Posts Tagged ‘mentor’

RECOGNIZE!…Mark Hamilton…My Neothink Society family…and Our Twelve Visions Party


For all you haters out there that doubt us….Mark Hamilton is a genius and my mentor in life. He taught me..(but i think i can speak for all of us in the neothink society)how to break threw boundaries however massive. his manuscripts is on another level, beyond anything I’ve previously known or read of in my whole existence. I know that very soon Mark and his twelve visions party will take society to that next level of living. He is just that great and me and all my people believe in his vision for a better world..theres nothing you anticivilation people can do to stop us now. we are trying to change the world for the betterment of all. Our movement is growing and I’m..(along with the rest of us)is willing to stand on the frontline to see Marks vision fulfilled. I am willing and ready to go to war to end your dumb anticivilation..i will fight the media with mark and do anything in my powers to see to it the neothink society thrive and survive. so for all you haters out there…hate it or love it. who cares!!..CHANGE IS COMING!! Mark Hamilton, Neothink, TWELVE VISIONS PARTY.. Take it N BLOOD.. hahahahaha



I learned of Mark Hamilton two years ago. Since then I have read His books, they have help me very much. I’m 67 years young. I’m self educated. My interest are not just one thing. It is everything in the universe. My magazines are; Astronomy, CAR and DRIVER, Smithsonian, Time, Electronic PRODUCTS. I do a lot of reading on the Internet. One thing I really love reading about is James J Hill. He built the Railrods up north, going to Seatle Area. He did not stop there, He had a fleet of ships that went to Japan and Chine at the turn of the century (1900). If it wasn’t for Mark, I would never have known about Him and other great Americans. Yes Mark, I’m VERY PROUD TO KNOW YOU. Yes, You are my MENTOR. I have known about religion for a very long time. Mark has brought REALITY to what I already know.

My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man


Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me. Through this society it has helped me become a better person in the areas of people, business and the world around us. Before Neothink I was a troubled child who never knew the meaning of life or if there was a purpose in it. The TVP means a lot to me and soon society as a whole.
It will help one change the process of his/her mind and action modes as well. We all need TVP to help people and society all together. My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man and a good man and no one should or could say slanderous things about him or our society. He has helped me become a better woman and a business woman instead of becoming trash for the world to see. Because of
our society I am a classier woman and because my Mentor.


Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for this opportunity, Thank you for your courage; And to whom this may concern, I Theodore L have formed a relationship with Mark Hamilton my mentor and the “Neothink Society” This is a open honest relationship that to my experience have held true to the directions, principles and integrity promised, to deliver positive growth in Business, Society and Health.
The honesty is accessible to all that are willing to use the Twelve Visions World. The new thinking is bringing order into the lives of many people blessed with the vision of TVP. As The Twelve Vision Party dispel the  laws of unhappy gravity, by employing the laws of  liberating, civilizing lift. Here is the New World Now!

In the bond, Theodore L

Thank you Mark!!


Just a few short years ago I was one of those who had no idea where to go, where to turn, what to do!

I had retired from the Navy and reverted to a civilian life – what a social change that was! I had gone through a divorce, losing contact with the children I loved. I had lost my job, lost my friends, felt there was no reason or purpose left in life.

Then, along came Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! I was skeptical at first, but on reading the literature I began to see hope! I learned and grew, applying the new thinking (neothinking) to m life, and began to see hope and love again!

I was one who woke up each day with the first thoughts of “damn — another one”; and now I wake up each day excited and anxious to make further progress, learn more, do more … and create value for myself and those around me.

What a wonderful change from the greatest mentor I have ever known! Mark has become more than just a “teacher”, he has become my “brother”, and my greatest respect goes out to this wonderful individual and the Neothink Society, as well as the Twelve Visions Political party he has envisioned and created!

Mark … I love you, and look forward to the day we can meet face to face, and hug each other like the brothers we are!

Join-in with Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party


HI, My name is Ralph Menchaca.

I belong to the Neothink Society, and I’m inviting you to come to a Neothink Clubhouse Meeting and Join! Next, I welcome you to Join-in with Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party <TVP> and make everyone RICH! Including the Poor.

A new FUTURE awaits everyone, come and see.

At this time, as a participating Neothink Mentor, I can tell you,- Come and live the Life your were Meant to live! for that Something More.


Ralph M

I will stand with you Bro…


Dearest Mark,

Although I have not joined a clubhouse for reasons we don’t need to go into now, I have read, absorbed and reveled in the literature, watched all your mentor levels, listened to 95% of the links sent to me by Neothink Members and Tom Cary. Additionally, I have spoken to many people about Neothink, the Society and the TVP. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for who you are, the giant contribution to human development, through integrations, honesty and real values you bring to  everyone.

I will stand with you Bro, no doubt, and when the time comes I will be an advocate for you and Neothink will all of my abilities.

Attached is my Endorsement, which will cut like a knife through the illusion the media or anyone else tries to foist on Neothink, the members and you.

You Rock!




Mr. Mark
As an apprentice and mentor I am writing this testimonial.

Even though I want to express so many things, I am making this as a brief because of my language barrier. I am a visionary, now. The positive change now I am experiencing is immeasurable. This is for achieving the individual ‘s success as well as building the immortal society.
(But I am looking a better and complete logical explanation  about  I-ness and its handling in future for making immortals. Soon, you will receive eloborate testimonial).



I Carlos Davila am typing this few line to let know how happy I am of the TVP. TVP is bringing the best in me little by little, when i had lost or hope and had given up in life, TVP is bringing the best in me in a so logical way and so pure. TVP has provide information that has help me in areas that the bible was not able to deliver. The ideas of bringing out the best in common people so they could relive an take their life back is knowledge that us human kind have been starving for. Mark Hamilton my mentor is a hero in my life and I appreciate all his work, is been worthwhile being in acquaintance with such a brilliant man. The TVP party has the best ideas i have ever encounter any where concerning the health of this planet, in all aspects of the word, is a complete picture that will bring the best in everybody on earth to be free of war, hunger, lack of anything and have everything our heart desires. I wholeheartedly feel and am sure that the TVP is the solution to this nuclear thread hole, too bring the conditions we all yearn for, in a business/science/art civilization . THANK YOU,YOURS TRULY, Carlos Davila.

Timely Discovery

I’ve read some of the criticism , directed at Neothink/and have come to the conclusion that the most ardent complainer’s are not up to the challenge of self discovery. Please let me share with you a little secret: IN THE Process of vehemently objectifying the Literature of the Neothink is the choice of wakening up and leaning on your own spine, or becoming more dependant on the existing facade of remaining fairy tailed story. Neothink ,is a Discovery Tool who’ time has come at the Global-World’s greatest hour of need. A Grateful, Thank You to All of Brave Hearts Involved!!! Balamuruga Mentor 2008 Love.

February 2025