Posts Tagged ‘mr hamilton’
most knowledgeable mentor Mark Hamilton
I have noted the wonderful posts here by many which have praised everything from our way of life, to our most knowledgeable mentor Mark Hamilton, to the spiritual-like nature of the universe itself. I relate to these posts; am thrilled by them, and find that many of them resonate with my hopes and dreams which I’m sure they will with yours – so a different line will be explored here. I sensed sort of a cry for help and was so thoroughly incensed at the idea that people could – and likely would – try to attack such a wonderful system that I figured, why not meet this specter head on.
From what I can see, Mr. Hamilton has two concerns. He cares deeply about the well-being, good health, and happiness of people and he is concerned about being attacked by what I can only call shortsighted, irresponsible and malicious adversaries who don’t want him to advance vital projects related to these ideals.
I have seen him speak through videos and have read some of his various works but otherwise only know of him through contacts with his associates and underlings. I met some of them during one of their conventions and will say that I’ve never been so readily accepted and treated so warmly by strangers in my life.
He heads up a group that promotes honest business ethics, economic growth (nothing like the accustomed stagnation and industrial job loss that we’ve been seeing) and, most of all; he and his group place a higher value on life than any political party or, for that matter, religion.
While impressed by their philosophy both in print and over the air, I nevertheless encountered these people as a skeptic and pretty much remained that way for some time but going to their convention and seeing them face to face left me no doubt that they are for real, they are earnest, and that their “political” agenda – if you could call it that – will leave society much better off than those of other parties; and that includes the supposedly idealistic third parties that still rely on the same subtle, legalistic, and corrupted foundations.
Those who slander, defame, or otherwise attack Mark Hamilton and his affiliates can expect well-considered denunciations thrown back at them from this quarter. If such unseemly critics want to use the arts of intimidation, duck-and-dodge, usage of front men, or other cowardly maneuvers, they will be exposed for that too. I know what those who employ the convincing con artists and paid slaves of the media are up to and if they act inappropriately, they will be called to account for their actions. From what I can see, Mr. Hamilton and his people have lots of friends in unlikely places and people everywhere are increasingly able to see through certain people’s cheap and obnoxious smear tactics.
Thanks Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton
I LeRoy P have read all on Neothink books and letters, plus TVParty’s letters. I am all for it to get going. I have been raised up as a Republican am ready to try a new Party also I’m mad at both Dem.& Rep. with all their bills that they make up to get all the PORK that is killing our generation, our kids & grandkids future. I have gone to a TEA PARTY meeting and it was something I would back if TVPARTY does not services. Today’s BIG Government has gotten way out of hand with all their crooked lawyer politicians.
the Neothink society has done great think for me it has given me the tools to enhance my knowledge of life an living the power of my mind an how to use it when to use it an were to use an how to tap into the person God intended for me to be every day is a learning experience i am new in the society but it has help me and many ways i looking to the further with the society it will be a big part of my further growth without Mr. Hamilton and the society it may not have happen thanks Neothink society and Mark Hamilton–
-Knowledge Is Power
My Self Capture
Rick Mabe’s Testimonial
I felt defeated, I felt confused, I felt betrayed, I felt abused, and I felt anger. These are the feelings that have been a part of my life for many years. I felt defeated because I could never get ahead. I felt confused by the hypocrites telling me how I should live, but not living that way themselves. I felt betrayed by the promises of eternal happiness and prosperity that our political and religious leaders guaranteed and never happened. I felt abused by the powerful elite who keep sucking the life blood out of me to further their own wealth and happiness. I felt anger toward all of these people who have cheated their way to control and never deliver any value to me or you.
Then a letter came, I ordered some literature and I was introduced to a new life paradigm by a man named Mark Hamilton. It became clear to me right away that here was a man who has spent his entire life understanding the way people tick and what makes them do the things they do. Mr. Hamilton opened his heart and discoveries to those of us who were willing to see another point of view; an Honesty based system for successful living. This other point of view is called Neothink®. With mentoring from Mr. Hamilton I have taught myself how to open my inner workings and discover who I am meant to be. I discovered my passion for business and I am pursuing that essence with all my heart. I understand that success is not measured by my intellect but by my passion for what I do. It is measured by my discipline, thought and control of my life and my actions. I also have learned to see through the illusions that our current leaders have created to lull all of us into a death trap of stagnation and disease. I have learned that I am in control of my life and that there is no mystical entity charting the path I take.
