Posts Tagged ‘mentors’

Mark Hamilton is one of the hardest and diligent workers that I have known

Mark Hamilton is one of the hardest and diligent workers that I have known. I believe that Mark Hamilton is a good listener that in turns helps him to achieve those important attributes in order to become a good teacher. I always learn something new when mentors me. Mark Hamilton has demonstrated very high qualities. He has continuously shown that with discipline and hard work a person can achieve their goals. These values when learned at a young age can be assuring and rewarding, not only at a young age but even when you are older you can appreciate them more. The most important value to me is responsibility. This high value comes through in his mentoring skills. Lawrence Severson

Personally it’s time and the Time is Now

To my mentors:
For some people the following is not common knowledge since at the time of broadcast most people are asleep.
It is an open forum who’s audience spans worldwide, is the largest in Radio broadcasting, is already open minded to such things, already practicing concepts of manifestation and intention, and has yet to Not crash a website during the broadcast in order to check it out.
If this has been done already, then its time for another show because before we were known as Secret Society and not Neothink . Plus it can promote New Jersey, Texas, California. Go to the site, click contacts and email Lisa the show’s producer . Personally it’s time and the Time is Now.
From One who know Synchronicity,

Mark, thank you very much…

To: Mark Hamilton,
Mark, thank you very much for being one of my mentors; your literature has been very educating for me. Your insight into so many things [FROM READING YOUR WONDERFUL BOOKS] has helped me greatly.
With so much thanks,

Looking forward to getting older!

At age 50…I am now so excited to get older! Why? Because after reading the writings of Mark Hamilton I am so excited about my future and the future of our world! I’ve learned so much and he is truly now my Mentor of Mentors! After only a month of reading these writings, I developed a spirit of strength. I built my own business and have learned to succeed on my own. I have become more active in Politics as well! This has been a true gift as I am now a member of The Twelve Visions Party, the party that Mark Hamilton created. I have made many dear friends and supportive business contacts through my relationship with Mark Hamilton. I have experienced that the older I get, the more passionate I have become! This is due to the amazing mentorship of Mark Hamilton.

Mark Hamilton showing me…


Thank You, Mark Hamilton for showing me to do things the real way, not just to you but the other mentors as well.  Being a Neothinker is awesome.  Since I got the hang of it my confidence has gone up.  Always learning to do something different always keeping my mind open and challenging myself.  Becoming a member is the best decision I ever made.

Thank You.

Glenn J

Neothink to utterly explode…

To my mentors:For some people the following is not common knowledge since at the time of broadcast most people are asleep.
When you are ready for Neothink to utterly explode, I suggest going to . It is an open forum who’s audience spans worldwide, is the largest in Radio broadcasting, is already open minded to such things, already practicing concepts of manifestation and intention, and has yet to Not crash a website during the broadcast in order to check it out.
If this has been done already, then its time for another show because before we were known as Secret Society and not Neothink . Plus it can promote New Jersey, Texas, California. Go to the site, click contacts and email Lisa the show’s producer . Personally it’s time and the Time is Now.
From One who know Synchronicity,
Bill L

stand up for each other

we as a society need to stand up for each other . let none of be left behind ; we all need some kind of guidance ; we all need help with one thing or another . beside our knowledge that teaches how to lead and not be lead ; there is many of us that are just starting out ; still evolving ; we need other club members to be around ? we need to be in the clubhouses learning from other members ?.
Our Mentor’s need to reach out to us even more in this day and age ? i’m a smart person ; i know what we think about ; is what we become ; there is a lot of thinking involved . alot of structure building ; it dosen’t stop there . it’s a constant up keep . if you don’t use it you loose it . so please help us club members / mentors ; you help us where we can help you and others in the future ?… 907=441-3063 please call me evenings thanks jeanne’ ….


New Jersey TVP Convention Mar 10

I attended the Twelve Visions Party of New Jersey’s 2nd Convention and was not surprised to find so many smart loving people. The presenters, entertainers, the workers at the hall were all bubbling with energy and hope for America before the day was over. We were joined by Steve Rapella and a video address by Mark Hamilton, founder of the Neothink Society and The Twelve Visions Party. What loving men and mentors. They spoke of each of us in America becoming self-leaders yet following the party to success for all the People to join the greatest get rich program ever! It truly is. We will see prices drop and quality improve as America’s government is returned to its proper function of protection only. Not a social good country but one of individual freedom as planned by our forefathers. Mark Hamilton has the love and passion of our forefathers. He believes in men and women and knows how we can all prosper and live happily as we are supposed to. Thank you Mark Hamilton for believing in America and freedom for all. We must return to a place of prosperity or we fall harder than we now have.

Sincere thank you Mark,
Jill Reed


March 2025