Posts Tagged ‘meaning of life’

Have you ever asked yourself this question; what is the true meaning of life here on earth?

Have you ever asked yourself this question; what is the true meaning of life here on earth?

When you watch the news media political pseudo-science rhetoric…

When you watch the news media political pseudo-science rhetoric (b.s.),… have you caught yourself saying “yeah right”, like in total denial to what was said…knowing without a doubt that it was not a statement of truthful fact. In fact, it was a out in out lie, or twisted truth for the benefit of the speaker involved?

My children showed me from the beginning how it all begins. Questions, what does that say?, what does that mean? We are all inquisitive. We instinctively want to know about everything. Mark Hamilton’s, Neothink Inside Secrets literature means to me I didn’t miss the boat after all..The truth is still, there and available.

If we go around the media and governments, we CAN know what we are here for. We don’t have to reach our 50’s and go, that’s it? No, we can learn more, as long as we listen to our instincts and never fall into the media/government ruling on what you should think and believe in. We can find the meaning of life, anytime.

Since I have read Mark Hamilton’s books…

My name is Andrea, I am from Iowa.
I want to thank to Neothink for opening my eyes to a new knowledge and a new meaning of life.
Since I have read Mark Hamilton’s books and other publications from the society my life have changed remarkably for the good.
I respect myself more, I respect others more, I have more hope for the future of this world.
Changes are feared but sometimes are necessary. Our founding fathers were probably cataloged as crazy or evil… but look what they have accomplished.
We, the Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party members, are going to be labeled as crazy and evil too,… very soon.
But let me tell you, from the bottom of my heart, that the changes that are coming are necessary and they are going to take place. These changes are going to bless humanity…
This final line is for you,… the reader of this testimony:
You will enjoy the results of those changes too and you, just like me, will feel grateful for them.
Receive my love,
Andrea (Iowa)

Neothink Society means the world to me because …


Neothink Society means the world to me because it changed my whole life around in my thinking process, Business, Life, People , Success and the true meaning of life literally. Before Neothink and the help of my Mentor Mark Hamilton I was a trouble child lost in this world at that time of no meaning, full of lies, dishonesty and no way out of poverty itself but a thought and a feeling for a better life. Twelve Visions Party can do the same for anyone in every ways of life. After I discovered Neothink  I became a Genius in Business / Art and thru Neothink  I discovered the true meaning of life with happiness, knowledge and ideas of how to help change this world.


Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly…


Hello Mark,

Below please find my response in regards to what Neothink has done for me:

1. Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly in the real meaning of life for me.  Together with power-thinking, I’m able to snap together puzzle pieces immediately.

2. It has affirmed the eternal honesty state of being in my future development with a clear plan of action.  With this plan, I will move forward in the never ending journey of my life, as a self-leader.

3. Neothink has measured and made known to me my progress in all phases of life. By honesty integrations of reality into my time and space, values are created, I’m able to take control of my environment and conditions thereof, where by creating time for all our future.   

Otto Beasley

Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me

Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me. Thru this society it has helped me become a better person in the areas of people, business and the world around us. Before Neothink I was a troubled child, I never knew the meaning of life or if there was a purpose in it. The TVP means a lot to me and soon society as a whole.
It will help one change the process of his/her mind and action modes as well. We all need TVP to help people and society all together. My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man and a good man  and no one should or could say slanderous things about him or our society. He has helped me become a better woman and a business woman instead of becoming trash for the world to see. Because of
our society I am a classier woman and because my Mentor.


My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man


Neothink Society is a wonderful society for me. Through this society it has helped me become a better person in the areas of people, business and the world around us. Before Neothink I was a troubled child who never knew the meaning of life or if there was a purpose in it. The TVP means a lot to me and soon society as a whole.
It will help one change the process of his/her mind and action modes as well. We all need TVP to help people and society all together. My Mentor Mark Hamilton is an intelligent man and a good man and no one should or could say slanderous things about him or our society. He has helped me become a better woman and a business woman instead of becoming trash for the world to see. Because of
our society I am a classier woman and because my Mentor.


March 2025