Posts Tagged ‘mentor’

Very grateful that Mark Hamilton is my mentor

Hello Mr. Hamilton:

Even though I am just beginning my 3rd level in the Neothink Society with you; I am envisioning my own development, especially in the integration of my way of thinking. I imagine in all levels of school years, the introduction and teaching of this new method and perhaps in the early years (Elementary School). I am so excited to be a member of NTS and very grateful that Mark Hamilton is my mentor and with his direction I’m in my way to reach my goal which is to evolve in everything I meant to be and live.

Thank you to be a part of NTS and together we will be able to eradicate all illusions and misconceptions in religion and politics; but honestly I can say that I was responsible for their manipulations; because unconsciously I gave them the power. Now with the help of everything that NTS, TVP, and the whole MEMBERS have to offer; we can only expect victory for many years to come.

It’s all I have to say for now and thank you to allow me to be a part of your successful TEAM.


Fabio R.

Mark Hamilton, the “real” voices of change!

Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society has changed my life for the better. Not only personally, but professionally as well. His writings and Mentorship have been an invaluable asset. I have learned and applied these value-driven techniques which have brought into my life the wealth, health and peace that most of us yearn for. In my opinion, Mark Hamilton is “The Real Voice of Change” for our culture today. I am writing this with sincere gratitude and heartfelt thanks to my Mentor, Mr. Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society.

Thank you Mark Hamilton


Just a few short years ago I was one of those who had no idea where to go, where to turn, what to do!

I had retired from the Navy and reverted to a civilian life – what a social change that was! I had gone through a divorce, losing contact with the children I loved. I had lost my job, lost my friends, felt there was no reason or purpose left in life.

Then, along came Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! I was skeptical at first, but on reading the literature I began to see hope! I learned and grew, applying the new thinking (neothinking) to m life, and began to see hope and love again!

I was one who woke up each day with the first thoughts of “damn — another one”; and now I wake up each day excited and anxious to make further progress, learn more, do more … and create value for myself and those around me.

What a wonderful change from the greatest mentor I have ever known! Mark has become more than just a “teacher”, he has become my “brother”, and my greatest respect goes out to this wonderful individual and the Neothink Society, as well as the Twelve Visions Political party he has envisioned and created!

Mark … I love you, and look forward to the day we can meet face to face, and hug each other like the brothers we are!

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

Mark Hamilton and Neothink

Okay let me some this up for anyone wanting to know about Mark Hamilton and Neothink. I have had the pleasure of having Mark as both a mentor and a friend for years now. Mark has a strong sense of right and wrong and sees through the smoke. He has been an exemplary role model in teaching me business and life principles through his Neothink Literature. Time does not allow for me to go into all of what I’ve been taught. So let me share with you what his teaching has allowed me to realize and why Neothink is so important to us.  I was brought up to understand for me to earn money I had to create and provide a quality product or service and then deliver that product or service to society in a timely efficient manner. People we are living in a country with a government that takes our money through taxes and uses our money to control us, establishes regulations that limit our ability to produce and create for society and furthermore live off of us like parasites using our money to give themselves lavish perks, medical and retirement plans all the while trying to convince us they deserve the perks for running our country into the ground. Mark has made me realize that “We the People” have to take the responsibility and make the changes to our country that we may give our family a life worth living. For after all we only get one time through life

Mike L. C.

Mark Hamilton is my mentor…

I have belonged to the Neothink Society for about four years.  I have read all the publications or the multigenerational manuscripts and I deeply believe in what the multigenerational manuscripts have to say.  Mark Hamilton is my mentor and is a very caring, patient and giving mentor.  He is very honest, trustworthy, and knowledgeable person.  We here in the USA have the freedom of speech and other freedoms that many in the rest of the world do not.  It is my right to belong to Neothink.

I resent any attempts to punish or stop Mark Hamilton or Neothink.

