Posts Tagged ‘money’

The concepts found in the books are one of the …

Although I did not know for sure what the books contained what I saw is an incredible piece of literature. The concepts found in the books are one of the best systems for managing your life and dealing with the struggles along the way. I have to admit the value in the lessons taught are well worth the money I have invested. I am applying the time management system alone with great success. It

When I received my first letter from Mark Hamilton

I have been a member of the Neothink Society for a year. When I received my first letter from Mark Hamilton, I was at a point where I had given up. After years of struggling, I believed that no one thought the way I did. No one cared about America or the world anymore. Everyone was just out to get as much as they could by using anyone by any means at their disposal no matter what suffering it caused to others. I had acquiesced to, what I believed at the time, was simply the way the world worked. That those with real honesty and love didn’t really exist. Over the years I had been taken to the bank time and again in hopes that the program and ideas I got involved with were the answer only to quickly find out that I had spent my savings on another “Get the owners rich” gimmick.
From somewhere deep inside, I guess I wasn’t ready to give up just yet. I took a chance and ordered the information with money I really didn’t have to spend. As I read through the material, my spirits began to rise until I found that once again I was soaring with hope. Because of my past losses, I did a lot of research on my own and read some of the suggested reading to make sure that this was for real. As I researched, I found that there were others like me meeting every month. I made a bee-line for the next meeting and found others that care deeply about this themselves, others, this country and the world.
All of the things I had believed in since I was a young boy were being proven real and correct. There are millions of people out there who care and love each other and want to correct the wrongs in this country and the world. I couldn’t help but get involved. Many say “I’m just one person. What can I do”. Look around and you will see case after case through the ages of one person making a major difference in their country and the world.
Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society he has created has taught me how to start taking care of myself. How to search and find honesty. With this information, I now believe that I, one person, by getting involved will make a major difference in my life, my families life, my relatives life, my friends life, and all the lives in this world.
Duane Bluhm
Proud Active Neothink member

Money in The Twelve Visions

When I first received literature from Mark Hamilton…

When I first receiving literature from Mark Hamilton, I thought here is another one these money make opportunity that never works. But once I started to read the literature , It was not what I assume it was. Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society encourage oneself to become self leader and to take one hundred percent responsibility of are own lives. There are many wonderful tool in the literature to accomplish that. I for one like the mini-day/power-thinking team .This tool has allow me to get thing done in one day, that would have taken a week, wonderful. Thank you Mark Hamilton for your time and effort and thank you also Neo-Think member for your support.

I can’t be thankful enough for the marvelous text that I received from you. My life is full of adventure now.
I don’t live like have boundaries. My income has increased. I have enough to have money for rest of my life with savings. I’m doing more of the things I really want to do. I’ve kept all the books. Each reading brings new visions.
Thank you so much.

With Neothink, and Mark Hamilton-America, we all will be able to develop our passions

I hear most people talk about their life in America; and how they want their life to get easier and be more rewarding. I listen and think I am happy to be in NEOTHINK. Neothink and all the like minded people has helped me grow, and have a rewarding life.
I know my passion in life, and see other people find their passion in life also, but we can not attain our true passion and develop it in the society we are in now. With Neothink, and Mark Hamilton-America, we all will be able to develop our passions, have great health, joy, love, money, see and feel all the bounty of our lives develop before our open eyes.
Margaret Levine

After reading this, I only see where it says;”Voluntarily pay for superior protection and pay for peace”. Are you saying that the government state and federal will determine what it needs to fulfill these functions and the people can either voluntarily pay them or go without protection? How do we know who is paying and those who just like earning allot of money and take the free ride on protection?
May. 31, 2010
Everybody within a jurisdiction will receive equal protection from the government for that jurisdiction. Society can’t stand without equal protection. The concerns about fair payment are really not going to be an issue, because the people who have the most to lose have the most reason to protect it and will gladly pay whatever it takes. It is just like paying for insurance. Sure we will have deadbeats, so-to-say, but with a completely free market, the natural order of society, without initiatory force, will sort it all out. That is a hard concept to imagine from within the context of a society with unequal rights, force-backed taxes and little to no accountability for government spending, but the concept is sound.

Thank you for writing Neothink


Thank you for writing Neothink while I was in Jamaica I read your book there I became a man without a country, I removed the negative people from my life and business an started to think like a company-without-a-company/without-a-country.I started a mini-company where i help friends get into business they do the work yet I still make money off of them they were happy to do the work an pay me. When big goverment is out of control they must start to control all business”goverment bailout” this way they hav a say on what you must do. If small business was to put people to work an they were happy to work for there pay then the businesses would not need to be bailed out but because of greed in business and goverment people or not happy at work that is why we need Neothink thinking is needed. gerald “hammer” rachal thank you for the insight.

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go…


The Twelve Visions Party was formed by people just like you and I that are tired of politicians lying. Fed up with them creating a crisis to get us, the citizenry, afraid enough to vote for laws that though sound good on the surface but in all actuality limit our own freedoms, and then over taxing us, many into poverty, and then not being financially responsible with the money.

I encourage anyone criticizing the TVP to go there and read, cover to cover, the TVP platform to learn for yourselves what the mission of the TVP really is, regardless of what you may have heard or read.

I look very much forward to doing my part in bringing to fruition the goals of the TVP and look forward to you joining us in that mission.

Have a Fantastic Day!

Steven H



When I first receiving literature from Mark Hamilton, I thougth here is another one these money make opportunity that never works. But once I started to read the literature , It was not what I assume it was. Mark Hamilton and The Neo-Think Society encourage oneself to become self leader and to take one hundred percent responsibility of are own lives. There are many wonderful tool in the literature to accomplish that. I for one like the mini-day/power-thinking team .This tool has allow me to get thing done in one day, that would have taken a week, wonderful. Thank you Mark Hamilton for your time and effort and thank you also Neo-Think member for your support.
                                                                                               MUCH LOVE

March 2025