Posts Tagged ‘miracles’

I am very happy to be a Neothink member

Hi Mark, thank you for the wonderful literature I have gotten from you. your writings have changed my life for the better in many ways. I have been energized and found a new zest for life thanks to your literature. I am very happy to be a Neothink member. neothinking is one of the only ways we will be able to survive in the near future and beyond. along with the ten second miracles. Friday night essence, and neothinking we could possibly survive this catastrophic era that we are sinking into! it will be a battle. a battle that either side could win. it pains me to say that but i know that to be the case. we are out numbered and the forces of the anticivilization are abundant on both the far left and the far right. the left and the right are equally as bad. they are going to do things with there usual narrow minded, dishonest ways to try to stop our progress. they live inside that closed in bubble where all the dishonesties and misleading teachings exist. we are on the outside of there bubble living with honesty! we have got to persevere and endure!!! your friend! Jeremy

THANK YOU again for your wonderful literature

HI Mark Hamilton, about the Neothink literature that I have purchased from you. your writings are the best i have read. the only other book that I have gotten into that is close to your material is a book from Aristotle called ethics. your writings about getting through all of the many illusions of there anticivilization to get to what is outstanding writing.. cutting through all of the many illusions of the anticivilization to get to the essence of things as you know can take years. i have benefited greatly from your literature. once again mark as you mentioned in your material there are so many mental hooks that the anticivilization puts on individuals even when you do break through there corruptions, and illusions those mental hooks still tug and pull on you. luckily i have been strong and steadfast in my beliefs, the integrated thinking, and Neothinking that I have learned from your writings and meetings have helped me stay on the outside of the anticivilization. on the outside of the anticivilization is where the pure power of honesty thrives! also thank you for the information about the ten second miracles. I use them in my everyday life and they are a great tool to use in many situations. firing bullets of honesty into the dishonesty of anticivilization false authorities is very powerful! THANK YOU again for your wonderful literature. it is as good as it gets! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! YOUR FRIEND! JEREMY WILHOIT

Thanks for the up lifting journey


Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton
Good day, I am Phil Marshall one of your Canadian apprentice. It is a pleasure to be associated with you. I have found your literature to be very breath taking. I must say I have integrated  tremendously from reading your materials. I have found my Friday night essences. I am in the process of writing some materials which i called gripes. All of these ideas are stemmed from 10 second miracles. Thanks for the up lifting journey. I hope to meet you one day. Keep the good works.

Phil Marshall

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I am your apprentice and always am your apprentice. I have really enjoyed the whole process. The heirloom packages are priceless. It helps me pierce through everything. See the real side of life.
The Ten Second Miracles to easily make miracles possible for all of us in our real daily life. And you give us the abilities to distinguish the right and wrong pierce through essence. You taught us to be the creators and leaders of the society. The simple way to find our Friday night Essence and live our life and find the child of the past.…Although I am not involved with politics but the simple fundamental law is easily understand by non-legal person. These simple facts everyone can comprehend. I like the simplicity of everything. From learning to applying to our day to day life the whole transition is so easy and painless. We can teach our children and grand children. So they are not blinded by media, social network and politics.
Thank you again!!
Your apprentice
C. Wong

new world order

through history the universe has sent souls of great light, in human form, to the earth to teach, and show people how to live the life they were meant to live. Mark Hamilton is that person for our generation
this is our golden opportunity to join with him in (his great work) to re-build the collective consciousness of the universe. we must add our energy output to his vast knowledge, and join him in giving our thoughts, words and deeds toward those things that we wish to bring forth, we must not dissipate our energy by fighting against something as that will only multiply the situation if we waste time giving attention to what we don’t want. we can collectively create a new world order, and witness many miracles. let us all join hands, hearts and minds, and give thanks that we have the opportunity to participate and bear witness to the great transition taking place that Mark Hamilton has already put in place. LOVE TO ALL NOLA I SLEVIN

The Ten Second Miracle

The Formula Revealed in the Level 2 meeting with Mark Hamilton, the formula for unlocking the Ten Second Miracles, is absolutely amazing! It is just like Mark Hamilton said in that meeting: with this tool, ANYONE can discover new and powerful ways to profit in ANY situation! Just use that secret formula and the insights and integrations snap together at such lightening speeds! I have used this technique EVERY SINGLE DAY since I first heard it in my level 2 meeting with Mark Hamilton! My Life is SO MUCH richer than ever before!

Thank you Mark Hamilton! Thank YOU – Neothink Society!

Yon Cole

MY name is Teem I am in my 20s and… I thank God for Neothink!


MY name is Teem I am in my 20s and… I thank God for Neothink!

I am a beautiful computer “Geek” searching for whatever is new in the world, science and anything else I can get my hands on so my mind can evolve!! I don’t know how much I would have learned without Neothink, but I DO know that however far I would have went would PALE in comparison to what I have been taught. I just would have never had the opportunity to learn 100% rationality. I didn’t know what true rationality was, until I read the Neothink literature, though I believed I did.

