Posts Tagged ‘mentality’

Everything is possible …

Everything is possible if we would take on the self-leader mentality that Mark Hamilton teaches us in the Neothink Society. We are devoted to the success of America as it was intended from the beginning to be with one addition and that is the Prime Law amendment.

Everything is possible …

Everything is possible if we would take on the self-leader mentality that Mark Hamilton teaches us in the Neothink Society. We are devoted to the success of America as it was intended from the beginning to be with one addition and that is the Prime Law amendment.

I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 …

I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 and my life has made a 90 degree turn for the better and good health. Since I became a member my life has completely embarked on a journey of joy, prosperity and good health. On this journey of happiness and prosperity with the Neothink Society I have discovered that you can be and do anything that you wish such as health, happiness, wealth, love, compassion for others, and on understanding others.

I have learned through the reading of the literature to see what is and what is not, I have learned to become wiser, I have learned to take full responsibility for myself and my family, and I have learned to be a service to those in need and care for those that are needed. I have learned by reading the literature, that the Neothink Society is the evolution of mankind mentality, it will take the person to have full responsibility for himself and his actions. Once a person study the literature and keep reading the literature, his/her life will never be the same meaning that you will have dynamic health, wealth, success,

I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 …

I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 and my my life has made a 90 degree turn for the better and good health. Since I became a member my life has completely embarked on a journey of joy, prosperity and good health. On this journey of happiness and prosperity with the Neothink Society I have discovered that you can be and do anything that you wish such as health, happiness, wealth, love, compassion for others, and on understanding others.

I have learned through the reading of the literature to see what is and what is not, I have learned to become wiser, I have learned to take full responsibility for myself and my family, and I have learned to be a service to those in need and care for those that are needed. I have learned by reading the literature, that the Neothink Society is the evolution of man kind mentality, it will take the person to have full responsibility for himself and his actions. Once a person study the literature and keep reading the literature, his/her life will never be the same meaning that you will have dynamic health, wealth, success,

I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 …

I am honored to be a Neothink member since 2003 and my my life has made a 90 degree turn for the better and good health. Since I became a member my life has completely embarked on a journey of joy, prosperity and good health. On this journey of happiness and prosperity with the Neothink Society I have discovered that you can be and do anything that you wish such as health, happiness, wealth, love, compassion for others, and on understanding others.

I have learned through the reading of the literature to see what is and what is not, I have learned to become wiser, I have learned to take full responsibility for myself and my family, and I have learned to be a service to those in need and care for those that are needed. I have learned by reading the literature, that the Neothink Society is the evolution of mankind mentality, it will take the person to have full responsibility for himself and his actions. Once a person study the literature and keep reading the literature, his/her life will never be the same meaning that you will have dynamic health, wealth, success,

Neothink Inside Secrets has impacted my life so positively and strongly …

Neothink Inside Secrets has impacted my life so positively and strongly over the past six and a half years of my involvement in ways that I have been blown away by and a mentality that I have made a complete 360 degree change in such as my family life, my financial status and the absolute control over my romantic relationship as well as all other relationships I have in my life. I landed the most perfect job that I ever had in my life besides entering Neothink.

Because of Neothink and Mark Hamilton my mind is way smarter and way more aware of this world and the people in it. I

My name is Daniel s. and i would like to tell you my story

My name is Daniel s. and i would like to tell you my story. Before i was introduced to the Neothink literature and mentality, i was lost. I didn’t know what was wrong with my life. And i felt as if something was missing. I couldn’t find anything for long that would bring me happiness or joy.

I was searching for something. And i often felt like i would never find it. Until one day i received a letter in the mail from Mr. Hamilton. This letter explained how i could be something more then what i am.

Well i was skeptical at first and then decided to get the literature. And let me tell you wasn’t i surprised to learn that i do have power as a person that i can change things in my life. I am discovering things about the world and my self. And i tell you sometimes i get close to tears because i now have what i have been searching for! Mr. Mark Hamilton is a good person and i am glad he found me. For this man has helped me greatly with his Neothink literature.

