Posts Tagged ‘mentor’

What Mark Hamilton means to me

to Mark Hamilton am happy to talk about multigenerational manuscripts and twelve vision party what mean to my life and my family what MARK HAMILTON learn me love the life. create the value live smart health .safe rich take responsibility for my own life and deeply appreciated life and all this mean self leader.
i discover the illusion of ruling class of lazy ,dishonest ruler and leader. What Mark Hamilton means to me he open my mind i am lucky to meet this man and more glad he became my mentor, he earned my eternal respect.
Y. K

Mr Mark Hamilton you’ve opened my eyes thanks to you I am a different ME

Mr Mark this is Mike Covarrubias this testimony is for my mentor Mark with my most deepest respect. This a great honor to have a mentor like you your kindness the love you share for US is great!!
Mr Mark Hamilton you’ve opened my eyes thanks to you I am a different ME
Mr Mark you are the GREATEST of the greatest I’m whit you even if I’m slow in technology I’m just an old man who believes in your guidance.I deposited my hopes in you Mr. Mark
your prime literature is priceless at list for me.Mr Mark whatever the storm or turbulence maybe!!! let’s walk through it with courage.
let’s see the light of truth in the other side of the STORM YOU Mr Mark you’re are going to give us the greatest GIFT of get rich program in HUMAN HISTORY.
This testimonial was written by a 66 year old NTWARRIOR

I am excited and I am grateful to have you as friend and mentor

Dear Mark, I hope this testimony will be of some help. My greater help will be on a different level. It is invisible but it is strong. My 50.000 hours work for the increase of my abilities will now come into action.
It would be helpful if I could names of persons and institutions and what they are doing against the Secret Society and your personal work. Please, keep me informed about the developments.
I am excited and I am grateful to have you as friend and mentor. (Although my work is especially in the non-material planes of the Universe I do need and appreciate your knowledge about material things, especially making all the money I need for my activities.)
Dear Mark, your call of today started a new chapter of my life. My dear Friend, let us fight together. We will win!!!
Your friend Rupert.

I just want to thank you to Mark Hamilton for everything

I just want to thank you to Mark Hamilton for everything he is doing for this world, for all of us, for our wonderful future. He is fantastic mentor whom care about our happiness, health, wealth and peace. He is our loving father, he is showing us the right direction without any mistake .When we will follow his ideas we will live like in heaven not in this political disaster. I believe this fatal error will end very soon and all people become free and happy. Twelve Visions Party is only the correct way. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
with love Zuzana

Mark Hamilton and his writings have allowed me to free my mind

Mark Hamilton and his writings have allowed me to free my mind and think for myself. Since reading the first book, I have been able to get the inner working begun on several of my own world-changing projects. I could never have the skills or the self confidence to even think about beginning the necessary steps to my own personal freedom if I have not been introduced to such people or ideas. I am very thankful for that and cannot wait until all my works and efforts come to fruition it is definitely time consuming, and coming together slowly, but, much faster than if I had no previous knowledge of how to even begin. Thank you again, I have seen the Neothink world, for years before it was ever painted by Mark Hamilton, and I just cant wait to go “home”! I have pouring myself into so many projects it is unbelievable. I run three businesses on top of raising two children full time, I am their teacher, their friend, their boss and their mentor. It is a lot of work, but very rewarding at the end of the day when I can finally relax and enjoy the fruits of my labor. Thank you again for this opportunity to be a free, and happy, healthy person

Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

My name is Larry D. Barnett and I am the president of a corporation that was inspired by my mentor and directional compass Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. I must begin by telling you as a child I was raised and cemented into the church and that is to say the least. God was always first and foremost and was the reason I had anything or the reason I will ever have anything if you can truly wrap you mind around that. I was truly convinced that there was a higher power called GOD that controlled everything and held us accountable for all the wrong things we consider to be wrong or what we have been taught to believe was wrong. Now to say the least this was one hell of a guilty trip I was on and the constant mental anguish I felt thinking of my judgment day punishment. THEN MY LIFE CHANGED. I RECEIVED MY LITERATURE FROM MARK HAMILTON AND MY LIFE BEGAN FOR THE BETTER. I cannot put into words the change the Neothink Society has made in my life. It has given me a true and pure outlook on life and how it truly should be. LIFE SHOULD BE SUSTAINED AT ALL COST AND NOT PREPARED FOR DEATH AS WE ARE TAUGHT IN THE ANTICIVILIZATION. I truly want to share all of the new insight and enlightenment I receive on a daily basis just by association with the Neothink Society and it beliefs. I will do whatever it takes to assist in the progress of our society and the TVP success. I will not stop until I give my family the opportunity to experience the life they are suppose to live. PEOPLE PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE AND JUST THINK “COULD I HAVE BEEN TRICKED BY SOME BAD PEOPLE FOR ALL THESE YEARS AND NEVER ASKED MY OWN QUESTIONS TO FOUND OUT WHAT REALLY IS”. Please just go inward and ask yourself because this is life and death and our fight is for LIFE!! Don’t let anyone stop you from giving to your family what we all want and that is happiness and a long, long life to enjoy it. I have found that path with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society and I will never turn back I will only push forward in our quest to save our world from destruction at the hands of the anti-civilization. MARK THANK YOU AND I WILL STAND WITH YOU UNTIL THE END AS WE ALL WILL!!!!!!!