Over  my sixty two years, I have watched the Media and the political world, both republican and democrat, be dishonest and focus on the honest to try and destroy what they have created for the” all” in the United States.  People like myself, in the upper lower class, are the one’s paying for the “George Bushes” in this country.  I know that the bail outs are being paid for by the working class, while the Bushes and CEO’s go free.  Mark Hamilton and Neothink are helping the masses with their time, money and literature.  I am sick and tired of the media doing whatever they want to hurt the HONEST in this country.

STOP hurting us NOW.  Mark Hamilton and the others who are involved in Neothink deserve to be left alone.  They deserve to be allowed to operate as they have and are.  Leave us alone.  Neothink is a growing, positive organization.  It has given me my hope and self esteem back.  What is wrong with this?

I think that the media is bought off the rich and dark people of this country.  Neothink is not dark it is light.  It has brought much light into my life through

Mark Hamilton.  Leave us alone!

Sincerely Jennifer L.

Mark has been my mentor for quite sometime…

When I try to put the Neothink Society into words or describe it, I actually get stumped. How do you describe something that allows you to be so happy and prosperous as the society does? When I was invited to join, I was told I would learn many new incredible things, and they delivered on that promise. I have learned just how beautiful everything around me is and how to live a very happy and very prosperous life. As I stated earlier, it is difficult to put Neothink into words, it is simply something you must experience for yourself, and trust me, if you do, your life will never be the same again.

This serves to inform that I have been associated with neo-think society for over a year and during that time I have learned to look at life from a different perspective a much more positive perspective. I learned the true meaning and value of life, I learned what it is to be organised, committed, honest, loyal and especially how to plan and make every minute of the day meaningful. The Neothink society has a lot to offer mankind especially also in health and other matters of importance. Mark has been my mentor for quite sometime and I will continue to support him because his values are humaine and selfless, he just want the best for everyone. Good Luck and may the Creator of the Universe, the Infinite Spirit, Infinite Cosmic Power, GOD or what ever name we chose be with us.

Thanks, Ron.

I have been a student of Mark Hamilton for about 4 years now.

I have been a student of Mark Hamilton for about 4 years now. I read his literature on a regular basis as well as listen in on the recordings of all 3 weekly meetings the following day.  I am not the best with words though I’m sure all the testimonials already submitted will do.  I always knew that the human mind didn’t think correctly. After reading the multigenerational manuscripts now I know why and it can all change for better.  Mark Hamilton is more than a mentor. He actually wants to better mankind. The entire human race needs the twelve visions party.

The political establishment for the past 2000 years has only hurt mankind, not improved it. The old way is not working. It is time for the anti-civilization to step out of the way and be gone forever. The Twelve Visions World is the way all individuals were meant to live.

Most people believe the first gossip they hear on a particular issue because they are looking for the easy answer.  The mystical one.  They want other people thinking for them so the first answer is the easiest one to accept without doing their own research. That way of thinking will soon be gone forever. Our minds are meant for more. Nothing can stop an idea who’s time has come.

Sincerely,                                                                                                                                        Anthony G

Thank you to have accepted me in your society since may 2008

My Mentor

First I want to thank you to have accepted me in your society since may 2008.

I use to read wonderful success from others members.

I believe strongly about everything written on the mails that the society have sent to me, especially my orientation book which mentioned  my gifts and will help me to unleashed them .

I have all my hope in our society.

Truly the society take off on my face a thick veil  and make me stronger in belief on the society .

But my testimonial would not be reduce at that point.

Please i am waiting for the enmeshment of my gifts and the realization of other promises on the books to complete my testimonial.

Thank you to take your precious time to read my message

Your apprentice Messanh

I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton.

