Posts Tagged ‘mouths’

Mark Hamilton has provided a way out.


What other choice is out there for us?  I go to work everyday watching the and listening to the dis-satisfaction on peoples faces and coming out of their mouths. Knowing the ugly truths about what they say and why they feel the way that they do.  Being stuck in an illusion filled world were we are constantly being used, manipulated, intimidated, and just plain broken down until we begin to give up looking for a way out.  Well Mark Hamilton has provided a way out.  The evolution of man is a necessity and has been long awaited. If you walk away with nothing but the knowledge and belief  that you yourself has control of your own present and future, then the possibilities of a greater day are not far off.

To anyone who doesn’t think they’re being controlled

To anyone who doesn’t think they’re being controlled ask yourself, how come every decent American even the ones who voted for George Bush during the previous election was upset when his brother cheated for him in Florida, but yet he still became President, and we all excepted it and kept our mouths shut. The answer is simple they keep us all separate and disliking each other with religions, racial differences, and petty nothingness, so we can never combine for the common good and concentrate on the real enemy which is them. Now ask yourself if all Americans would have stood up and demanded a recount would Bush have been our President for eight years. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

March 2025