Posts Tagged ‘millionaire’

As I think and write my story I'm eager to tell you the whole story …

As I think and write my story I’m eager to tell you the whole story, thinking when I was a little boy I always dreamed to be a Millionaire by the age of 40, but knowing how long it would take to write it, I will leave it for one day when I’m ready to write my book.

So, I start by telling you the short version, when I first received Mark Hamilton’s invitation to “Neothink” and how his teachings through manuscripts have change my life.

At this particular time of my life, I was in the verge of destruction, emotionally, physically, financially and very close to break up my family with two young children.

Mark Hamilton and “Neothink” along with his teachings came to the rescue!


I would like to share this to every one who by wish and desire, accidentally read my letter. I am no extraordinary person, nor exceptional; just like you….Who Aimed At Improving My Life And The Life Of Others Around ME. Instead, me looking for them, they found me….that is why I get an invitation letter from the Neothink society to come and join. Before I decided to joined, I read all the books I got from them and I was very thankful….the BOOKS are priceless. IT CHANGE MY LIFE. THE WAY I LOOK AT IT. The invitation promised, as well as the books, that you will become a millionaire without lifting your finger….and its true. Come and join…I will share to you how you can be a millionaire too….while others are skeptical, about it…they just come and go. To become a millionaire is not easy, it’s a responsibity ….if you can handle it …you will become one….that is why you need to know and read the books. Come and join the NeothinkSociety.Com

I am so thankful for the help Mark Hamilton gave to my life

My encounter with Neothink, was the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life. The information I have gained has helped me turn my life around, to the life I was meant to live. I am 26 years old now, and most of my life was a misguided, misunderstood failure. I couldn’t stop getting in trouble and using drugs, etc. while I was on house arrest for a year straight I was able to study Neothink. I have never read such valuable information in my life!!! I lost 70 pounds first, then I started cleaning up the rest of my act. Now in July I will be starting school for graphic design. I have gained so much confidence and my mind is so focused. If I knew what I know now when I was 18 I would be a millionaire by now. But its ok, I went through a Terrible time in my life, And now I will appreciate everything I gain so much more. I’m so proud of myself for how far I have come, I can only see the bright future I always deserved now. I’m so happy I saw through the illusions proclaiming that Neothink was a scam. Illusions made by the ones who never wanted me to succeed! I am so thankful for the help Mark Hamilton gave to my life, I am so glad there are people like him and his brother and father in this world. Thank you so much! I hope the best for you. If everyone thought the way I do now, this world would be a much better safer place!!!!
-James R.

The Neothink concepts

Who else wants to live like a millionaire, without even lifting a finger?
Around 1996 I received a mysterious direct mail promotion offering a book on business, health, personal success, romance, and how politics was suppressing the advance of technology. That book introduced me to the Neothink World.
The Neothink concepts were easy for me to relate to. And they have become a key tool within every thread of my life. I am often praised for my intelligence, discipline, and more… and people ask me where it comes from. My recommendation is always the same: Get hold of Neothink / Neothink literature. You will discover a treasure trove of life advantages.
When America goes Neothink, we will all live like millionaires, because… well I’ll leave you to discover the answers when you get hold of Mark Hamilton’s new information for yourself.
Words can not convey how deeply heartfelt my endorsement is for Mark Hamilton and his latest books which are bringing Neothink to everyone in America and around the world.
Gavriel S

To Mark Hamilton:


Mark Hamilton is an inspiration! He promotes, encourages, and shows how we all can live in Peace, Love, and Happiness – not just locally, but globally. When I discovered the powers of the mind, and how to use the mind to look through appearances to what is, my future began to transform before my very eyes. I had a dream last night, even, of the future and woke up this morning with a big smile on my face. Mark Hamilton showed me this through his visions and what the Twelve Visions Party will do for every single person – he calls it the Millionaire phenomenon. Everyone should get these books! Thank you so much, and now our future seems bright!

Adam H.
New York

The Twelve Visions Party

Mark Hamilton is an inspiration! He promotes, encourages, and shows how we all can live in Peace, Love, and Happiness – not just locally, but globally. When I discovered the powers of the mind, and how to use the mind to look through appearances to what is, my future began to transform before my very eyes. I had a dream last night, even, of the future and woke up this morning with a big smile on my face. Mark Hamilton showed me this through his visions and what the Twelve Visions Party will do for every single person – he calls it the Millionaire phenomenon. Thank you so much, and now our future seems bright!

Adam H.

When America goes Neothink,


Hi Mark,

Who else wants to live like a millionaire, without even lifting a finger?

Around 1996 I received a mysterious direct mail promotion offering a book on business, health, personal success, romance, and how politics was suppressing the advance of technology. That book introduced me to the Neothink World.

The Neothink concepts were easy for me to relate to. And they have become a key tool within every thread of my life.  I am often praised for my intelligence, discipline, and more… and people ask me where it comes from. My recommendation is always the same: Get hold of Neothink / Neothink literature. You will discover a treasure trove of life advantages.

When America goes Neothink, we will all live like millionaires, because… well I’ll leave you to discover the answers when you get hold of Mark Hamilton’s new information for yourself.

Words can not convey how deeply heartfelt my endorsement is for Mark Hamilton and his latest books which are bringing Neothink to everyone in America and around the world.

Gavriel S

March 2025