Mark Hamilton has always been there for me

Hi Mark: I had just finished a nice facebook visit contact with Rady Agsalud! And I came across your most recent TVP communication.
As I heard your voice, I was deeply touched by the overall content and vibrational force. I immediately was internally reminded that you are indeed my great ETERNAL BROTHER and dearest friend. And that you indeed respect me as your ETERNAL BROTHER!
You are the Prime mentor and have always been there for me! That’s really great Mark!
You have really been a tremendous blessing in my life and thanks to you and Neothink I have the very Positive Position and am completely inspired to move ahead in Life.
I am still anxiously waiting for a position in a possible up coming marketing campaign to recruit new members into NT on a commission pay only basis. Remember that for the year 2007, I was ranked the # 1 recruiter for Freelife on one on one closings on the entire PLANET!
And I can do infinitely better than that for Neothink!
So when you can finally offer me a position, just know that I have been waiting for a very long time for that to happen!
Just always remember that I love you Mark! You are indeed a very wonderful Human Being!
Your Eternal Brother of The Twelve Visions World
Carl L. Maynard Jr.

Once I became a Neothink member I became like a superman…

Dear Mark Hamilton:
Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so deference now, open my own business and became a self-leader been on my own boss and making money i could never made it without your literature and you been my mentor…..
I feel so thankful to you and the great Dr. F. R. W. I feel so lucky to have you is my mentor, my heart in my spirit it is taking a journey of the most greatest historical moment in my life with the Twelve Vision Party.
The Twelve Vision Party is the man kind evolution to everlasting riches, health, happiness and live for thousand of year or fever it is the party of of pure honesty wish everyone will be rich including the poor and poverty will cease to exit .
Once I became a Neothink Society member I became like a superman I could feel and see the future and read people mind and action, I know who could I trust or keep around me……….
I feel so happy and exited on this great journey with The Twelve Vision Party knowing that we going to live in world of love and peace we most act now and save our world, and we most move on with the twelve vision party to take us to the future to the Neothink mentality……
Mark: thank you for been my mentor

Your 3 Neothink installments shouldn’t be secrets

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,
Neothink has pushed me so far on a left and right brain understanding on how the human mind operates. Its without question, If you didn’t come into my life and show me the basics on being a human being, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thank you so much! I don’t live in the past, present, or future. I live in the NOW! This is a universal way of thinking. With this type of mind frame possibilities are endless. I can go on and on talking but my actions are speaking louder than my words. Your 3 Neothink installments shouldn’t be secrets. They should be in class rooms all over the world! You are the answer for love, peace, and prosperity. Again, Thank you for shedding light on my darkness. As a Great mentor said, LET THERE BE LIGHT!
Your apprentice,
Gregg Flagg

Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so different now

Dear Mark Hamilton
Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so different now, open my own business and became a self-leader been on my own boss and making money i could never made it without your literature and you been mentor…..
I feel so thankful to you and the great Dr. Frank R. W. I feel so lucky to have you is my mentor, my heart in my spirit it is taking a journey of the most greatest historical moment in my life with Twelve Vision Party.
The Twelve Vision Party is the man kind evolution to everlasting riches, health, happiness and live for thousand of year or fever it is the party of of pure honesty wish everyone will be rich including the poor and poverty will cease to exit .
Once I became a Neothink member I became like a superman i could feel and see the future and read people mind and action, I know who could i trust or keep around me……….
I feel so happy and exited on this great journey with The Twelve Vision Party knowing that we going to live in world of love and peace we most act now and save our world, and we most move on with the twelve vision party to take us to the future to the neo-think mentality……
Mark Hamilton: thank you for been my mentor

February 2025