Posts Tagged ‘matter of fact’

What people should realize is only one thing…

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
What can I say? I truly and honestly don’t know where to start in trying to describe what Neothink has done around. But I don know one thing: it is no exaggeration to say that your material has literally changed my life in a matter of days. And I’m exhilarated in guessing where I’ll go from here. The sky isn’t even the limit now, I swear it.
What people should realize is only one thing: you have Neothink in you! We all do! We were meant to have it as human beings! The problem is only a few have been able to capitalize on it and use it to live a HAPPIER, MORE ROMANTIC, AND WEALTHIER LIFE!!!
The role of Mark Hamilton and his father’s is simple: to wake you up! To bring to light problems—and solutions to them—that have been holding you down without you ever knowing what hit you.
What is Neothink?
Since I cannot resurrect William Shakespeare—as only he can find the right words to describe the humanity and sweetness of Neothink, I’ll keep it clear and simple:
This material is the most logical, rational, but, to my surprise, even MOST ETHICAL piece of work I’ve ever not just personally read, but even heard of. The Bible, with its hidden destructiveness, does not hold a candle to these books. Matter of fact, in comparison, the Bible, Quran, etc. seem downright childish and silly and quite insignificant.
Finally, as I could never stop writing about Neothink, let me say this last thing:
If you’re interested in finally waking up to the real world (though to many it’ll seem like an entire new world/life altogether), support this man and his work.
If you’re interested in knowing how to honestly deal with people (friends, coworkers, bosses, siblings, your partner, your children, etc.) in a way that is healthy and not destructive to either party, support and read these books.
If you want to know why you’re not making the kind of money you’d like to make, read these books and support this man.
If you want to see thru the endless illusions of life and people (politicians, scheme artists, etc.) thrown at you and ingrained in your brain, read these books and support this man.
And on and on and on and on…………………………..

To Mark Hamilton

Hello.  I didn’t send out my testimonial because I have a difficult time expressing, in a good structure.  For 30 years I have had a great time with the puzzle of my life … I’ve studied everything and attended anything where I could learn something.  I was probably 11 years old when I discovered that Religion was about ‘man made laws.’  I had attended my friends churches in a very small town in Texas and actually came up with that knowing .. and here it is … Your manuscripts confirmed what I knew at a young age … something I never/couldn’t repeat to anyone.  As a matter of fact, I found the manuscripts to be so profound that I would say “What the heck is this I’m reading?”  I had a hard time getting past the idea (in the beginning) when, I believed that maybe it was about being an atheist.  I just couldn’t put it down … and then, at some point, I reconnected and would have this eternal excitement.

I am not at the point that I want to be financially, I’d lost everything in the early 90’s recession and am now 65 and have an apt. attached to my son’s home.  However, I’ve had many wins.

Is there anyone there who could help me out if I put something together?  I have a file called “This is Me” … It shows that I had come from a very oppressed person to becoming an independent thinker.  Actually, I’ve had such a wonderful journey and I’d thought that maybe at some point I would have someone help write my book.

I found books of truth when I became involved in the society.  In fact, I’d missed out on more of it because of the job I had which kept me away from the opportunity to be near a computer.  I am at a point where I need to meet society members and get more involved.

I have bunches of words to say, I just don’t know the structure.  I need help and I’d be happy to give you a testimonial.

It IS what we need to survive!


I NEED Neothink!!! YOU need Neothink!!! THE WORLD NEEDS NEOTHINK!!!

I came from a place of darkness, within state of confusion, and surrounded by negative energy. I was basically dying slowly inside and the ripe age of 30 years old. My life needed change and I did not know how to go about it. When I first fixed my eyes on reading Mark Hamiltons’ literature, I knew it would spark a change in my life. Since then I became a better mother to my children. I became more productive at work and a greater asset to my employer…literally earning my paycheck. I became more honest with myself and everyone around me. I became more aware of my surroundings and could clearly see how what I do/think literally affects others’ lives. I quit smoking “cold turkey”. My skin cleared up and my body became more shapely. Everyone in my life noticed the positive changes right away. Because we are all creatures of habit; I did stray from what I learned in the heirloom packages and when I did… thoughts and actions once again resorted back to that negative place. I would fall into a state of confusion and my life would get increasingly difficult by the day. I even picked up smoking again. However with Mark Hamiltons’ literature in my possession, I am now and forever will be…well equipped with the tools to overcome any addiction or harmful habits I have accrued over the years in my dying state. I know now more than ever I will never stray again. The Neothink package speaks truth because it comes from a place of complete honesty. I NEED Neothink!!! YOU need Neothink!!! THE WORLD NEEDS NEOTHINK!!! I physically feel empowered when reading Mark Hamiltons’ words, and without a doubt you will too. I DARE you, matter of fact I BEG of you to read it.

March 2025