I am one of Mr. Hamilton’s 300, chosen to take my new understanding to all people. I am on a quest of awakening for myself and all other humans. It is an enormous task and requires clear thinking and understanding every step of the way. The first step is to understand and accept the one-ness, the I-ness that is you. The next step is to integrate that understanding into your daily life using the tools and processes outlined by Mr. Hamilton in the literature. You must begin to plan your life from what you learn of yourself. This is what I am doing now. We all must change the way we live and think about living and dying. That is the first step in Neothink®. Mr. Hamilton has guided me to that understanding through honest and pure love interaction with me! I am now doing what he has done by replicating his processes to share with others.
Next, in order for us to live freely and to guarantee that humans live a prosperous and happy life, we must change the way our government is being run. We must find a way to take control away from the self-serving politicians. This task requires that we agree to one basic fact; government’s only purpose is to provide the conditions by which individuals can fulfill their purpose to prosper and live happily. Mr. Hamilton has established a new party to cultivate that change. It is called the Twelve Visions Party® (TVP®). When I attended the TVP® convention in July as a delegate from Virginia, I was stunned and then elated by what the bylaws of the TVP® are promising. Those bylaws make it perfectly clear that our government should and will be run like an honest and value-creating business. Being selected to serve in our new government will not be determined by elections whose outcomes are a result of how much money you spend on campaigns and by the lies woven into promises that never come true, but by your PERFORMANCE. You will be asked to serve our government as a person who has demonstrated your capability to be honest and deliver the values you promise to deliver. Only Mr. Hamilton could have come up with such a near perfect model for our government. Imagine, as I have, a government made up of a CEO and board of directors who have a real stake in the outcome of honest governance. This is a 180 degree turn from our career politicians who use lies and promises to steal millions and billions of dollars from you, the citizens to fulfill their own get rich and stay rich schemes based on lies and deceptions. And imagine, as I have, the profit potential for all Americans who invest in our new government model. We are all very familiar with the billions of dollars in bailout money taken from us to save the banks and big auto manufacturers. You may also recall that we were told that our bailout money was an investment in the banks and auto makers. Here is a question that uncovers our hoax based government in its most infectious state, “If the bail out of our banks was funded by investments of money taken from us, its citizens, where are my stock shares in those banks?” Have you received stock certificates as evidence of your investment? What about the bailout of GM and Chrysler? Where are my shares in those companies? Only by making the fundamental changes in our current government that Mark Hamilton has suggested can we hope to regain our freedom as honest humans living our dreams.
Using the tools and processes given to us by Mr. Hamilton, I have used my essence to establish a Neothink® Business Alliance to provide a value to business owners who want to use their new understanding to build Honest and Pure Love businesses; to create and share real value without the need to lie and cheat their way to success. This alliance is building honest relationships between its members. It is establishing scientific, artistic, business and professional “think tanks” or master mind groups to uncover the basic Neothink® bullets of business and to use those illusion busting bullets to out compete Anti-civilization businesses. Every business that is a member of The Alliance is contributing to The Twelve Visions Party® to help elect Neothink®/TVP® humans into our government.
In conclusion, what Mark Hamilton has brought to the table is a super puzzle of integrated values designed to free humans to regain their dignity and I-ness. Mr. Hamilton is an honest and pure love human who I love and accept as a dear friend. Is it so wrong for a human being to want all his human brothers and sisters to be happy and prosper? This man has presented himself to us knowing the dangers that await him from the leaders who continue to cheat us out of our dreams and who will do anything to stay in control. He simply wants all humans to live freely and prosper and he has shared his thoughts with all who are willing to see through to the essence of being a human. I want to invite every human to do as I have done and give Neothink® and Mark Hamilton a chance to open your mind to who you are and what you are capable of. Do not continue to tread water in an environment designed for your failure. Take a stand and take control of your life and help us to make the changes that we must make to ensure our survival as a human race. Do not let our current leaders continue to drain your life away with taxes, social programs and government controlled industries. The current government controls our banks, major industries and is about to take control of the health care industry. If we let that happen we are doomed. We must support Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party®.
