Posts Tagged ‘misery’

Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary …

Mr. Mark Hamilton, in my opinion, is a truly remarkable visionary to say the least. A man of great honesty and integrity. I believe if I could somehow articulate the impact of his teachings on MY life, that it would read like some overstated fairytale. In reality, it would be understated fact. I couldn’t possibly thank him enough.
This man saw something special in me that I had trouble seeing for myself. Thanks to him, I went from seeing no possible way out, to seeing no possible way to fail. He gave me a knowledge that allows me to recognize deceit even if he himself were the perpetuator. Priceless.
Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions Party is something I believe we should ALL be lining up around the block to support. His belief in the equality and importance of EVERY SINGLE individual means that by default HIS success is EVERYONE’S success. So to is his failure.
I couldn’t envision how my life would be without being exposed to Mark Hamilton and Neothink. Well, actually I could, but why put myself through such misery? My outlook is so much brighter now that I have been. Yours will be too if you place a little faith In this man.
Mr S.D. W

exit the cage

I am a member of Neothink. I joined last year in 2009. Since I have been involved in Neothink My life has changed, almost as if I stepped out of a bad dream and re-entered reality. I now think more clearly. I have a drive and purpose that I had never experienced before and I have much more control over my life. As this unlocking worked in me, I was introduced to the twelve visions party. At that moment I realized that I had allowed my life to be lived in a cage, a cage of misery.
Until I was awakened by the twelve visions party I had stopped voting. I had decided that my vote didn’t count. I believed that the cards had already been chosen and the agenda had been decided. I had come to the conclusion that involvement in government meant just going through the motions. The twelve visions party has open a way to which I can affect a positive change for the individual in the United States. It has shown me that government can be honest and that I as an individual matter in bringing about that way of governing. That is why I stand behind the twelve visions party and Neothink.


My life before Neothink

Before I discovered Neothink I was a lost child and young adult searching for a way out of this horrible life I was living. Soon after I found a way out of poverty, misery and complete un happiness thru Neothink society. This society has help me so much in areas of my way of thinking and handling everyday life. Each day it get better and better. Without the help of Mark Hamilton and our society I would of been a failure in life and not reaching for higher goals in life like I once new before I discovered Neothink and desired so baddly. Now I have many ideas and goals I have set and mainly I want to help and protect this world from corruption but witout Neothink and Mark Hamilton that wouldn’t of come to be. Thankyou Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton very much.




MARK HAMILTON is OUR FUTURE. He is bringing us into the future where we will be completely free. The politicians of today want to keep us in the DARK AGES where they can control us and tell us what we can and cannot do.THE FUTURE WILL BE GREAT IF WE FOLLOW MARK HAMILTON. It will be PURE MISERY if we stick with todays politicians. TODAYS POLITICIANS will continue to STILL our FREEDOMS until we have none left. If you want TRUE FREEDOM then listen to MARK HAMILTON before it is too late,




It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


It’s time to recognize
a legend’s on the rise…
peace and love

he’s showing mankind
a neo way of mind…
peace and love

He’s gonna change the world
touch every boy and girl…
peace and love

time to make history
put an end to misery…
peace and love

Just can’t thank you enough
for your token of love
peace and love

For the world’s most deepest
highly guarded secrets…
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

Yeah make the poor wealthy!
yeah be happy be healthy!
peace and love

Yeah make discoveries!
Yeah solve some mysteries!
peace and love

Yeah take a fun journey!
yeah join a cause that’s worthy!
peace and love

Yeah immortality!
yeah heart of the T.V.P.!
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. …. twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!

It’s time to take a stand
tell eveyone you can
peace and love

Tell your neighbors,friends,lovers
T.V.P”s like no other
peace and love

Fellow americans
blacks,whites and puertoricans
peace and love

Let’s join one another
T.V.P. sees no color
peace and love

peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P. … twelve vision party!
peace sign peace
peace sign peace
T.V.P…. twelve vision party!

T.V.P.’s amazing
countless lives we’re saving
peace and love

Mark your dad would be proud
if he could see you now
peace and love


March 2025