Posts Tagged ‘mineral interest’

I am so proud of being the first Treasurer for the Twelve Vision Party of Texas

I am so proud of being the first Treasurer for the Twelve Vision Party of Texas. My name is David K. Longoria. I hope like most of you, you grew up with the love and support of both of your parents. Both of mine were incredible people, and they believed in the American way of life. They instilled in me a sense of responsibility, and taught me to take charge of my life and accept responsibility of my life. My Dad was born in 1910 and my mother was born in 1916. My dad’s ancestors were original land grant owners from Spain. My ancestors received a league of land which encompassed thousands of acres of land. They received a large land grant from the king of Spain, and settled the land to be known as America in 1767. It is thought that my family may have been decedents of King Ferdinand of Spain, Irrespective, so what! It is in the heart that matters, and this is what is always instilled in you by loving parents. This land my ancestors owned later was deceitfully taken by politicians, and people who used force to steal and confiscate the land. At this time, even though the land has been lost, I am trying to fight to help my family received their share of the mineral interest to this property.
I was told that my mother received her college degree and Master’s Degree at North Texas State College, and started teaching in Rio Grande City High School at the age of 18. Since her parents died at an early age, she was given the opportunity to go to college from monies that her aunts and uncles supply. My dad was also a teacher received his undergraduate degree from Texas a & I in Kingsville, Texas. He then taught in Mission, Texas at their high school. Both my mom and dad were athletic and believed in sporting events, they were coaches for their girl’s baseball teams. Fortunately for me, their teams play each other. My dad’s team won, but he fell in love with my future mother that day. That night, he hired a mariachi band and seriated her and won her heart. This was the beginning of a love story that lives today as my mom is 93 years old. Even though my dad died in 1984, she remains always remindful of the wonderful life she had with my dad. As a former Assistant Attorney General of the State of Texas he is buried in the Texas State Cemetery close to his brother Raul who was a State Representative, State Senator, and State
District Judge in South Texas. Both my dad and my uncle inspired me and took me under their wings to help me in succeeding in life.
My parents moved to Laredo, Texas about 1940 or 1941 and my dad worked as a federal employee in the U.S. Post Office and my mom began her career as an American Red Cross worker. Dad was called to serve in World War II even though I was being born in 1943. He served until the war was won. When he returned, he decided to apply to go to the University of Texas Law School where he was accepted as the first Hispanic student of the law school. He received his law degree and started practicing in Austin. My mother was able to transfer to the American Red Cross in Austin, Texas. My older sister and I started school in an area of Austin that was primarily people of wealth and different diversity from us.
This was an interesting part of my life, because I had to win over the negative thoughts of others. I had to remind myself that I had come from ancestors who were in Texas many years before these people or even before their ancestors arrived in the state. I attended public junior high and high school and graduated from Austin High School in 1961. Before this time, my parents insisted that I start work and earn my keep. At 12 years old I started my working career as a carrier for the Travis County Court Reporter delivery boy since my dad was now a lawyer. His first job was the attorney for the Mexican Consulate in Austin. I remember that I was proud because dad went to bat for many people who needed his help, Sometimes, I couldn’t understand him, because he spoke five different languages, and at this time I began to only speak English even though Spanish had been a primary language when we lived in Laredo, Texas.
In my early age of 14, I obtained my driver’s license and worked to buy my first car when I was 15 which was a 1953 Ford convertible. I converted the car to a hard top convertible and painted it red. My friend David Ker bow, who now owns a very successful cat-fish restaurant business, and I had duplicate automobiles and enjoyed our high school years together sharing many wonderful memories dating the girls who we thought were the ones of our dreams.
The realization of life changes one perspective so; I decided to go to the military after graduating from high school, to gain some maturity. I joined the U.S. Navy and began my duty as an enlisted person. I was only in the Navy for 1 year 10 months and 8 days. I had a two year tour but wanted to get out starting my college career. The Commanding Officer approved the request. I remember that during this tour of duty I wrote W. Clemens Stone, who was the president of Combined Insurance Company and asked him to help me financially go to law school. He and Norman Vincent Peale had written a couple of books together. He wrote me back and said he would help. I never followed up as I started college under the GI-Bill. I do remember that this is where I first heard about Andrew Carnegie’s saying “What the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve.” To this day, I still use this phrase as an inspiration to me.
I started college at Southwest Texas State in San Marcos now known as Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas I received my Bachelor of Arts in Government and a minor in Economics. I must say that I tried not to solicited help from my parents even though they were willing to help. I remember working in restaurant paying for my education and personal needs. It was a very good feeling to do most of it by myself. I was fortunate enough to enter the University of Texas Law School and worked at night at the IRS Service Center in Austin, while attending law school. I remember during the summer attending trails being conducted at the Travis County Court House. This experience made me question for the first time whether or not I really wanted to be an attorney. After much consideration, I decided that there was an apparent lack of truth and honesty with some of the members of the bar. I found that it was all about the money.
I was offered a job as a professional Revenue Officer (Collection Officer) for the IRS. During my thirty year career, I found that the ordinary hard working person had a tremendous handicap when dealing with issues when they owed the Federal Government taxes. Many of the people could not pay their taxes due to outside forces mainly such as sickness, divorce, business partners doing the wrong thing, or creditors not paying their bills, dishonesties of others, etc. My concept of being a Revenue Officer was to balance the interest of Government and the taxpayer so that the individual was not destroyed financially, and his rights were protected along with the rights of the government.
After 30 years, I retired and made a commitment to help people in need

