California where he was forced to either shut down the job or put a “bug ramp” into a ditch where concrete was going to be poured the next day. Yes! You heard me right…A BUG RAMP!! So the bugs had a way to “get out of the ditch”! Can you believe this?! Of course at first my friend thought they were joking… But unfortunately the only joke is the current political system, and the worst part is: “We, the people” are paying the price.

I want REAL change…Not an empty campaign promise of change. I want to be free to start the business I want. I want to be free to walk down the street and see smiles on people’s faces because they have enough of everything they need. I want to be free of debilitating regulations and litigation that stifle progress and prevent new opportunities. I want to be free of ridiculous laws that are absolutely no benefit to society. Did you know that the United States has more laws than all other countries combined? We are less free now than when we violently broke away from the King of England!

I simply refuse to live in a world of irrationalities imposed by a force backed government. What this country needs is more common sense! I ask everyone reading this to use your common sense when the mainstream media speaks of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party®. If you hear a one sided story painting this man as a malefactor and the Twelve Visions Party® as a scam, just ask yourself, why does the media never allow the accused to respond? Why is it only a one way conversation? I ask you to use common sense and your own judgment. Don’t take the media’s word for anything. Don’t take MY word for anything. Use your own resources, your own mind; get the real facts and learn more about Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party®. In fact I highly reccomdend aquiring some Neothink® literaure and seeing for yourself!

The Neothink®/TVP organization means the world to me. I’m a REAL person. The amazing benefits I receive from Mark Hamilton, the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party® ARE REAL. And I’m happy to elaborate on this incredibly life lifting and benevolent movement. I can be contacted through TVP and the Neothink® Society… I personally invite all questions and information seekers with open arms.

Jeff S
Proud TVP and Neothink® member

March 2025