Posts Tagged ‘mid march’

What a wonderful person Mark Hamilton is…

Myles Conefrey Testimonial

Mark Hamilton, Mentor and Friend

          Myles Conefrey’s testimonial is about the value of my new-found friend and mentor “Mark Hamilton” and his literature:

          Back at the start of March, 2009, I had never heard of “Mark Hamilton”.  Then, around mid-March, I received a letter in the mail and it was an invitation to view some of his literature.  I’m so glad and happy to say that I made the right move in taking him up on this most interesting literature.  In my 71 years life time, I have never read anything as enlightening and interesting as Mark Hamilton manuscripts.  He has to be the greatest writer of all time.  One who is willing to share his many years of learning and acquiring knowledge about his Visions that he stands ready and willing to share with all of us.  He is without a doubt one of the greatest value creators of our time.

          I applaud him for his willingness to share his secrets with every one of us in the USA and throughout the World. What a wonderful person Mark Hamilton is to try and mentor and help us all to move forward toward our own lifetime essence and his intent on helping us create the world we want to Live In.  A world filled with Wealth, Health, Happiness and Peace.  No one else has ever offered to share their life-long hard work and benefits with any of us.  He helps us to discover the whole spectrum of conscious life.  Conscious life yields eternal wealth, health and romance, while NEOTHINK unlocks that secret by sweeping away 2,500 years of suppression of the people of the world through politics, religion and philosophy and the mysticism that has hurt us all.  NEOTHINK forever unfolds open-end knowledge that determines the future by dissolving the dishonest biases and ideological boundaries of politics and philosophies.  We have to give thanks to Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK literature, which helps liberate those of us who are trapped inside this narrow-scoped tunnel-vision prison and allows us to be the person we were meant to be, the person that God and Jesus meant us to be. 

          The non-biblical Jesus was a peasant with this new power of God.  Jesus was bringing this powerful new mind space, the new consciousness to the powerless bicameral peasants.  Through Jesus’ teachings, the powerless peasants they began gaining the power of consciousness and started becoming one with God.  The powerful, educated, elites, who were already conscious and enslaving, saw fit to discredit Jesus and his teachings and led to Jesus’ death on the cross.  The elite leaders of that time discovered a way to continue to enslave the bicameral peasants and the masses for another 2,500 years by taking away this new unity with God splitting apart this ancient God-Man.

          Those early neo-cheaters did this by reinventing a silent supreme being, who no longer communicated his will through voices, but through the authorities of the Church.  In that way, man remained subservient to that supreme-being and continued to be controlled by the leaders of the Church in the name of God.  Those leaders led civilization into the Dark Ages, just when civilization should have soared with the new power of consciousness.

          In other words, per Mark Hamilton’s writings, the religions, the Theocracies, became mutations of the bicameral mentality – the authorization from outside.  The newly conscious mind, instead of guiding itself, continued to be guided by external authorities.

          Governments today are mutations of the bicameral mentality – the authorization from outside.  Again, according to Mark Hamilton’s writings, the conscious mind, instead of guiding itself as God and Jesus intended, continues to be guided by external authorities.  The bicameral mutations get programmed into our psyches, like a computer virus, via learned and mimicked reactions from the moment a child starts becoming conscious – learned from his/her parents first, then from society.

          Not until getting down to this level of understanding the mind can we begin to  know what to do to remove those bicameral mutations such as; government controlling and guiding civilizations.

          A unified NEOTHINK will bring order out of chaos, honesty out of dishonesty, and rationality out of irrationality.  We have Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts to help guide and show us the way to tear down those ideological fences.

          My hat goes off to Mark Hamilton, his literature, the NEOTHINK society, and now, the TVP – TWELVE VISION PARTY, in their efforts to set us all free to live a life of wealth, health, romantic love, happiness, and peace for many generations to come.

          May God bless and keep Mark Hamilton safe to see this through to the end.

March 2025