For them. I became an Enrolled Agent which allowed me to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. After retirement, I was introduced to Neo-Think and the Twelve Vision Party. This movement is a movement to help individuals maintain a life of health, wealth, and happiness. The Twelve Vision party will help reduce the cost of government, reduce its size, and redirect it to a protective only government. I cannot wait to see this country get back to a “free enterprise” system as we were never a socialistic country, and will never stand to be one. I firmly believe that the Twelve Vision Party will “Make all the People Rich, including the Poor.” As an ordinary person, I want to do my part in keeping America strong. As you can see this country is my roots, and has been a part of my family since 1776. I want my children and their children to love America the way I love it and remember it the way I do.

I was introduced to Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party…


I am so proud of being the first Treasurer for the Twelve Vision Party of Texas.  My name is David K. Longoria. I hope like most of you, you grew up with the love and support of both of your parents.  Both of mine were incredible people, and they believed in the American way of life.  They instilled in me a sense of responsibility, and taught me to  take charge of my life and accept responsibility of my life.    My Dad was born in 1910 and my mother was born in 1916.  My dad’s ancestors were original land grant owners from Spain.  My ancesstors received a league of land which encompassed thousands of acrea of land.  They received a large land grant from the king of Spain, and settled the land to be know as America in 1767.  It is thought that my family may have been decendents of King Ferdinand of Spain,  Irrespective, so what!  It is in the heart that matters, and this is what is always instilled in you by loving parents.  This land  my ancesstors owned later was deceitfully taken by politicians, and people who used force to steal and confiscate the land.  At this time, even though the land has been lost, I am trying to fight to help my family received their share of the mineral interest to this property.

I was told that my mother received her college degree and Master’s Degree at North Texas State College, and started teaching in Rio Grande City High School at the age of 18.  Since her parents died at an early age, she was given the opportunity to go to college from monies that her aunts and uncles supply.  My dad was also a teacher received his undergraduate degree from Texas A & I in Kingsville, Texas.  He then taught in Mission, Texas at their high school.    Both my mom and dad were athletic and believed in sporting events, they were coaches for their girls baseball teams.  Fortunately for me, their teams plays each other. My dad’s team won, but he fell in love with my future mother that day.  That night, he hired a mariachi band and senrinated her and won her heart.  This was the beginning of a love story that lives today as my mom is 93 years old.  Even though my dad died in 1984, she remains always remindful of the wonderful life she  had with my dad.  As a former Assistant Attorney General of the State of Texas he is buried in the Texas State Cemetary close to his brother Raul who was a State Representative, State Senator, and State District Judge in South Texas.  Both my dad and my uncle inspired me and took me under their wings to help me in suceeding in life.

