Posts Tagged ‘mentor’

Mark Hamilton is willing to mentor millions

It means the world to me that someone like Mark Hamilton is willing to mentor millions of people and give us insights that should’ve always been available to us. Mark has provided me the chance to build my self esteem and to see possibilities I now strive towards and know all things are possible within myself. To hush someone like Mark would truly be a sad and nonproductive movement towards mankind.
Christy N

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton:
I’m writing you today to say how very much I appreciate your writings and how it has helped me in having more value to my life and respect and love for others. Like the word implies to appreciate means to gain, and I know I have gained in many areas of my life. It is hard to know just how to describe that growth as each day my life is changing. It is my sincere hope that everyone would be a member of the neo-think society for their own betterment in life(living) I appreciate the many friends from all over who are willing to mentor and help. I look forward to all meetings, new writings and the sincerity of being HONEST…..In Good Faith
Gerry A.

Mark Hamilton my mentor is a hero in my life…

I Carlos Davila am typing this few line to let know how happy I am of the TVP. TVP is bringing the best in me little by little, when i had lost or hope and had given up in life, TVP is bringing the best in me in a so logical way and so pure. TVP has provide information that has help me in areas that the bible was not able to deliver. The ideas of bringing out the best in common people so they could relive an take their life back is knowledge that us human kind have been starving for. Mark Hamilton my mentor is a hero in my life and I appreciate all his work, is been worthwhile being in acquaintance with such a brilliant man. The TVP party has the best ideas i have ever encounter any where concerning the health of this planet, in all aspects of the word, is a complete picture that will bring the best in everybody on earth to be free of war, hunger, lack of anything and have everything our heart desires. I wholeheartedly feel and am sure that the TVP is the solution to this nuclear thread hole, too bring the conditions we all yearn for, in a business/science/art civilization . THANK YOU,YOURS TRULY, Carlos D

Mark Hamilton

Mr. Mark
As an apprentice and mentor I am writing this testimonial.
Even though I want to express so many things, I am making this as a brief because of my language barrier. I am a visionary, now. The positive change now I am experiencing is immeasurable. This is for achieving the individual ‘s success as well as building the immortal society.
(But I am looking a better and complete logical explanation about I-ness and its handling in future for making immortals. Soon, you will receive eloborate testimonial).

Looking forward to getting older!

At age 50…I am now so excited to get older! Why? Because after reading the writings of Mark Hamilton I am so excited about my future and the future of our world! I’ve learned so much and he is truly now my Mentor of Mentors! After only a month of reading these writings, I developed a spirit of strength. I built my own business and have learned to succeed on my own. I have become more active in Politics as well! This has been a true gift as I am now a member of The Twelve Visions Party, the party that Mark Hamilton created. I have made many dear friends and supportive business contacts through my relationship with Mark Hamilton. I have experienced that the older I get, the more passionate I have become! This is due to the amazing mentorship of Mark Hamilton.

Thank You Mark!

Just a few short years ago I was one of those who had no idea where to go, where to turn, what to do!
I had retired from the Navy and reverted to a civilian life – what a social change that was! I had gone through a divorce, losing contact with the children I loved. I had lost my job, lost my friends, felt there was no reason or purpose left in life.
Then, along came Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society! I was skeptical at first, but on reading the literature I began to see hope! I learned and grew, applying the new thinking (neothinking) to m life, and began to see hope and love again!
I was one who woke up each day with the first thoughts of “damn — another one”; and now I wake up each day excited and anxious to make further progress, learn more, do more … and create value for myself and those around me.
What a wonderful change from the greatest mentor I have ever known! Mark has become more than just a “teacher”, he has become my “brother”, and my greatest respect goes out to this wonderful individual and the Neothink Society, as well as the Twelve Visions Political party he has envisioned and created!
Mark … I love you, and look forward to the day we can meet face to face, and hug each other like the brothers we are!

A new life


Thanks to NeoThink, a new way of thinking and Mark Hamiltion as our mentor. We all will become wealthy in the cilvilation of the universe.

The Person We are Meant to Be

Let’s each one of us become the person we were meant to be. When we are little, say preschool age, we dream of a fun future full of success. We see our future full of excitement. When we become adults we find ourselves in a stagnated job, drab lifestyle and mostly difficult relationships. The motivational drive of those earlier years melting away.
The techniques we need to travel the path to find the person we were meant to be is found in the Twelve Visions with Mark Hamilton as our mentor. Mark Hamilton has found the person he is meant to be and is eager to give that gift to all of us. He is motivated by a deep desire for each of us to have prosperity and happiness.
I am still searching for my essence. But that is OK with me. I am filled with happiness and moving into better relationships with wonderful-minded people. As they say in the vernacular ‘I’m moving on up’.
I am filled with love. The love I am feeling within me is new to me. It is a radiating love. I feel it all around me. I am confident I will find the person I am meant to be.
One last thing: Thank you Mark Hamilton.

New York City

Our Society

I am proud that I am apart of history in the making with a wonderful society.
Before I started to neothink or discovered neothinking, I had no meaning or care of what life is truely about or any meaning for it besides doing the wrong things. Once I discovered this new process of mind functioning I became wiser and in control of my life. Joining the tvp will help your life in every area of it. Everyone needs the tvp so we all can help change the world. Mark Hamilton is an amazing man and mentor and he and the tvp could help you too.


I can hardly wait

I have been reading the Neothink material since the late ’80s. The changes that have taken place in me have been subtle. Little by little. Mark Hamilton sent me the same letter inviting me to own the Heirloom packages and I reached out for them immediately. That is when I learned about the Twelve Visions Party. Each vision has a full and stimulating description and I knew then I had found the future. Mark tells us in these writings about the Twelve Visions World. We must and we will leave behind us the anti-civilization we are living in. I am an evolving person. I am bringing love into this world. Each moment of my day I am sending love to my family and friends and even to people I do not know but know exist. We are living in rapidly changing times and Mark Hamilton is taking us into the best of times. He is taking us into the Twelve Visions World. It will be a world where the government will be for protection only and will not use force on us. Nor will we use force against another. We will not need to use force because we will leave behind the criminal mind which will be replaced with minds that value create for themselves and all of us. The Neothink Society is a society of people who know to be kind and loving to themselves. When we are kind and loving to ourselves, we are kind and loving to all others. We know it first starts with us. We know this because we have an exceptional mentor Mark Hamilton who teaches us how to be loving and kind within ourselves.



February 2025