Posts Tagged ‘mistake’


Dear Mr. Hamilton,
THANK YOU !! For ALL of the hard work you have put into the TVP, our Country, human values, personal values and thank you for putting all this together to help us all remember….., that it all comes down to one simple thing, treating each other right. To be happy is the goal in life as we all know and I will certainly return, to write more of the ways you have helped me, my daughter, and everyone that I have come into contact with, since our first introduction! I will stand beside you in our quest to preserve Health, Wealth and Peace.
We will make this world a better place…., with the help of honest hardworking people all over this great country. Together we stand, Together we smile.
Thank you.., and now lets get back to work saving this great nation!!
Make no mistake Mark Hamilton…….., we will stand beside you through ANY trial…. Any storm…. Any endeavor…. ANY.
Lennie Sexton

He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does

He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does.
I have gained so much knowledge from Mark Hamilton and the Neothink philosophies.
It has shown me that honest people do exist. I think Mark is an asset to our Country.
He has shown me things that have inspired me to be a much better person and I have fed these fantastic idea’s into my family. I feel I received more value than I paid for.
It would surely be a big huge mistake to end his teachings and the Neothink population.
We need free thinkers in our life.
He has made my life worth living and I support all that he does.
Marie S
Edgefields SC

We will make this world a better place

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

THANK YOU !! For ALL of the hard work you have put into the TVP,our Country, human values,personal values and thank you for putting all this together to help us all remember….., that it all comes down to one simple thing,treating each other right. To be happy is the goal in life as we all know and I will certainly return, to write more of the ways you have helped me, my daughter, and everyone that I have come into contact with, since our first introduction! I will stand beside you in our quest to preserve Health,Wealth,and Peace.
We will make this world a better place…., with the help of honest hardworking people all over this great country. Together we stand, Together we smile.
Thank you.., and now lets get back to work saving this great nation!!

Make no mistake Mark…….., we will stand beside you through ANY trial…. Any storm…. Any endeavor…. ANY.

Lennie Sexton

To everyone curious about Mark Hamilton

I know the name “Twelve Visions Party” may seem a little “hokey” to those not familiar with Neothink literature, but have a little “vision” of your own and read Mark Hamilton’s description of what the Party is really about. If a person takes the time to read the information, I don’t see how they could not get excited about the TVP! This could do more for the “average” person, and our country as a whole than anything since we became an independent country. This type of thinking would then most likely spread around the world as others saw what it did for the “average” person in this country.

To everyone curious about Mark Hamilton, Neothink, The Neothink Society, or the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) – do yourself possibly the best favor you’ve ever done for yourself – DON’T LISTEN to the media, the politicians, or any “talking heads”. Take charge of your own life, use your own amazing mind. Read the Neothink literature.

No matter how smart you think you are, don’t make the common mistake thinking you have nothing to learn (I see this in many of the technical professionals I’ve worked with).

Thank you Mark Hamilton for spending the biggest part of your life putting it all together and coming up with Neothink. Life is now awesome!!!


Phil G

Little did I know that the world’s greatest author and legend was about to captivate my heart with some of the most genius values ever created. My life would never be the same again. I am proud and most honored to introduce to the world” Mark Hamilton”. Throughout his literature Mark stresses the importance of creating values. Let’s take a look at some of the values he’s created. Mark Hamilton’s literatures, The Neothink Society, The twelve Visions party political movement, The Prime Law. These value creations were creatively designed by the mastermind genius” Mark Hamilton himself!

One of the most important value I’ve received is to help mark further  his genius valued creations, as much as possible. I believe in Mark Hamilton, The Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party political movement. Deep in my heart I believe in these values Mark Hamilton has created and I’d like to join forces with those who also feel the same and want to unite as one and help Mark with his” unstoppable”, “Untouchable”, value creations. You can’t help but to love Mark and the brilliant values he’s created.

  I can’t imagine the excruciating rage and pain I would feel if I were to ever hear that Mark Hamilton and his literatures, Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party political movement filled with creative values were gone, taken away or destroyed by some deceitful scheme that had been plotted against Mark, ruining our only hope for saving America, “Mark Hamilton”. My heart would be shattered into a millions pieces. Mark wants to protect and heal this badly wounded economy.. We need to give Mark a chance to heal this economy. We’ll be making a huge mistake, and tremendously sorry if we don’t give him a chance and hopefully it won’t be too late by them. The only hope we have is Mark. We need Mark and his creative values now!

The twelve Visions political movements platform is to make all the people rich, even the poor. The Twelve Visions Party makes politics only about protection not  about power.  Give Mark a chance to fix the mistakes that both Republican and Democratic party created” the fight for political” power ruining our economy tremendously financially. These senseless affect has affected us and now our economy is paying for both Democrats and Political parties’ mistakes.

Let’s swallow our foolish pride, let by gones be by gones and put all our differences and mistakes behind and move on. Give Mark a chance. We owe it to ourselves and we owe it to our country, and this falling economy. It’s just a matter of time until our economy crumbles and tumbles down to the ground. Give Mark a chance to save this economy now! Mark is Americas only hope…


                   Marcia our economy severely. Devastating!

March 2025