Posts Tagged ‘mental processes’

I’ve been reading Mark Hamilton’s literature…

My Name is Yon C. I’m 28, father of twin girls now nearly 2 years old, husband to my remarkable wife, physicist, and seeker. I’ve been reading Mark Hamilton’s literature for about four years. My name got on a list, and Mark Hamilton sent me a letter letting me know about his books. I was cautious. I looked up the organization online. I found some of the books had been made available online, and so I read them there. I was amazed by what I read. Here is an author who has a remarkably refreshing and vibrant voice! When you find something interesting, exciting, and valuable, it’s natural to learn more about it. I wanted to know: “What is the Neothink® Society?” It’s a very good question!
You have perhaps heard the expression, “think for yourself” or “why won’t people just think for themselves” – there is this idea that some people, perhaps, don’t think for themselves. But have you ever met someone who realized he or she DIDN’T think for himself or herself? I never have. We all think that we think for ourselves. And we do! But thinking and analyzing can be complex mental processes of connecting idea to idea – and many of those ideas may perhaps be built on incorrect assumptions. I remember a time, I was sure that the stove was cold; I was wrong and burnt my pinky. We do the best that we can with what know.
So what is the Neothink® Society? What is the literature that Mark Hamilton offers? New ideas! These new ideas gave me a chance to look at some of the old assumptions that I was using to understand the world. They weren’t pushy ideas — just new, clean, exciting perspectives — “what would life be like if you looked at it like this?” Many of the ideas you would probably already agree with! But the REAL FUN came when I found some ideas that CHALLENGED me to look again! That is where the real growth is. To look at a new idea that doesn’t seem to agree with what you’re use to… but at the same time it cuts to the heart of the issue and lays it bare! That is an exhilarating experience, if you’re brave enough to look. I didn’t agree with everything that Mark Hamilton has written, and there are still some things I disagree about, but that does not in any way reduce the value of his writings. Ideas do not need to perfect to be valuable, sometimes we see beyond the perspective that the author had at the time he wrote his ideas. Things and people change, we grow; tomorrow, perhaps we’ll figure out an even more exciting way to describe this process of self-reflection and deepening honesty.
If I had known to check the stove, I wouldn’t have gotten burned. By reading this literature, I’ve had a chance to look again at many ideas that I once thought were true, and I’ve avoided getting burned in other ways since then.
One idea that I particularly love is the feelings we should have for people who are creating values. If a skilled surgeon saved the life of your child, you would always feel a special closeness to that competent physician, I know because both of my daughters need surgeries shortly after they were born. Those doctors saved the lives of my daughters! That special feeling I have for those two surgeons will never leave me. A value creator enriches the lives of others by finding a way to make things better – not just with a ho-hum fair trade – but with really incredible deals! Perhaps, once or twice in your life, you’ve come across a chance to purchase something and you looked at the price and it was TOO LOW – in disbelief you ask the cleric, “IS THIS RIGHT!?!” The owner comes out with a gigantic smile on his face and says, “YES! I can give you that incredible price, because I have worked hard to reduce my costs. Come back when you want more!” That amazing feeling is what value creation is all about. I have that feeling when I go to work! I get to give that experience to everyone that I meet! I am a value creator! I can say that proudly because I have done the hard work to get to where I am today, and I have earned these good feelings! I earn them again nearly every day by the way I interact with my wife and daughters. I earn these good feelings by offering my best to everyone I meet. Yet, at times I still slip at times and end up back in the life I used to live. I’m not perfect, and each day, each moment, those good feelings are right there waiting for me to earn them. I learned this philosophy in the Neothink Society. Reading the literature, I learned simple steps that I could start taking right away to create more and more values for myself, my family, my friends, and everyone that I meet.
It is hard to believe how amazing life can be. It’s even more amazing how big a difference this single idea about the importance of being a value creator has made in my life…just one idea among hundreds from Mark Hamilton that has enriched my life. If you ever get a chance to read something he’s written, give it a fair look, I think you’ll be glad you did.
– Yon


