Posts Tagged ‘mentoring’

I beg to take a moment of your time …

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned; Mr. Mark Hamilton and Neothink, how powerful and amazing make change in my life.

Throughout two years in Neothink Inside Secret with an excellent mentoring of Mark Hamilton, I learn more than I ever did in my life.

Some people ignore that only Neothink Inside Secrets have a solid structure to grow up and the enlightenment its magnificent power.

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned …

I beg to take a moment of your time to introduce and familiarize those concerned; Mr. Mark Hamilton and Neothink, how powerful and amazing make change in my life.

Throughout two years in Neothink Inside Secret with an excellent mentoring of Mark Hamilton, I learn more than I ever did

Let me start by telling you my name Trinidad C all my friends call me (Trini)

Let me start by telling you my name Trinidad C all my friends call me (Trini). I am 57 years Young. I have been a Neothinker since 2000 and I have been working Neothink since that Time. I want everyone to know that myself and many in my group have spend thousands of our own money to fight for our rights. We believe in Neothink and Mark Hamilton. I would like you to know Now what it means to me.
I see Mark Hamilton as one of our true fathers of wanting to built a strong Nation. Like Danial Boone, David Crockett, George Washington, Jefferson and so you get the point. Mark is giving up a lot by putting himself in the line of fire. Like the others that I have mention they gave up their family life and time so others can benefit from hard jobs that they did and now Mark Hamilton’s mentoring and hard and devoted time to bring us his teachings will be doing the same.
I have change since reading Marks writings and I feel better now than I have in the past 47 years. Why, because my thinking has changed. Thank you Mark! His writings has made me become a different person and I have become what I was meant to be and fulfill my purpose on this world. I hope that this Testimonial will tell the readers what and how Neothink can help you on your reason for giving you the reason for picking up the literature and reading it for yourself. Please excuse my writing and spelling I am not a writer.

Love Trini C

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express…

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express how much your prime literature and mentor-ship has meant to me or the Neothink process and ALL the wonderful people who have brought it to me. Like everyone else who has learned to tell their own personal stories on learning to use their TSM’s and FNE’s to create values, below is the first completed example of my own Neothinking processes that I like to term as a “Deconstruction” process. I am proud of it and I share it with you in the hopes that you can find a place for it in your future publications and to the mentoring of others. You are one of only three who will see this article before I share it with the rest of the world professionally and the most important. Please feel free to do with it what you will. I hope it brings you as much joy to read it as it did for me to write it. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! Much love, peace, happiness, wealth, and health to you. Mary Stephens (formerly Mary
Kennedy) from Tennessee

Mark Hamilton’s teachings are ones…

My name is Tony, I have been a member for the Neothink Society for a near 4 years, and the Neothink pages are ones of the most valuable information, in teaching. inside the multigenerational manuscripts are some of life’s most valuable morals, this knowable has helped me to transform my thinking in too many different possibilities and speeded up my knowledge of using the materials for the creation of endless possibilities for life to come…Mark Hamilton’s teachings are ones of the most powerful values as in this time of day in are world… my mentoring with mark Hamilton has lead me to understand, on how I and are A-Team members are here for are teaching from mark Hamilton, to help use the people to see that we have the greatest treasure right under are feet… as we are all protected from the negatives of are surrounding world, as we can lead are self’s in to future seeing greater than any other movement in the worlds countries, as we the people have the power to creation…as I hope we the people could see as I have to understand the great knowable the has been locked in a box from us the people for a longtime…as I have learned that we are free…thank you

Mark Hamilton, Your Mentoring on value creation…

Dear Mark,
Thank you for your tuition. Your Mentoring on value creation and integration has changed my life completely. A life of joy and excitement at the prospect of becoming the person I was meant to be!. Producing and creating values for a better world, a prosperous world, based on honesty and wide scope accounting. Neothink removes the irrationalities of society to bring the next step in mans development into Neothink. We must prevail whatever the cost.

Mark Hamilton And NeoThink

Dear Mark Hamilton,
I will never be able to thank you enough for the positive influence in my life your mentoring and the Neothink Society have provided.
I look forward to the new dawn of INTRIGRATED HONESTY in a TWELVE VISIONS WORLD. The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY is the future with value, love, and the love of life with purpose.
Waking up each morning, looking forward to creating value for a society full of NEO-THINKERS.
The future shows hope, what a wonderful change!
Thank you again!
Rick Boyle

Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.

To: Mark Hamilton
I received a letter from Neothink Society November 2006. I had been invited to join a exclusive group of individuals from around the world was ready to share their knowledge of how to achieve wealth in all areas of life. My first impression was to go forward and look into this by ordering the Neothink material that had been offered. My first book once I started reading I could not stop it held my attention for days and weeks and weeks turn in to months. I was amazed at the honesty that was shining threw and the knowledge that kept me reading. The wonderful information was eye opening, a wide scope to view life and my life experiences to be able to look at the world in a objective way, and how one can succeed in life. I have to be honest their was some doubt if I would be able to succeed and survive. But the Neothink literature on Self Discovery lit a burning desire within me that took off like a rocket, gave me the confidence to achieve in my life what ever I desired. Since I left my job and started my own company it has been a fast pace of growth. This Year 2009 our company has done ¾ of million dollars in service work in the construction field. We are project next year to be doing 2 to 3 million dollars in service work. We are very excited about the future. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neo think society that believe in helping each individual to find the creative ability that each of us have. Everyday life has become exciting. The mentoring has been life changing. The key is to want more out of life and Neothink offer the tools and knowledge for each individual to go after their dreams and desire. What a wonderful contribution to mankind. Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.
Larry J

In support of Mr.Mark Hamilton


This message goes to all the veterans out there who went to the Vietnan war and if you go back in time that war and the other wars would not take place if we had the Twelve Vision party constitution since this constitution is for defence only.On the other hand I can’t thank enough Mr. Hamilton for recapture all those beatiful dreams that I had as a child.I’m still learning with Mr. Hamilton’s mentoring and due to his love and honesty I see the world different and he has inspire me to help support other children in various countries and it brings back the thrill of life to find out what I was ment to be.I love Mr. Hamilton and his work and I love my Neothink Society.Thank you,Thank you,Thank you.A Vietnan U.S. Army Veteran,Marco A. Reyes.

Mark Hamilton

I have been reading Neothink books since the ’80s. My greatest gift from Mark Hamilton’s books has been to be an independent thinker. Mark Hamilton’s mentoring has given me self-leadership. There is an athenticity in his writings that urges me into self-leadership. I am guiding my family and friends into the mental shift and that shift is to know the purpose of life and that purpose is to live happily. Mark Hamilton’s mentoring is guiding the Neothink society into creating a government that will not use initiatory force against us. They will offer us protection ONLY. I am very excited about this. My life gets better every day. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Kay S
New York

February 2025