Posts Tagged ‘mentor’

I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in January of 2007



The Neothink Society, has changed my life since January of 2007. My Name is Timothy Bergman I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in January of 2007, to invite me to become a member of the Neothink Society. And since then my life has changed for the greatest thing in my life of 54 years .I am very grateful for that opportunity. Because this has changed my life in all aspects of my life, in all sorts of ways from health, honesty, peace, happiness, to learn to become a self leader. To become aware of why our society is in the current condition that is going on today. To become aware of all the illusion’s that are created to hold back society as a whole. To learn how the outside authorities have held back society as a whole, throughout the years for generation’s year after year.  The Neothink Society has created a pure honest, pure loving society that is based on honest business progressive idea’s. The love and compassion that is here in the Neothink Society is like nothing else  of any other organization that i have belonged to. the Neothink Society is Great!

Thank you My Mentor Mark Hamilton

Timothy B

I’ve had many teachers in my life- yet only one Mentor.


To Others:

No matter where we live on this Earth. Regardless of Time Zones and personal beliefs.- WE ALL HAVE: the same 24 hours in any one day.

Of course. What ‘WE’ do within  those hours, IS the measure of the person ‘WE’ are, or WILL become.


A Neothink member.

Mark Hamilton did this for me through his writings

 What does this all mean to me? EVERYTHING! I learned to love life. I learned to deeply appreciate life! I learned to love and respect myself. I learned to CREATE VALUES! I learned to grow without limits which involves taking complete, 100% responsibility for my own life indefinitely! Mark Hamilton did this for me through his writings, specifically the Multi Generational Manuscripts of The Neothink(R) Society. I found my essence here in the society. I have discovered precisely what it means to be happy what it takes. You can be eternally happy and I mentor others here in the society to achieve it. I am a famous society insider. I am deeply happy and it grows every day. I have never been as smart and as integrated as I am right now. That will soon enough evolve beyond where I am at right now. I know I absolutely can be, do and have all I desire, period! Mark Hamilton is our prime mentor and has the honest power to mentor everyone into the creation driven life they were meant to live. That involves partly a life or romantic-adventure! I am living that.

The new Twelve Visions Party® will be a welcome contrast to the current “Collection Government

Because of Mark Hamilton and his fantastic literature I am now a self leader:

I want “a Protection only Government “verses “a Collection only Government:”

I am a 90 % disabled “warrior Mormon Monk” because of the “Collection only Government” we are under now and the Zion Occupational Government:

The new Twelve Visions Party® will be a welcome contrast to the current “Collection Government.”

I now know how to legally replace and/or shutdown the I.R.S. and its divisions:

I am the Founder of “The Secret Snake Style:”

The new “Military School of Genius’s” will outperform the current military.

I want to personally thank my mentor Mark Hamilton for that entire work he has done for me and is still doing and is creating for me.

Mark Hamilton is my true friend.

I consider all who go against my friend as an enemy:

I believe in “Best Friends, Worst Enemies.”

If anyone wishes to attack Mark Hamilton, Please consider attacking me first:


Ralph Merritt:

Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor



Am joyous testifying to you all. This is all about  MARK HAMILTON .

He is a genius honest person. From the time i received his heirloom/books and went through, my life changed from bicameral mind to civilization, that is from sickness to health, from actress to active.

The knowledge of mark shall change lives of people world wide just as it has changed the lives of us who have led his books. Imagine Mr HAMILTON discovered the disease which is attacking nearly all human beings on earth and this is the disease which brings poverty, war, hatred, dishonest, sickness, death, etc.

Due to his genius and honest he also has the cure /medicine for this disease called mysticism. And this cure is from his knowledge.

Thank you Mark Hamilton for you are my mentor

Being a member of the Neothink society, am also threatened>20 march 2010.Our journey mighty be disturbed as you mentioned. Am level 9 of our journey. In level 6 you talked about the NEOTHINK SOCIETY MARK HAMILTON SECRET BOOK that you would send to members.

How can it be possible for to receive this book. I would Neothink that you send me this book and be on the way to me before 20 march 2010.

To me this threat is just like am driving the car along the desert which is mysticism to a promised land, the land of honest, success, ageless, etc then fuel of car starts finishing before arrival to the promised land.

I believe in Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton, my mentor:

The reality of being able to create a better world mentally, physically, emotionally, and economically, is one of the most extraordinary opportunities you’re offering to us.

I have read all of your books, I have learned your excellent teachings to all of us, and I respect and admire the value of the Neothink Society that I am working with.

