Posts Tagged ‘meaningful life’

read Mark Hamilton literature…

Mark, thank you for everything you know and you do. Thank you for my life. I now know how to pursue a meaningful life, full of happiness and love. This discovery to know that there is more to life than meet the eye is fascinating, beautiful and easy to grab by the man on the street. Your piece of literature is the Light – the light the World had been waiting for. It is here now. Yet. many will see and ignore it, same as was done during Jesus time . To you who want more out from life, read Mark Hamilton literature and discover the power of your mind and stop being a loser. All these comes to through the Neothink Society by Mark Hamilton. Neothink – the new way to think and bring out the power of your mind, that will change your life for good. And you live the life you were meant to live. Now, Mark comes up with the TVP-the “political wing” of the Neothink Society, with the sole objective of implementing the Prime Law-the law that will end all current irrationalities and dishonesties and pave the way for last the Golden Age to come.
Please, Mark, I know your intension of going public with TVP had long been considered, but my worries are that, should you consider the “numbers” at this time and is good, then go ahead with the launch. If not, please give it a second thought. I am saying this because we cannot effort to miss you should something happen to you. This AC is really full of madmen ready to take advantage perhaps of our small number at this time. However, you know best the timing.
My sincere blessings to your efforts.

I can not thank Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society enough
I as many others was searching for a more meaningful life. When The Society found me, my life became uplifted and meaningful. I can not thank Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society enough.
Margaret Levine


My sincere blessings to your efforts


    Mark, thank you for everything you know and you do. Thank you for my life. I now know how to pursue a meaningful life, full of happiness and love. This discovery to know that there is more to life than meet the eye is fascinating, beautiful and easy to grab by the man on the street.    Your piece of literature is the Light – the light the World had been waiting for. It is here now. Yet. many will see and ignore it, same as was done during Jesus time . To you who want more out from life, read Mark H. literature and discover the power of your mind and stop being a loser. All these comes to through the Neothink Society by Mark Hamilton. Neothink – the new way to think and bring out the power of your mind, that will change your life for good. And you live the life you were meant to live.                                                                                          Now, Mark comes up with the TVP-the “political wing” of the Neothink Society, with the sole objective of implementing the Prime Law-the law that will end all current irrationalities and dishonesties and pave the way for last the Golden Age to come.                                                                                       Please, Mark, I know your intension of going public with TVP had long been considered, but my worries are that, should you consider the “numbers” at this time and is good, then go ahead with the launch. If not, please give it a second thought. I am saying this because we cannot effort to miss you should something happen to you. This AC is really full of madmen ready to take advantage perhaps of our small number at this time. However, you know best the timing.                                                                                                                              My sincere blessings to your efforts.

Thank You Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton, I have nothing but praise for his work, his efforts his vision and dedication to helping mankind makes the leap into Neothink Consciousness. It has been a perioulous journey for me to be able to detach from bicameral and mystic fragments that tend to be buried in our psych.  Mark Hamilton has placed great emphasis in his work that encourages self leadership and value creation for self and others.

The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. This is the foundation for the Twelve Visions Party. The prime law associated with TVP guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.

Looking back on the world and over 2000 years  and more of it evolutionary stages, we would have to be mentally, physically and spiritually blind to not see our past contribution and its inevitable  headwinds moving towards a catastrophic  apex  which will initiate profound change.   These changes are not desirous for many. Therefore, we must awake to a new concept to save ourselves, the world and the universe.

I am proud to be a member of Neothink.  I am proud to be linked to a phenomenal being such as Mark Hamilton. I have encountered nothing but honesty and genuine concern in his effort to help mankind to utilize this planet earth as a means of fair competition and business concepts that will allow man to have a meaningful life.

Thank You Mark Hamilton, Thank you Neothink Members, Thank you Chicago A- Team I thank myself for drawing such a beautiful concept into being.

Bonnie T

TVP is our only way to live Happily & Peacefully !!!

Mark Hamilton is one of the most honest, loving, life lifting & wonderful individuals living on this planet.
This man stands for fully integrated honesty!!! His multi-generational manuscripts changed my life. It awakened me from a deep sleep and guiding me toward
the life I was meant to live and forgotten about.
His writings can do the same for anyone!!! It’s a priceless value to experience a more meaningful life, the most meaningful life!
The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is the only way to reach a real paradise on earth and end the current confusing, upside down, stagnation filled, painful life most people live.
The Neothink Society is a unique place where one has the chance of meeting people whom they can connect with on the deepest of levels! Everyone should come and try to
experience it for themselves!

If anyone tries to block or stop the movement and success of TVP and the Neothink Society it must be based upon lies and illusions. We should always stop and ask ourselves “Ok, that’s what he says but what is the benefit and intention behind it? What does such a parasite gains and what do all the people really receive?
If TVP doesn’t succeed it’s simply Good Night and Goodbye!!! I personally don’t even want to consider or think about what would happen in that case!!!

Long live Mark Hamilton, TVP and the Neothink Society!

Happiness, Peace, Health, Wealth, Love and Prosperity awaits all of us once the TVP succeeds in its mission!



March 2025