My Name is Yon C.  I’m 28, father of twin girls now nearly 2 years old, husband to my remarkable wife, physicist, and seeker.  I’ve been reading Mark Hamilton’s literature for about four years.  My name got on a list, and Mark Hamilton sent me a letter letting me know about his books.  I was cautious.  I looked up the organization online.  I found some of the books had been made available online, and so I read them there.  I was amazed by what I read.  Here is an author who has a remarkably refreshing and  vibrant voice!  When you find something interesting, exciting, and valuable, it’s natural to learn more about it.  I wanted to know: “What is the Neothink Society?”  It’s a very good question!
You have perhaps heard the expression, “think for yourself” or “why won’t people just think for themselves” – there is this idea that some people, perhaps, don’t think for themselves.  But have you ever met someone who realized he or she DIDN’T think for himself or herself?  I never have.  We all think that we think for ourselves.  And we do!  But thinking and analyzing can be complex mental processes of connecting idea to idea – and many of those ideas may perhaps be built on incorrect assumptions.  I remember a time, I was sure that the stove was cold; I was wrong and burnt my pinky.  We do the best that we can with what know.
So What is the Neothink Society?  What is the literature that Mark Hamilton offers?  New ideas!  These new ideas gave me a chance to look at some of the old assumptions that I was using to understand the world.  They weren’t pushy ideas – just new, clean, exciting perspectives – “what would life be like if you looked at it like this?” – many of the ideas you would probably already agree with!  But the REAL FUN came when I found some ideas that CHALLENGED me to look again!  That is where the real growth is.  To look at a new idea that doesn’t seem to agree with what you’re use to… but at the same time it cuts to the heart of the issue and lays it bare!  That is an exhilerating experience, if you’re brave enough to loo.  I didn’t agree with everything that Mark Hamilton has written, and there are still some things I disagree about, but that does not in any way reduce the value of his writings.  Ideas do not need to perfect to be valuable, sometimes we see beyond the perspective that the author had at the time he wrote his ideas.  Things and people change, we grow; tomorrow, perhaps we’ll figure out an even more exciting way to describe this process of self-reflection and deepening honesty.
If I had known to check the stove, I wouldn’t have gotten burned.  By reading this literature, I’ve had a chance to look again at many ideas that I once thought were true, and I’ve avoided getting burned in other ways since then.
One idea that I particularly love is the feelings we should have for people who are creating values.  If a skilled surgeon saved the life of your child, you would always feel a special closeness to that competent physician, I know because both of my daughters need surgeries shortly after they were born.  Those doctors saved the lives my of daughters!  That special feeling I have for those two surgeons will never leave me.  A value creator enriches the lives of others by finding a way to make things better – not just with a ho-hum fair trade – but with really incredible deals!  Perhaps, once or twice in your life, you’ve come across a chance to purchase something and you looked at the price and it was TOO LOW – in disbelief you ask the cleric, “IS THIS RIGHT!?!” The owner comes out with a gigantic smile on his face and says, “YES!  I can give you that incredible price, because I have worked hard to reduce my costs.  Come back when you want more!”  That amazing feeling is what value creation is all about.  I have that feeling when I go to work!  I get to give that experience to everyone that I meet!  I am a value creator!  I can say that proudly because I have done the hard work to get to where I am today, and I have earned these good feelings!  I earn them again nearly everyday by the way I interact with my wife and daughters.  I earn these good feelings by offering my best to everyone I meet.  Yet, at times I still slip at times and end up back in the life I used to live.  I’m not perfect, and each day, each moment, those good feelings are right there waiting for me to earn them.  I learned this philosophy in the Neothink Society.  Reading the literature, I learned simple steps that I could start taking right away to create more and more values for myself, my family, my friends, and everyone that I meet. 
It is hard to believe how amazing life can be.  It’s even more amazing how big a difference this single idea about the importance of being a value creator has made in my life.  Just one idea among hundreds from Mark Hamilton that has enriched my life.  If you ever get a chance to read something he’s written, give it a fair look, I think you’ll be glad you did.
 – Yon

March 2025