I hope to meet this man one day and shake his hand. I truly am greatly to this man and his great works.


Thank you bud!


Sincerely Daniel S

For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A …

For anyone looking into Mark Hamilton and Neothink, THIS IS NOT A SCAM!!!

I owe my life to the Neothink literature and the man that wrote them, Mark Hamilton. He has helped me more than any government assistance ever could, for he has taught me how to think. How to become a self-leader and to live the life I was meant to live. I was stuck in a rut of depression and oppression, until my Neothink family found me and gave me the hope to carry on. They showed me that the perfect world I always knew existed could actually be created here on Earth. When I first connected with my new family, I knew I was finally home. Like every other person in this world, I have a dream. Only my dream isn’t lost and forgotten, locked away with the child of my past, it is alive, living and breathing, and growing with every step that I take. A dream is like a flame, it must be fed to stay alive. It is a life force that needs to be cherished and appreciated.

Neothink has shown me how to multiply productivity and how creating value for others is the true root of happiness. Because, when we can view ourselves as a valuable contribution, then when we can accept love from others. Love is why we do what we do. It’s the motivational force that backs us. Awaken your inner child and play at life. I do, every day, and because I have this mentality, I stay forever young. People have even mentioned how young I look, and that I don’t age, because I am in tune with my inner child. If this is but just a taste of the fruits of life, then I intend to live forever.


Jessika T

To give our lives meaning we need our dreams, friends, family, and Mark Hamilton.

To give our lives meaning we need our dreams, friends, family, and Mark Hamilton. At present we are incomplete in our society as individuals without Neothink Inside Secrets. There are many necessary things that complete us as human beings.

First, there is hope. The best dream anyone can have is hope. That need is openly given with Neothink mentality allowing us to be fulfilled

Mark Hamilton, his Twelve Visions Party and his Neothink Society have clearly changed my life

Mark Hamilton, his Twelve Visions Party and his Neothink Society have clearly changed my life. Of this, I am totally sure.
I received my first manuscript in 2007. Since then, I gained confidence in myself as never before, and dared to dream big and to start doing things which I have only dreamt about. Before his touch in my life, I was idle and stagnant. Having lived and going to the most difficult years of my entire life, that are these last three and a half years of my life (since my father got sicker and died), I view hindsight and conclude that without the psychological and life changing support of the Neothink mentality that Mark Hamilton have created for the entire planet, I would have suffered a lot more. Neothink eased some of my troubles and for that I am very grateful to him and to his Neothink Society.
Mark Hamilton´s Neothink offered me the possibility of rescuing me of the mysticism I was following and living like a fanatic. He rescued my mind and that is so far the greatest benefit I have received from him. In doing so, he also rescued my destiny. He put me on my way to a better, happier, fulfilled and successful life. I do want more of life. I want to live with passion. I know I have been tested and that I am being tested, but the readings of the three manuscripts that I have received from Mark Hamilton have sowed in me the seeds of happiness, success and physical inmortal life. I do know that some day I will bring results, great results because of my relation with the Neothink Society.
The Twelve Visions Party is our way out as citizens of the planet to live using our value creations and all of our mind´s potentials, to reach the Civilization of the Universe, from where all knowledge is bestowed upon us.
Forerunners, visionaries, and extremely intelligent people are always put under attack. Einstein quoted that great minds have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. Mark Hamilton is not the exception. I think he is a genius. He is a very capable man, which has prepared himself to become the next President of his country, the United States of America, probably as no other American citizen has done before. I do respect all former and previous American Presidents. I don´t mean to offend anybody with my previous remark. I only add that talking about these matters sometimes gets me very emotional.
Nobody can´t stop the good the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink Society will do for mankind. And Mark Hamilton is the well proven sign that we as human beings will be living a different life as soon as Mark Hamilton takes office and starts implementing his plans. Everything will change for the better thereafter. Of that, I can bet.
My thumbs up for you Mark Hamilton for all the good you have done so far to people like me and for all the coming good you will do for more people, whether they are your fellow American citizens or any foreigner as I am.
Arturo Moreno S

March 2025