Thank You,
Richard E. Mabe
A Neothink® Man
World Freedom and Peace through Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Vision Party
I always feel blessed to be discovered by Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. At times I sit back to imagine where I would have been today without the valuable helps that Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society have blessed me with. If only Americans will realize and understand the visions of Mark Hamilton and the Twelve vision party, I hope total peace will be realized in America first and the world as a world. The Twelve Vision Party is as I can imagine the party that will empower very Americans to realize their full potentials of who they are meant to be as its principles as taught me by Mr Hamilton have empowered me to realized my full potential in achieving what ever I want and wish for in life. I have been with neothink society since 2006 and have learned a lot and still learning and can honestly say the journey have been a truly life changing for the better. I have the opportunity to know and understand what neothink and Mark Hamilton is offering the world. A valuable knowledge that have given me total peace and love for my fellow human beings irrespective of their race, nationality or culture. This peace within I can realized is all that others also feel when ever they are around me. I feel respected and loved every where I go. I have realized self responsibly of my own well being as every day turn to be always very exciting full of what is lined up for me to accomplish. I will encourage everyone who will have the chance to be invited in knowing about neothink should find him or herself blessed and to grab the opportunity with both hands. I was lucky and thank God I didn’t missed the chance you may be next to experience a true life changing knowledge with the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision Party
A Door-Way To A New Way Of Life
First off i’d like to thank MR. Hamilton and the Neothink Society very,very much for contacting me at a very crucial period in my life. My name is Arthur Martinez.I’am 58 yrs. old.I have a son, daughter, and grand-daughter that i love very much.I’ve missed some very important moments and times in their lives because of the way i’ve lived mine.I first recieved a letter from MR. Hamilton and the Society about 7months ago.So you see a’m very new to the Society.At that time i had been searching for a very long,long time for a door-way to a better way of life for me and my family!As it turns out that door-way is positively MR. Hamilton and the Neothink Society.To fully understand what i’am talking about you must read the litature of MR.Hamilton with it’s concepts and ideals.Some of these are obtaining Wealth,Health and Happiness for you your family and friends!! There is also much more.So in closing i would like to thank MR. Hamilton and the Society once more and i’am lokking forward to the up-coming journey very,very much. Respectfully, Arthur Martinez
In support of Mr.Mark Hamilton
This message goes to all the veterans out there who went to the Vietnan war and if you go back in time that war and the other wars would not take place if we had the Twelve Vision party constitution since this constitution is for defence only.On the other hand I can’t thank enough Mr. Hamilton for recapture all those beatiful dreams that I had as a child.I’m still learning with Mr. Hamilton’s mentoring and due to his love and honesty I see the world different and he has inspire me to help support other children in various countries and it brings back the thrill of life to find out what I was ment to be.I love Mr. Hamilton and his work and I love my Neothink Society.Thank you,Thank you,Thank you.A Vietnan U.S. Army Veteran,Marco A. Reyes.
Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society
In August of 2007 I was wandering around in a wasteland of foggy wilderness. Although I was retired and had the world by the tail I also knew that all things were not right within me and the world at large. There were many things that had not gelled within me in order for me to understand why the world was as it was and the why of man’s inhumanity to man.
In that month of that year I received a special letter in the mail from someone offering me resolution of all queries I had of life in general and offering me promises of becoming all I had ever wished to be and to have all that I had ever wanted to have. IMPOSSIBLE, I thought. Yet I took the bait all the while knowing that it was too good to be true and you know what they say about something being too good to be true. It usually is, too good to be true.
But………..I waited and eventually received the first of what was to become a very treasured book. Others to follow that all became very treasured by me for the books (Multigenerational Manuscripts they are called now) opened my eyes to another world heretofore unknown to me although I had wondered many times about it and why it was the way it was. These books revealed to me why man is as he is and why the world is as it is. But that was only a Primer. Much more information was revealed in those Manuscripts. Information that would revolutionize my thinking and create a whole new world for me. I would state that anyone that has ever read the Manuscripts with an open mind could only come to the conclusion that these Manuscripts state only the truth and are indisputable in their honesty and clarity.
Those books and the letter came from the Neothink Society headed by a brilliant and compassionate man by the name of Mark Hamilton whose only goal is to make this world (whirled) better for all. Mr. Hamilton has laid it all out for all of us, plain and simple, but yet not really so either.
Mr. Hamilton’s vision for his new and better world (whirled) is indisputable in it’s structure. Within this structure lies the framework for an honest and joyful world (whirled) wherein all are productive, creative, happy and wealthy beyond their current imaginings. It is basically, but not all, reduced down to the common denominator of honesty within one’s own self, business, politics and all life in general.
