Posts Tagged ‘medical miracles’

Mark Hamilton and Neothink Literature

To The Neothink® Society,
Mark Hamilton has written and put together a work of such value that clearly shows his compassion for each human being on the face of the planet. This literature captures the value that each human life has, and clearly demonstrates how to apply proven techniques to excel in your personal and professional life. This literature demonstrates what illusions and frauds have done to our lives. It shows how dishonesties are created and how to rid you of such behavior. This literature clearly demonstrates how envious people have destroyed some of the greatest creators and scientist of our earthly society.
If each person truly found what they were meant to create for themselves and society, imagine what the impact upon this world would be. This literature shows that human conscience has a value, that each person deserves the same wealth happiness and success. Our founding fathers had that vision when they wrote the constitution, and Mark Hamilton’s literature opens the door that has been closed by Neo cheaters. The Neothink literature stands by itself. Mark Hamilton did not have a divine intervention, or an angelic visit by dead prophets as all religions have. The Neothink literature is critically thinking techniques that are not ideas by imagined voices or new age thinking. The Neothink literature is not a fad, nor a religion.
The Neothink Society will be the necessary mind evolution jump into true human value consciousness, where true value of all members of society thrive, where fair business dynamics create more wealth for the business creators and individuals than for the neocheaters of politics, religion and government. And, where medical miracles will be created to truly stop disease, aging and allow people to be immortal, where breakthroughs and advances will be rewarded to the rightful individual or individuals, rather than envious neocheaters. The Neothink® Society is where religion is no longer a cause for the imagined gods to commit mass murders genocide and terrorist attacks against any country or group or individual. A society where children learn in breakthrough puzzle building techniques, that creates geniuses.
The twelve visions party will be a real choice of value unheard of in our society. The TVP is a value that provides true service to our society and each individual. The TVP will mean that I do not have to choose between the lesser of two evils in an election. For the TVP will put into society what government, politics, religion, have never accomplished. The TVP will give me and my family true value and wealth, and peace that will supersede all the drudgery of the spiral death our society and religion has created. The TVP will replace what has been destroyed.
The success of the TVP, is what is necessary for our society, we do not need another religious or new age intervention or political reform. We do not need more programs and spending that ultimately is a bogus fraud. The future of the world rests upon new and more informed choice of individual freethinking and collaborative breakthroughs that allow true value to be utilized by business and individuals not for the rich and the elite.
The TVP will bridge what government has never accomplished, and that is to provide the services to defend our homeland and the threat of force by any person or group upon any individual or property. The TVP will restore that which has been taken from groups or individuals, by force or coercion.
Silence Mark Hamilton, and you destroy the true value of choice. You will show the world that you disvalue freethinking individuals, and you show the world that you disvalue human consciousness.
You will show the world that you cannot compete on an intellectual diplomatic level; that as Government and politics and religion have always done; it must be destroyed so you can take it for yourselves. You will show the world the nature of your bicamerical mind that has not made any true freethinking decisions; you show your political agenda.
You will show the world that that your biased envy, because you did not think of it yourself. You will show the world that government and politics are the judges, not freethinking individuals. You show the world that it is your reelection fever that fuels your attacks and attempts to silence the TVP.
I want a world and society that protects each and every individual. I want my children to see value in all people. I wish to live in a society where I do not have to reside to the spiral death syndrome that so many of us are disheartened by. I want a world where individuals are constantly creating and applying new advances. I want to see a world that appreciates freethinking and appreciates people by recognizing those accomplishments, not destroying them. I want to see doors that are always open to build creativity in every individual.
The Neothink literature has demonstrated to me what dynamics have been missing in my life. I have come to greater understanding and critical thinking answers through Neothink literature. I have discovered my true value mission in life that can be utilized for the benefit of my family and society. I can see the visionary transformations that will take place through the Twelve Visions Party.
My journey with the Neothink Society began 3 years ago and it has been one of the most educating and profitable journey ever. I want to thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for giving me the opportunity to become a member with this unique society and it has been my privilege to learn and grow within this society. It is refreshing to know that people like Mr. Hamilton are willing to put forth the effort and discipline necessary to bring forth such values as the Neothink Society and the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY. As a member with these organizations, I cannot be grateful enough for Mr. Hamilton’s insights and guidance. I am grateful for the associations – personal and business alike – which would have been impossible if it was not for Mr. Hamilton.
In my opinion, Mr. Hamilton and the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY are the only vehicles that will lead us out of this stagnant and irrational world we all live in today. Dishonest, incompetent politicians MUST be replaced by honest and competent business men and women! The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY is the opposite of today’s political parties that operate on illusions, dishonesty and coercion. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for Mr. Hamilton’s guidance and mentor-ship. With Mr. Hamilton’s help and with the Neothink Society support, I am now on the fast-track to being the person I am meant to be, and living the life I am meant to live.