My parents moved to Laredo, Texas about 1940 or 1941 and my dad worked as a federal employee in the U.S. Post Office and my mom began her career as an American Red Cross worker.  Dad was called to serve in World War II even though I was being born in 1943.  He served until the war was won.  When he returned, he decided to apply to go to the University of Texas Law School where he was accepted as the first hispanic student of the law school.  He received his law degree and started practicing in Austin.  My mother was able to transfer to the American Red Cross in Austin, Texas.  My older sister and I started school in an area of Austin that was primarily people of wealth and different diversity from us. 

This was an interesting part of my life, because I had to win over the negative thoughts of  others.  I had to remind myself that I had come from ancestors who were in Texas many years before these people, or even before their ancestors arrived in the state.

I attended public junior high and high school and graduated from Austin High School in 1961.  Before this time, my parents insisted that I start work and earn my keep.  At 12 years old I started my working career as a carrier for the Travis County Court Reporter delivery boy since my dad was now a lawyer.  His first job was the attorney for the Mexican Counsulate in Austin.  I remember that I was proud because dad went to bat for many people who needed his help,  Sometimes, I couldn’t understand him, because he spoke five different languages, and at this time I began to only speak English even though Spanish had been a primary language when we lived in Laredo, Texas.

In my early age of 14, I obtained my driver’s license and worked to buy my first car when I was 15 which was a 1953 Ford convertible.  I converted the car to a hard top convertible and painted it red.  My friend David Kerbow, who now owns a very sucessful cat-fish restaurant business, and I had duplicate automobiles and enjoyed our high school years together sharing many wonderful memories dating the girls who we thought were the ones of our dreams. 

The realization of life changes one persective so; I decided to go to the military after graduating from high school, to gain some maturity.   I joined the U.S. Navy and began my duty as an enlisted person.  I was only in the Navy for 1 year 10 months and 8 days.  I had a two year tour but wanted to get out to start my college career.  The Commanding Officer approved the request.   I remember that during this tour of duty  I wrote W. Clemens Stone, who was the president of Combined Insurance Company and asked him to help me financially go to law school.  He and Norman Vincent Peale had written a couple of books together.  He wrote me back and said he would help.  I never followed up as I started college under the GI-Bill.  I do remember that this is where I first heard about Andrew Carneige’s saying “What the mind can conceive, the mind can achieve.”  To this day, I still use this phrase as an inspiration to me.

I started college at Southwest Texas State in San Marcos now known as Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas.  I received my Bachelor of Arts in Government and a minor in Economics.  I must say that I tried not to solicite help from my parents even though they were willing to help.  I remember working in restaurant paying for my education and personal needs.  It was a very good feeling to do most of it by myself.  I was fortunate enough to enter the University of Texas Law School and worked at night at the IRS Service Center in Austin, while attending law school. I remember during the summer attending trails being conducted at the Travis County Court House.  This experience made me question for the first time whether or not I really wanted to be an attorney.  After much consideration, I decided that there was an apparant lack of truth and honesty with some of the members of the bar.  I found that it was all about the money. 

I was offered a job as a professional Revenue Officer (Collection Officer) for the IRS. During my thirty year career, I found that the ordinary hard working person had a tremendous handicap when dealing with issues when they owed the Federal Government taxes.  Many of the people could not pay their taxes due to outside forces mainly such as sickness, divorce, business partners doing the wrong thing, or creditors not paying their bills, dishonested of others, etc.  My concept of being a Revenue Officer was to balance the interest of Government and the taxpayer so that the individual was not destroyed financially, and his rights were protected along with the rights of the government. 

After 30 years, I retired and made a commitment to help people in need of representation before the IRS so that I could do the best I could for them.  I became an Enrolled Agent which allowed me to practice before the Internal Revenue Service.  After retirement, I was introduced to Neothink and the Twelve Vision Party.  This movement is a movement to help individuals maintain a life of health, wealth, and happiness. The Twelve Vision party will help reduce the cost of government, reduce its size, and redirect it to a protective only government.  I cannot wait to see this country get back to a “free enterprise” system as we were never a socialistic country, and will never stand to be one.  I firmly believe that the Twelve Vision Party will “Make all the People Rich, including the Poor.” As an ordinary person, I want to do my part in keeping America strong.  As you can see this country is my roots, and has been a part of my family since 1776.  I want my  children and their children to love America the way I love it and remember it the way I do

March 2025