Posts Tagged ‘missing link’

It is funny, how we spend the first years of our lives going to school …

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

It is funny, how we spend the first years of our lives going to school to be educated. Some of us even go off to collage to further that education. Only in the completion of all that schooling dose one realize that we have learned nothing and the only thing we can do is take our place among the ranks of the working class. And then one comes across a book the size of a phone book, within it can only be a harbinger of the feature.

Neothink is exactly this, a harbinger, a messenger in the form of literature. It is the missing link in your education, life, goals, feature and happiness. Well, it is this way for me anyway.

Neothink is not just important it is very necessary. For without the ideals and beliefs that Neothink teach I would still be very much lost, alone and still searching in an anti – civilization society that I did not belong.

Finally, through Neothink I feel like I fit in, that I have purpose and that I can make a difference in my life. Neothink has shown me that there is more to life then just living and dying. I now know that I do not have to fall into place in the routine rut, stagnate, means to an end life style that everyone els has done.

At first, I thought I was wrong for questioning what is normal, for questioning the authority of which I lived under. I felt small and belittled, an outcast. Yet, I still held my head up high and stood my ground.

Neothink confirmed that I was not wrong, that I was not an outcast. It reviled to me that there are other like minded individuals that also see the illusions that have been created to control us. Neothink has empowered me with the knowledge that I am my own authority and that I control my own destiny. I can think conceptually. I can integrate my thoughts. I can see through the illusions and the deceptions thrusted at me day to day. I have become the the value producer and soon to be value creator that THEY did not want for me to be. With Neothink, I can HAVE. BE. AND DO ANYTHING.

Thank you Mark Hamilton. Thank you for all of your hard work. And above all, thank you for the great sacrifices you have endeared so that my family and I can benefit from Neothink.

WOW! The puzzle picture just got bigger


Wow, I just had the most amazing and scary perceptions this morning.
Forgive me for not being on the Neothink or the Twelve Visions Party conference calls this week. I’ve been at the Tapping World Summit every evening. It’s been an amazing journey of self discovery studying the Blood and Geno type sciences, the  Neothink manuals, Integrations from out Teacher Mark Hamilton and now Tapping. Tapping is definitely a means in which to find that child within us.
My thoughts about Wide Scope Accounting just got wider. This puzzle picture forming in my head has gotten so large that it now extends beyond my head. Like the atmosphere around the earth. Being held tight by not gravity but sheer will and desire. I can’t believe I just said that. It scares me, Forgive me if I just scared you. I’ve had integrations like this all my life but have rejected them because How I am perceived by others is important to me. You must think I crazy now. I do!
I can see now that It will be difficult separating my message of Wide Scope Accounting to Businesses and everyone else. I have developed the Neothink marketing approach for businesses. Now I must think about how to reach and stimulate each individual as well.
I really must work on getting the outline and thoughts so far, for this book , out of my head, put it on paper and see if I can attract a publisher and Get a commitment so I can work on this book full time and not worry about my ever pending financial doom.
This puzzle is much bigger than I ever could of imagined. I wonder, if man had known about all the complexities of consciousness ahead of time. Would we have chosen to go there? I think I would of in spite of the difficulties because These integrations are so exciting. I’m beginning to see some connections between all of this and the universe around us. Just maybe, our Teacher Mark Hamilton might be onto something when he describes Human consciousness being the missing link in the unifying theory.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
Love, Carl

Missing Link of My Life!

To: Mr. Mark Hamilton

When I was 19 years of age, I had a dream that, I can move objects with my mind. My level of education was limited back in the days but, I was around and affiliated with high end associates, friends like politicians, attorneys, doctors, christian leaders, etc… I did enjoyed the circle of these professionals but, I also discover the dishonesty, cheating and unprofessional from some of these memebers. After, this period of my life, I tried to become a successful person but, I was disctracted and been diverted to the wrong way by these memebers of my circle of influence. For 32 years, working in one of the corporations, I noticed, taxes created by senators, congress and politicians is all greed and it only benefits themselves. These are the members whom are destroying our society and just raising taxes, bank interests, credit cards rates to our society. However, I have only a $1000.00 in my bank account after 32 years in this corporation plus credit cards and I was loaded with debts. I praise with respect to you Mr. Hamilton. Your words of wisdom and your book “Discovery” really changed things around for me. Mark, now I really discovered my dream when I was 19 years old. I’m praying, Mark Hamilton, you’re the man of your words and I want you to continue your mission of NO RETURN!

Your Member,

Robert Oswald

March 2025