Mark Hamilton has written and put together a work of such value that clearly shows his compassion for each human being on the face of the planet. This literature captures the value that each human life has, and clearly demonstrates how to apply proven techniques to excel in your personal and professional life. This literature demonstrates what illusions and frauds have done to our lives. It shows how dishonesties are created and how to rid you of such behavior. This literature clearly demonstrates how envious people have destroyed some of the greatest creators and scientist of our earthly society.
If each person truly found what they were meant to create for themselves and society, imagine what the impact upon this world would be. This literature shows that human conscience has a value, that each person deserves the same wealth happiness and success. Our founding fathers had that vision when they wrote the constitution, and Mark Hamilton’s literature opens the door that has been closed by Neo cheaters. The Neothink literature stands by itself. Mark Hamilton did not have a divine intervention, or an angelic visit by dead prophets as all religions have. The Neothink literature is critically thinking techniques that are not ideas by imagined voices or new age thinking. The Neothink literature is not a fad, nor a religion.
The Neothink Society will be the necessary mind evolution jump into true human value consciousness. Where true value of all members of society thrive. Where fair business dynamics create more wealth for the business creators and individuals than for the neocheaters of politics, religion and government. Where medical miracles will be created to truly stop disease, aging and allow people to be immortal. Where breakthroughs and advances will be rewarded to the rightful individual or individuals, rather than envious neocheaters. A society where religion is no longer a cause for the imagined gods to commit mass murders genocide and terrorist attacks against any country or group or individual. A society where children learn in breakthrough puzzle building techniques, that creates geniuses.
The twelve visions party will be a real choice of value unheard of in our society. The TVP is a value that provides true service to our society and each individual. The TVP will mean that I do not have to choose between the lesser of two evils in an election. For the TVP will put into society what government, politics, religion, have never accomplished. The TVP will give me and my family true value and wealth, and peace that will supercede all the drudgery of the spiral death our society and religion has created. The TVP will replace what has been destroyed.
The success of the TVP, is what is necessary for our society, we do not need another religious or new age intervention or political reform. We do not need more programs and spending that ultimately is a bogus fraud. The future of the world rests upon new and more informed choice of individual freethinking and collaborative breakthroughs that allow true value to be utilized by business and individuals not for the rich and the elite.
The TVP will bridge what government has never accomplished, and that is to provide the services to defend our homeland and the threat of force by any person or group upon any individual or property. The TVP will restore that which has been taken from groups or individuals, by force or coercion.
Silence Mark Hamilton, and you destroy the true value of choice. You will show the world that you disvalue freethinking individuals, and you show the world that you disvalue human consciousness.
You will show he world that you cannot compete on an intellectual diplomatic level; that as Government and politics and religion have always done; it must be destroyed so you can take it for yourselves. You will show the world the nature of your bicamerical mind that has not made any true freethinking decisions; you show your political agenda.
You will show the world that that your biased envy, because you did not think of it yourself. You will show the world that government and politics are the judges, not freethinking individuals. You show the world that it is your reelection fever that fuels your attacks and attempts to silence the TVP.
I want a world and society that protects each and every individual. I want my children to see value in all people. I wish to live in a society where I do not have to reside to the spiral death syndrome that so many of us are disheartened by. I want a world where individuals are constantly creating and applying new advances. I want to see a world that appreciates freethinking and appreciates people by recognizing those accomplishments, not destroying them. I want to see doors that are always open to build creativity in every individual.
The Neothink literature has demonstrated to me what dynamics have been missing in my life. I have come to greater understanding and critical thinking answers through Neothink literature. I have discovered what is my true value mission in my life that can be utilized for the benefit of my family and society. I can see the visionary transformations that will take place through the Twelve Visions Party.

My journey with the Neothink Society began 3 years ago and it has been one of the most educating and profitable journies ever.
I want to thank Mr. Mark Hamilton for giving me the opportunity to become a member with this unique society and
 it has been my priviledge to learn and grow within this society.
It is refreshing to know that people like Mr. Hamilton are willing to put forth the effort and discipline necessary to bring forth
such values as the Neothink Society and the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY. As a member with these organizations, I cannot be
grateful enough for Mr. Hamilton’s insights and guidance.
I am grateful for the associations – personal and business alike – which would have been impossible if it was not for Mr. Hamilton.
In my opinion, Mr. Hamilton and the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY are the only vehicles that will lead us out of this stagnant
and irrational world we all live in today.
Dishonest, incompetent politicians MUST be replaced by honest and competent business men and women!
The TWELVE VISIONS PARTY is the opposite of today’s political parties that operate on illusions, dishonesty and coercion.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for Mr. Hamilton’s guidance and mentor-ship.
With Mr. Hamilton’s help and with the Neothink Society support, I am now on the fast-track to being the person I am meant to be,
and living the life i am meant to live.

March 2025