I believe in you and I trust that we can all share success by creating and learning to create love, health, wealth, and happiness.


Graciela De R

stand up for each other

we as a society need to stand up for each other . let none of be left behind ; we all need some kind of guidance ; we all need help with one thing or another . beside our knowledge that teaches how to lead and not be lead ; there is many of us that are just starting out ; still evolving ; we need other club members to be around ? we need to be in the clubhouses learning from other members ?.
Our Mentor’s need to reach out to us even more in this day and age ? i’m a smart person ; i know what we think about ; is what we become ; there is a lot of thinking involved . alot of structure building ; it dosen’t stop there . it’s a constant up keep . if you don’t use it you loose it . so please help us club members / mentors ; you help us where we can help you and others in the future ?… 907=441-3063 please call me evenings thanks jeanne’ ….


I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton.

My journey began in earnest when I received a letter in the mail which I had to send back which I did. The letter stated I was searching for something but had not grasped yet. This was indeed true but I could never quite put my finger on it. It was elusive but I knew and felt that I would hear and read the booklet anyway. I was quite skeptical as I had been lied to many times before.
The booklet arrived as promised and it contained stories in it which were clever and all had a common denominator theme even though I was unable to see it right away. The stories were varied and quite interesting and thus I read it within a day. About a week passed and I received another letter with an offer. It was for money and they would send me a book. I became extremely skeptical after that but it did have a money back garantee so I decided I had nothing to lose and wrote out the check.
I received the first massive book and then the second and finally the third. Some parts were harder to read then others but I read them all. They were about various subjects that I had always thought but never was sure of. This literature was justification, I felt, that I was not alone in my thoughts. As I thought more deeply about the themes and how they all went to the very core or essence of what ever was written about.
The sleeper had awakened. I saw things as they really were and the motivations of the people, over a very brief time. Some people were on top and seamed like they did not care while the people on the bottom of the ladder seamed the most genuine. I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton.
I then received an email which directed me to a site. I went there and after paying a small fee, I saw my mentor ,Mark Hamilton, on my Screen for the first time. After 12 months I learned even more while listening to his video’s. Everything that was talked about was eye opening and I was not the only one who partook of this knowledge.
Many people learned as I did I found out later. Eventually Everyone united at this websites’ forums. Everyone shared their individual insights, gifts, and knowledge. The fledgling community was being built just as it must have been foreseen. The knowledge flowed freely between everyone which was known simply as fellow searchers. As time and knowledge
passed between us all, our little community began to grow and flourish. The many people who became enlightened and then awakened was extraordinary.
Because of this enlightenment the old paradigm or old way of doing things started to see the writing on the wall. The old paradigm had to fight back as they worked better in the shadows. Our little group ,with the help of others accross the earth, shall end up changing this paradigm now. We are uniting all over the globe now. In unity there is strength. We all have differences and idiosyncrasies but that is what makes us unique. The ability to rational and calmly discuss our veiw different view points and arrive at a mutaul understanding of the isssue at hand. The opposition wants everybody to be the same, slaves.
The many are controlled by the few through one thing, which has many subparts to it. Fear. A branch of that fear is anger. Knowing this I do not hate people but pity those that do so. Love is the oposite to fear. Acceptance of diversity leads to strength. Since we are all one anything else would be to self inflict pain.(?) Many people are now “AWAKE”. People are aware now of all the lies and progaganda they have been told.
To achive vitory for humankind and remove our invisible shakles, we have started a political party called The Twelve Visions Party. When we unite under this banner we will. take our world back. The time is now to come and first learn about what is now apparent to all. There will be many attacks against people who have united ,physical and slanderous. The main stream media, which hardly nobody believes anymore, will constantly begin to attack The Neothink Society and its ideals. Everyone has a right to their opinion as long as you have heard BOTH sides. The difference between us,The Neothink society and the person who started it all, Mark Hamilton, is we will listen and then judge by its essence if it is true or false. If the statement is true then we would integrate it and if the knowledge is not true discard it as an untruth.(awk)
In conclusion, A war for your mind is here. After you gain all the knowledge make your decision. The truth always surfaces for it is light and therefore not afraid to show itself and does not cower. Many great thinkers from various time periods knew this little fact and were punished for it. Now that there are many awake a new era is upon us. There will be a “fight” as the old paradigm dies and the new one emerges. Unification is power and light! Discussion is the key to any differences of opinion only if both sides agree to it in good faith. With all of this said I have one final word and that is Unite!

March 2025