The business paradigm and the Political paradigm of the Twelve Visions Party will ensure that all that wish to be a participant in an honest and productive life will have the opportunity to do so. The Constitution of these United States with an added provision, The Prime Law, will ensure that the business of this Country, and all Countries, will be ran in an efficient, fair and completely impartial manner without benefit of flaw filled man’s machinations and manipulations running rampant to the detriment of all but themselves and their minions. No longer will the parasitical elite have control of the masses to the detriment of their lives, spirits and souls.
The Neothink (New way of thinking) Society and Mr. Mark Hamilton are in the arena of new ideas and a new way of thinking and living that will bring productivity, creativity, happiness and wealth to all that care to embrace this revolutionary way of thinking and being.
The Neothink Society has captured my imagination and devotion to the concepts and ideas presented in the Multigenerational Manuscripts and I subscribe to the notion that all that read, understand and implement the principles and ideas espoused therein will be better for it and will wish to help the Neothink Society establish, grow and continue to the erstwhile realization of their ends which is a better, longer, happier and more productive life than the stagnant rut so many of us are/were in.
I should not, but am going to do so anyway, go out on a limb and make the statement that all of us in the Neothink Society that have read, understand and implemented the information gleaned from these truly remarkable books of knowledge could not, even if we so wished, go back to life before the reading of and understanding of this amazing literature. It is truly life changing for it is so revelatory of where you, and the world (whirled) as a whole is in it’s current state and where it, and you, could be that the vision of that is imprinted so indelibly into your brain that you can not get it out and the striving for that new and wonderful world (whirled) will consume you, change you and take you to heights never before imagined in your present world (whirled).
Mr. Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society, The Multigenerational Manuscripts, The Business Alliance and the Twelve Visions Party can completely revolutionize life as we know it now to take us from our present state of mind numbed roboticism and stagnant rut existence to a new state of reawakening and creative happiness. I wholeheartedly endorse, embrace and welcome the Visions of the Neothink Society into my world (whirled) and hope you will also.
I do not state lightly that Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society have greatly altered my looking at life picture to what life could be picture. I am sixty-two years of age and I thought not much could alter my perception or conception of life as it was, and is, until I had the great good fortune of receiving a special letter in the mail one day that completely changed my conception of the world as it was into what it could be. The advantages of living life through the Neothink Society concepts make life worth living all over again. I now wish to live forever so I can enjoy all of life’s great, rich rewards. Life within the Neothink Society has a special flavor the one’s not so fortunate will never know. I could only wish those pleasures and joys for all.
Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. I truly feel blessed and am very much pleased that you found me. I only wish that you could find all.
Chris G
I personally like to Thank Mr. Hamilton…
I WALTER WRIGHT TRUTHFULLY testify that the Neothink Society Manual Scripts and Heirloom packages by Mr. Mark Hamilton is beneficial for the intellectual thirsty few individuals, that are responsible enough to exercise supreme rational intellect at all times. My Manual Scripts/ Heirloom Packages are my universal key to all civilizations,t hat matured my ascribe vision\knowledge to the infrared vision were I now see much clearer thru the clouds of deception on a daily basics. In brief, The Manual Scripts/Heirloom Packages written by Mr. Mark Hamilton are the final solution to ones inherit mental pollution. I personally like to Thank Mr. Hamilton for creating the above mention self improvement materials and bestowing it upon the blessed and privileged few here at The Neothink Society.
Ps. When they leave you alone, that’s when you know your doing something terrible wrong. Please keep creating value for the Neothink Society !!!!!
Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a…
This will be short and to the point.
Mark Hamilton along with his associates have created a society that will accomplish what our forefathers first conceived, yet fell shot of bringing completely to fruition.
I believe totally that the Neothink Society supported by the Twelve Visions Party will bring complete prosperity to America first and then the entire world.
I have always believed that we as human beings are capable of conceiving and creating anything, plus nature can provide everything we will ever need.
I also believe that becoming a Twelve Visions World is definitely an achievable goal and one that has always been our destiny.
Thank you Mr. Hamilton, Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party for helping to make all of this possible.
Douglas W. H
Let me start by saying thank you, Mark Hamilton
Mr. Hamilton,
Let me start by saying thank you, Mark Hamilton. I am very grateful for having the opportunity to be a part of such an organization. This is a once in a life-time dream. It is not often, that everyday people get the chance to converse with people who are shakers and movers.
The Neothink Society has allowed me to think outside the box. I now realize that all my dreams can come true. I am reading and gaining knowledge on how to succeed and live a life beyond my wildest dreams.
I will continue to learn and grow. Thank you again for this life changing opportunity.
Anthony S