My journey began in earnest when I received a letter in the mail which I had to send back which I did.  The letter stated I was searching for something but had not grasped yet.  This was indeed true but I could never quite put my finger on it.  It was elusive but I knew and felt that I would hear and read the booklet anyway.  I was quite skeptical as I had been lied to many times before.
The booklet arrived as promised and it contained stories in it which were clever and all had a common denominator theme even though I was unable to see it right away.  The stories were varied and quite interesting and thus I read it within a day.  About a week passed and I received another letter with an offer.  It was for money and they would send me a book.  I became extremely skeptical after that but it did have a money back garantee so I decided I had nothing to lose and wrote out the check.
I received the first massive book and then the second and finally the third.  Some parts were harder to read then others but I read them all.  They were about various subjects that I had always thought but never was sure of.  This literature was justification, I felt, that I was not alone in my thoughts.  As I thought more deeply about the themes and how they all went to the very core or essence of what ever was written about.
The sleeper had awakened.  I saw things as they really were and the motivations of the people, over a very brief time.    Some people were on top and seamed like they did not care while the people on the bottom of the ladder seamed the most genuine.  I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton.
I then received an email which directed me to a site.  I went there and after paying a small fee, I saw my mentor ,Mark Hamilton, on my Screen for the first time. After 12 months I learned even more while listening to his video’s.  Everything that was talked about was eye opening and I was not the only one who partook of this knowledge.
Many people learned as I did I found out later.  Eventually Everyone united at this websites’ forums.  Everyone shared their individual insights, gifts, and knowledge.  The fledgling community was being built just as it must have been foreseen.  The knowledge flowed freely between everyone which was known simply as fellow searchers.  As time and knowledge
passed between us all, our little community began to grow and flourish.  The many people who became enlightened and then awakened was extraordinary.
Because of this enlightenment the old paradigm or old way of doing things started to see the writing on the wall.  The old paradigm had to fight back as they worked better in the shadows.  Our little group ,with the help of others accross the earth, shall end up changing this paradigm now.  We are uniting all over the globe now.  In unity there is strength.  We all have differences and idiosyncrasies but that is what makes us unique.  The ability to rational and calmly discuss our veiw different view points and arrive at a mutaul understanding of the isssue at hand.  The opposition wants everybody to be the same, slaves.
The many are controlled by the few through one thing, which has many subparts to it.  Fear.  A branch of that fear is anger.  Knowing this I do not hate people but pity those that do so.  Love is the oposite to fear.  Acceptance of diversity leads to strength.  Since we are all one anything else would be to self inflict pain.(?)  Many  people are now “AWAKE”.  People are aware now of all the lies and progaganda they have been told.
To achive vitory for humankind and remove our invisible shakles, we have started a political party called The Twelve Visions Party.  When we unite under this banner we will. take our world back. The time is now to come and first learn about what is now apparent to all.  There will be many attacks against people who have united ,physical and slanderous.  The main stream media, which hardly nobody believes anymore, will constantly begin to attack The Neothink Society and its ideals.  Everyone has a right to their opinion as long as you have heard BOTH sides.  The difference between us,The Neothink society and the person who started it all, Mark Hamilton, is we will listen and then judge by its essence if it is true or false.  If the statement is true then we would integrate it and if the knowledge is not true discard it as an untruth.(awk)
In conclusion, A war for your mind is here.  After you gain all the knowledge make your decision.  The truth always surfaces for it is light and therefore not afraid to show itself and does not cower.  Many great thinkers from various time periods knew this little fact and were punished for it.  Now that there are many awake a new era is upon us.  There will be a “fight” as the old paradigm dies and the new one emerges.  Unification is power and light!  Discussion is the key to any differences of opinion only if both sides agree to it in good faith.  With all of this said I have one final word and that is Unite!

Mark Hamilton has been a huge mentor in my life

Whom it may concern,

Mark Hamilton has been a huge mentor in my life. He has made me see the 12 visions and to apply them in my life. I thank Mark Hamilton for the opportunities that he presented to me, the life changing books he has publish for us as an honest society to learn and apply, and to make us the person we were meant to be. This information changes people’s lives to make us honest<,happy<,positive about life,<helping others<making the world a better place<and to love yourself and love life to the fullest. I am so glad i have received this information in the mail to get in the society and the 12 visions. Finally I’m honored to have Mark Hamilton as my mentor.

                                                                              Thanks so much,

                                                                                       William O

March 2025