It’s AMAZING how accurate Neothink is and has taught me SOOO much! I now know how our universe works…I know what a googol-year is, its cycles…I know what the infinity spectrum is… I know what the gravity grid and the quantum grid is and the difference in both. I know how science evolves; from the animal state to bicameral, to consciousness to the next and Final evolution (think the evolution pictures with the process of MAN – I know that entire process and the parts that aren’t taught). I also know how mysticism suspends us from believing in true reality by distorting or destroying it, like they want to do to Neothink!

One of my elder cousins (we had to call her Aunt, b/c she was my Dads cousin) had to have surgery.  She had EVERY VITAL ORGAN taken OUT of her body and deep frozen while she had surgery performed. When the surgery was complete, they put ALL the ORGANS back into her and revived her and she was fine. So! Miracles aren’t Mysticism, Miracles all happen from consciousness (whether we understand it or not) this is also what we are taught! If those doctors operated on my Aunt AND revived her SUCCESSFULLY after they put back all her VITAL ORGANS in her body, then why couldn’t Dr’s and Scientists (without the FDA) progress and extend our precious lives forever?? This is a very REAL statement and this is what we call Biological Immortality!!

What’s so great about the FDA anyway?? They let ALL these harmful drugs pass which have side effects anywhere from dementia to death just for an anti depressant!!! We are taught that “The PURPOSE of human life is to live creatively, happily and eternally”. The FUTURE that Neothink brings to light is a REAL future where we don’t have political classes and negative media trying to use a system that has been in place for millennia; which few people know about but the Masses fall victim to it.

The masses don’t see the traps like non sequiturs “___ soda is a new Generation” (is it?). Or ”Hello, my name is Professor Nell and if you drink two ladle size servings of Sugar and Spearmint, it can improve your life by 20%”!! That type of thinking is mysticism and is how politicians trick MILLIONS of PEOPLE! I saw this one representative that was talking like that old guy Nixon (coughing and moving his face) and people were surrounding him like a God – they didn’t see the act!! Neothink has saved my life and has evolved me into my own authority.

I wake up every day and exercise and I don’t feel like its a burden in hot or cold temps (because Neothink is AMAZING!!) Of course, if it’s a heat wave or a blizzard… I would use my rightful common sense… (AGAIN NEOTHINK IS JUST A GODSEND)!! Its easy for me to evolve, other people in my field can’t do what I do, b.c they can’t even THINK like me!  What I just wrote is not even the tip of the ice berg in terms of what I have learned. Ordinary people will never have a chance to experience true freedom if Neothink is stopped. Neothink is like an elite study arena that I haven’t seen since the history of the Egyptians or the Ancient Greeks… We’re trying to enroll the world and people who know what we know are trying to stop us…b/c they don’t want YOU to know…

Intelligence is as Intelligence does…Free you soul

For years I began questioning what I had been hearing from the preachers, schools, and media.  I couldn’t put my finger on things exactly, just knew something wasn’t as it should be.  I realize that every society has its propaganda, and some of it is beneficial.  Much of it is not, though.

I joined the Neothink Society about 4 years ago.  The material and associations have done much to help put the pieces together for me to see our civilization for what it really is.  Since then I rose to the top of a new company, helped in employing several thousand people, improved my personal situation in life, and became more of the person I dreamed of being.  I am now happier and living a more fulfilled life.

Thank you Neothink,

CH in NJ

Thank you again Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark,

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me into your society.  I, like everyone else, almost threw away the invitation I received from you three years ago.  Normally, I throw away all junk mail but for some reason I decided to open the letter and read it.  I knew right away that I wanted to know more about the information you discussed in your letter.

I ordered and read all three manuscripts.  What a life changing experience.  Strangely enough, I felt as though I already knew this information especially the sections on mysticism.  It was at that moment I knew I would never be the same person again.  I finally felt free from all the guilt that was laid on me in Catholic school and church.  I fully believe that is what held me back all these years and destroyed my confidence.

I finally found the confidence to go back to school.  It is something I always wanted to do, but never thought I was smart enough.   I only wish I would have had this information twenty years ago.  I am thinking so much clearer now.  At work I am constantly looking for ways to improve the way I do my job (ten second miracles).   I feel more creative.

I am slowly trying to introduce this information to my family and friends.  I can’t believe anyone would want to continue to live in an anti-civilization.  I know I don’t ever want to go back to that way of living and thinking again.

Thank you again Mark Hamilton for the extraordinary work you have done.  I hope we can change the world.  I don’t know about anyone else but living life the way we’ve been living just isn’t working any longer.  It’s time for a change.



The Ten Second Miracle

The Formula Revealed in the Level 2 meeting with Mark Hamilton, the formula for unlocking the Ten Second Miracles, is absolutely amazing! It is just like Mark Hamilton said in that meeting: with this tool, ANYONE can discover new and powerful ways to profit in ANY situation! Just use that secret formula and the insights and integrations snap together at such lightening speeds! I have used this technique EVERY SINGLE DAY since I first heard it in my level 2 meeting with Mark Hamilton! My Life is SO MUCH richer than ever before!

Thank you Mark Hamilton! Thank YOU – Neothink Society!

Yon Cole

March 2025