Posts Tagged ‘motivation’

To Mark Hamilton


To Mark Hamilton,
First and foremost I would like to say how glad I am for taking advantage of your offer as well as how thankful I am to be introduced to all of this valuable information and to partake in this elite group.   I do want to say this experience so far has been incredibly uplifting and very helpful. Ever since I was little I always thought there was more, just never new what or to what extent. That and it never sat well with me that we were born to die.
My name is Ben and I’m a 28 year old insurance agent.  I’d like to apologize for my lateness and any inconvenience this may have caused. The main issue I had, besides computer issues, was I was trying to incorporate everything as I read it and had reached the point where I had created tracking reports for my company and realized that I was not reaping any benefits due to the way the commission structure was set up. I was also planning to hire a third party to set the appointments for me but the answer I received from my superior was that it’s frowned upon. I’m starting at a new company where to my knowledge seems to already be set up as a division of essence. The last name of the one in charge is Patterson, which might not mean anything but reminded me of Al Patterson. Now I can concentrate on the one money-making purpose instead of chasing my tail at the other one where I was not only not reaping the rewards but was barely paying my bills and lowering my motivation.

Thank you for all your help and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Your student,
Ben N.

Mark Hamilton – Thank You


Dear Mark,
I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me that I don’t have to feel guilty for anything or be bullied by anyone ever again.  I have come a long way, I was so naive about what should I do?  What on earth was I thinking when I thought “Is this all that there is in life.”  When I started reading the Neothink I could not stop reading and knew that I had found the society that I would love to be a part of so I got involved with the twelve vision party (TVP)  Time will be our friend, life will continue to evolve and wealth and creation of a better world.  Contributing to the society and creating a better life for all who want to be healthy, happy and loving every testimony that is written is something that we are proud to be a part of and I want to say that being involved with such great loving people in Neothink who all want the best for every living being.  Motivation is what has changed about me and never give up is my saying.  Just say that my cup runs over should sum it up pretty nicely.

Jeanne M

Mark Hamilton – Thank You

Dear Mark,
I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me that I don’t have to feel guilty for anything or be bullied by anyone ever again. I have come a long way, I was so naive about what should I do? What on earth was I thinking when I thought “Is this all that there is in life.” When I started reading the neothink I could not stop reading and knew that I had found the society that I would love to be a part of so I got involved with the twelve vision party (TVP) Time will be our friend, life will continue to evolve and wealth and creation of a better world. Contributing to the society and creating a better life for all who want to be healthy, happy and loving every testimony that is written is something that we are proud to be a part of and I want to say that being involved with such great loving people in neothink who all want the best for every living being. Motivation is what has changed about me and never give up is my saying. Just say that my cup runs over should sum it up pretty nicely.
Jeanne M

Mr. Hamilton’s incite on the past, the present and the future is not twisted

My name is Millard and I have looked at and evaluated the Mark Hamilton business as being an eye opener to what is really going on in America. I was interested in improving myself and finding something to contribute to society. I would like to thank Mr. Hamilton for letting me know what is happening and will hope that his organization can help build this country to higher standards of living and discover new and better accomplishments in the future. Remember this is America, land of the free. I am free to choose Mr. Hamilton’s help to find my own incites and make my society better by adding something that his organization has made me aware of.
Mr. Hamilton’s incite on the past, the present and the future is not twisted. It unveils the truth about many things that are later covered up because this society is trying to find an easy way out of its predicaments. This dishonest approach to get by has led us to this point. I have now begun to put my life together and see things in a rational manner after being exposed to Mr. Hamilton’s materials. Now I have gained awareness and found motivation to create new things that may better my society.
I will support Mr. Hamilton and his organization for the major discoveries that he has helped me find and hope to finish the project that his organization has given me motivation to start. If every person tries to make something or just one item to make this country better we will all reap from the benefits. Thank you for the help.
Millard D

I will support Mr. Hamilton and his organization for the major discoveries

My name is Millard and I have looked at and evaluated the Mark Hamilton business as being an eye opener to what is really going on in America. I was interested in improving myself and finding something to contribute to society. I would like to thank Mr. Hamilton for letting me know what is happening and will hope that his organization can help build this country and discover new and better accomplishments in the future. Remember this is America, land of the free. I am free to choose Mr. Hamilton’s help to find my own incites and make my society better by adding something that his organization has made me aware of.
Mr. Hamilton’s incite on the past, the present and the future is not twisted. It unveils the true about many things that are later covered up because this society is trying to find an easy way out of its predicaments. This dishonest approach to get by has led us to this point. I have now begun to put my life together and see things in a rational manner after being exposed to Mr. Hamilton’s materials. That awareness is the talent for creating new things that may better my society.
I will support Mr. Hamilton and his organization for the major discoveries that he has helped me find and hope to finish the project that his organization has given me motivation to start. If every person tries to make something or just one item to make this country better we will all reap from the benefits. Thank you for the help.
Millard D

what mark hamilton means too me

mark hamilton means to me alot he change my of thinking the snergy which i got from my books is my motivation i love my books and i have nothing but love for mark hamilton and twelve vision party he show how i can think for my self how i can achieve my goals and dreams and desires, i won the lottery several times after reading his books mark is a man i would stand behind and the twelve vision party i am learning alot about the government which i didnt pay attention too before at the convention in chicago i met people from all which i still keep in touch with when i listen to tvp and intergade with my members i can honestly say thanks mark hamilton for believing in me i know i can achieve any thing i want the child in me comes out for time to time if you ever need me i be by your side

love deirdre

I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me

Dear Mark,
I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me that I don’t have to feel guilty for anything or be bullied by anyone ever again.  I have come a long way, I was so naive about what should I do?  What on earth was I thinking when I thought “Is this all that there is in life.”  When I started reading the neothink I could not stop reading and knew that I had found the society that I would love to be a part of so I got involved with the 12 vision party (TVP)  Time will be our friend, life will continue to evolve and wealth and creation of a better world.  Contributing to the society and creating a better life for all who want to be healthy, happy and loving every testimony that is written is something that we are proud to be a part of and I want to say that being involved with such great loving people in neothink who all want the best for every living being.  Motivation is what has changed about me and never give up is my saying.  Just say that my cup runs over should sum it up pretty nicely.

Jeanne Meadows

March 2025